You mean fucking people up ISN'T the best way to get information?

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on September 7, 2004 - 3:01am.

I don't believe it.

Quote of note:

Ironically, military and US government reports documenting the causes of the Abu Ghraib abuses assert that Miller urged tougher interrogation techniques be used in Iraq last year.

The Pentagon sent Miller to inspect interrogation procedures last summer, and he recommended using the same techniques on prisoners in Iraq that were employed on Al Qaeda and Taliban prisoners at Guantanamo. Miller's intent was to boost the quality of intelligence needed to halt the growing anti-US insurgency. His recommendations were approved by former US land forces commander Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez.

Investigators found that the November abuses documented in dozens of photos at Abu Ghraib may have been encouraged by the more coercive interrogations.


Gentler interrogation is working, US says
By Jim Krane, Associated Press | September 7, 2004

BAGHDAD -- The US military is reaping more high-quality intelligence tips from Iraqi prisoners than ever, since it jettisoned several coercive interrogation techniques after the Iraqi prisoner abuse scandal in May, the American general in charge of Iraqi prisons said yesterday.

The number of tips on insurgent operations or on the structure and financing of anti-US guerrilla bands has increased 50 percent since January, Army Major General Geoffrey Miller said in a briefing with reporters.

It is unclear what effect the intelligence has had on the insurgency. Between July and August, when Miller cited an increase in actionable tips from 200 to 325, rebel ambushes on US forces grew 70 percent, from 1,600 to 2,700, according to US military figures. Those attacks do not include sustained battles, such as the three weeks of fighting in Najaf last month.

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Submitted by James R MacLean on September 7, 2004 - 3:39pm.

Things to mull over...

I suspect the reduced concentration of troops, combined with de facto session of al-Anbar province to Sunni rebels, have increased other dependent variables for guerilla attacks. I feared this would happen; withdrawal of US troops would merely embolden insurgents, increasing attacks on the ones who remain.

In the meantime, the well has definitely been poisoned.

Submitted by Simbaud on September 8, 2004 - 12:37am.

Our good friend Gen. Miller is a miracle worker: just ask him. First he increases the flow of high-value intelligence sixfold by instituting torture. Then he achieves a 50% increase in the flow of high-value intelligence by abolishing torture.

He must have the magic touch. Whatever he does, his high-value intelligence numbers shoot right through the roof.