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A second, totally unrelated, thought experimentSubmitted by Prometheus 6 on April 9, 2005 - 12:40pm.
on Race and Identity Consider: if one were bound and determined to make sure whiet people remained primarily in the highest socioeconomic position and were in a position to act effectively toward that end, what steps should one take? But that's not the question, Mark. I realize I'll ultimately have to explain the point of the questions... To answer your initial question, P6: The main "threat" is from non-white nations, and if the leadership of the USA were definitely committed to enduring white power (above all), then it would seek to obtain control over energy supplies. Next, in order to retain white power within the USA: I think this would require a segregated society, in order to ensure that whites remained "pure", or did not become any less so; then, a a meritocracy so that competitive forces remained within the white community, with orderly outsourcing to black businesses--i.e., what prevailed in the 1920's-1960's. Please note I have attempted to answer your initial question as an analytical optimization problem. The anonymous commentor is, IMO, correct to observe that the leadership has mixed motives, and in reality is unlikely to do this; whites do not have extraordinary racial cohesion, and many find racialist goals repulsive. Also, I deliberately neglected the possiblity of an Afrikaaner system of white-power socialism plus genetic enhancements of white babies. Why? Just--it's too far fetched, too arbitrary. I think you understand; your hypothetical requires some constraints to remain interesting.
That's what I hoped for. There's no point is fearing that which isn't possible. The tin hat comes out when you insert an architect into the scheme, right? But then, indications of liminal design are all around. Take for example, drug sentencing disparities, and the rise of the prison industrial complex. Were the laws that gave rise to each, the work of political/legislative architects? If so, what were the motives of those who crafted, enacted, and enforced a system which has caused such obvious, tremendous disparate damage to black communities, confered HUGE benefits in terms of employment for essentially non-productive white workers, and all without making any dent whatsoever in the flow of coca derivatives to a predominently white consumer base? I digress..., Control of mass media would be an empirical imperative. Scientific understanding of social control would comprise the underlying theoretical imperative. Centralized white control of mass media is a fact, as is scientific understanding of social control, hmmm....,
Since this has proven shockingly effective..., Social Anatomy of Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Violence in conjunction with the war on black men, oops, I mean drugs.., to produce the effect of shattering black communities and preventing insurgent competitive economic viability..., "Our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that African Americans are segregated by neighborhoods and thus differentially exposed to key risk and protective factors, an essential ingredient to understanding the black-white disparity in violence. The race-related neighborhood features predicting violence are percent professional/managerial workers, moral/legal cynicism, and the concentration of immigration. We found no systematic evidence that neighborhood- or individual-level predictors of violence interacted with race/ethnicity. The relationships we observed thus appeared to be generally robust across racial/ethnic groups. We also found no significant racial or ethnic disparities in trajectories of change in violence." Humans have evolved two fundamental syndromes of survival, guardian and commerce. Guardian and commerce are fundamentally different. The guardian is slow, it?s serious; it cares about group welfare. It reserves the right to kill. It will go to war if you threaten it. It reserves the right to be duplicitous, and it shuns commerce. Commerce, on the other hand, is quick, effective, highly creative, and it's honest - because you can't do business with somebody for very long unless you're honest. When you get the two together, you get a hybrid. From our perspective, if you get commerce into the guardian, you corrupt it. If you get the guardian into commerce, you slow it down. As a social collective, Blacks in America have completely surrendered the guardian syndrome and have consequently been productized by and in the pursuit of commerce. Because commerce knows no boundaries and eschews the guardian - the one-sided process driven by commerce has spiralled out of control causing ever increasing damage to the black social collective. Unless black managerial and professional workers move back into the hood in droves, and, reinstall a stabilizing guardian syndrome within our social collective that provides moral, legal, educational and commercial impetus for the whole - the hood is for all intents and purposes, a collective lost cause incapable of bootstrapping itself out of its present plight.
That's not going to happen. You know why it's not going to happen too, which is because these people aren't driven by being black, they're driven by obtaining a good life for themselves and their families. You know, just like me. The notion that race conveys responsibility is utterly bogus. Does anyone think I should move to a low rent trailer park to improve life for low income whites? To answer your question P6, - Amass more control over commerce and business entities through consolidation and acquisition, putting opportunities for economic gain and advancement at the discretion of fewer individuals - Exploit an inherent sense of racial inferiority and oppression, by measuring success solely by one's attainment of material wealth - Censor the reality that success is better achieved thru hard work and education, and replace it with saturated images that glorify wealth and fame requiring no such sacrifices
Are you your brother's keeper? CNulan--That's an awesome paper you found! Utterly... compelling, relevant, terrifying,... Good God almighty! As much as I've benefitted from the rigor of your commentary James, I'm glad to have to have held up my end of the discussion even just a little bit. My thesis is very simple. *Blackness* was a very special form of interpersonal communion arising from the unique social ostracism of American apartheid. Most of what I express here, and elsewhere, will in some manner, form, or fashion, center on and seek to further that core thesis. It's fairly simple. You establish a property tax based system of school districts. Given existing economic disparities, this encourages further residential stratification, and leads to deeper district-level gaps, which result in poorly educated poor students. About half will drop out of high school, struggle to compete, and continue the downward spiral. I think a technologists' term for this kind of thing is a feedback loop. In non-technical terms it is called the United States Education policy. Beyond maintaing the system that put 'em there in the first place? Hmmm... I'm not sure I understand the sets you've defined. Am I making sure that the "upper class" stays white? Or that whites as a group hold an economic advantage over all other races? Either way, here goes: --Lower the barriers to all forms of private ownership: homes, businesses, investments. |
Hi Prom
What benefit would I reap as a white person by taking actions that ensure my racial group remained socially dominant but benefit me personally not all or perhaps even harm my immediate interests ?
Screw the rest of these palefaces, I want mine ;o)