American Intrapolitics: I am prepared to split the difference

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on July 8, 2006 - 7:55am.
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I disagree with Ms. Yourish's politics. I do not equate Israel with Judaism. I feel entirely capable of criticizing the actions of the nation of Israel without attacking "duh Joos."

I TOTALLY understand her position on anti-Israel comments on her site. TOTALLY understand Zionists needing that secure place where they can speak and act exclusively for their own interests.

This is a Zionist blog: End of discussion
Posted on July 5th, 2006 at 3:30 pm by Meryl Yourish.

I was not kidding when I declared this blog to be a No Israel-Bashing Zone. I can read that garbage in any mainstream media publication. I can read anti-Israel reporting on the BBC website, or in the Guardian, or Reuters, or the AP. I can watch it on any given news program. And I can read it on any unmoderated blog that has a discussion that mentions Israel or Jews, on any topic.

You know what? That’s not this blog. If you want to rag on Israel, go somewhere else. If you want to sympathize with the poor, poor, pitiful pals, go somewhere else. If you want to bash the one nation in the Middle East where it is not illegal to be homosexual, where “honor” killings are not winked at, where women can work, vote, and run for office, where you can worship as you please, and where the government changes regularly without a single shot being fired—GO. SOMEWHERE. ELSE.

Think thats make this blog an echo chamber? Ask me if I care. My blog, my space, my dime, my rules. I did not ask for your opinions, Mr. and Ms. Israel-hater, I do not want them, I will not publish them. If your comment gets through my moderation queue, I will delete it. That means your trackbacks, too. Once again, my blog, my space, my dime, my rules.

Go somewhere else. This is a no Israel-bashing zone for a reason: So I and my readers don’t have to be subjected to the Israel-hating, Jew-hating garbage that we see everywhere else.

Not here.




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