I need someone with a subscription to The Chronicle of Higher Education

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on April 25, 2005 - 6:06am.
on |

In the Today's News section of their web site, which is only accessible to subscribers, is this:

In response to hate mail, college temporarily moves minority students off campus

That's some shit I want to read.

LATER: Details here, courtesy of EG in the comments.

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Submitted by tvd (not verified) on April 25, 2005 - 11:13am.
Some of the right wing blogs "wouldn't be surprised" if this was a black person trying to stir up racial tension.
Submitted by EG on April 25, 2005 - 11:22am.

Don't have an account (and I know I saw this in either the Washington Post or NYT) but here's a link to the local TV station that aired something about it:



Submitted by ptcruiser on April 26, 2005 - 1:51pm.
I heard the news a few minutes ago that a black female student has confessed to having written the letters. The reason she did it, according to the news report, was that she was homesick and thought if her parents could be persuaded that she was in an unsafe environment that they would take her home. Well, it looks as if she'll be getting her wish. I will not condone her behavior but I am extremely sympathetic to young people in college who feel that their family's decision about where they should attend college was a mistake. When I was 20 my father's best friend's oldest child, who was 18, had planned to attend UC Berkeley but his mother, who is a good person, insisted that he attend a small liberal arts college out of state. He became so despondent that he committed suicide by jumping off of a bridge in the town where he was attending school. He was such a talented kid and everyone was just wasted by his loss. This young lady and her family need serious therapy and she needs to apologize to the school community.
Submitted by Prometheus 6 on April 26, 2005 - 3:13pm.

There it is.

She didn't do anyone any favors.