What is Black folks' most pressing need?

Insure the survival of the Black race and culture
14% (12 votes)
Develop or recover our heritage
5% (4 votes)
Develop or increase control of our lives
41% (36 votes)
Improve or coordinate our interaction with other ethnic groups
11% (10 votes)
Become as independant as possible from others
18% (16 votes)
Other (consider leaving a comment)
11% (10 votes)
Total votes: 88

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Submitted by Nmaginate on April 3, 2006 - 10:28pm.
I think the CONTROL [OVER] OUR LIVES handles most everything on the list...
Submitted by ruminations of a racial realist (not verified) on April 3, 2006 - 10:58pm.

I think becoming as independent as possible from others is linked to taking control of our lives.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on April 4, 2006 - 9:01am.

I should make the point there's no way for me to find out how any person votes here...I can only get at the totals.

This was a tough list of questions to create. I had to suck out any hint of politics because you can take any one of them, view them through partisan lens (be it political, economic or class partisanship) and come up with conflicting techniques, even given the same intent. And lots of folk have forgotten the intent beneath the techniques they have committed to.

Submitted by cnulan on April 4, 2006 - 10:51am.
In a declining net energy context, becoming as independant from others as possible assures you of the prospect that others will come to your for your trade goods.  Parasitic consumerist dependance on anyone else is a deathsentence in that context. 

Intentional community is now de rigeur since we're no longer unitary communities by default - as we once were under Depression era Jim Crow.  We have to be unitary by choice and effort.  Choice and effort is not focused on an intangible ideological notion of identity.  Taht is insufficient to produce durable cohesion. Rather, cohesion arises from a focus on tangible projects and deliverables, and oh by the way, we exercise simple rational self-interest in how we recruit and organize around those projects and deliverables. 
Submitted by keto on April 4, 2006 - 6:40pm.
Increase power and wealth of aggragate Africans and members of  African diaspora.
Submitted by Temple3 on April 5, 2006 - 1:52pm.

I believe that economic freedom, physical safety and spiritual/cultural continuity requires discipline. I selected "Develop or Increase Control Over Our Lives." I chose this option because self-control is the cornerstone of these three imperatives. In the case of economic freedom, it is paramount that those who self-identify as Black make financial decisions that lead to this particular end. I wouldn't presume to micromanage or prescribe what specific actions one should take, but as a simple matter, assets should exceed liabilities. To the extent that the opposite condition obtains, one must own up, fess up as a net debtor. The goal is to have net creditors - someone who sells or trades on favorable terms (for purposes of this convo).

The same fundamentals apply to safety and cultural continuity. Self-control can look many different ways, but it doesn't look like overindulgence, tireless concessions to convenience or recurring sell-outs (literally) to the lowest bidder.

It reminds me of a single friend who says he never buys drinks for women at the bar. Playa that he perceives himself to be, he doesn't have to. After all, it's not as though women go out to find men to buy them drinks. Buying a drink is a proxy - and a very poor one at that. Some folks don't actually need a proxy as expensive as a $10 drink...some folks don't even want the genuine article...they merely wants the trappings of the genuine article - proximity will do; a smile will suffice; a firm grip on the hips will do. When this generation looks back on the negotiated settlements between it's artists and their multi-national distributors, we will see clearly that the artists did not want a drink. They didn't even want proximity. They received an occasional smile, occasionally - but they were often grabbed about the hips and manipulated in unkind ways. Often precisely because they lacked self-control - put themselves in harm's way; failed to heed the lessons of their ancestors; and so it goes.

This is a nation where everything is for sale and we seldom WAIT to find the lowest bid. And so, like that fake-ass playa at the bar who runs up to the bar talkin' bout, "Hi, what'll you have?" without WAITING to hear the lowest bid (could it just be a kind conversation and some authenticity), we are deep in our pockets purchasing licker - I mean liquor.
Submitted by Prometheus 6 on April 5, 2006 - 2:02pm.
I like that T3.
Submitted by Temple3 on April 5, 2006 - 9:49pm.
Submitted by Temple3 on April 6, 2006 - 7:49am.
By the way, I set up a shop over here.
Submitted by Prometheus 6 on April 6, 2006 - 8:21am.
That picture in the corner doesn't do you justice. 

Submitted by Temple3 on April 6, 2006 - 9:21am.

You're a riot. It may not do me justice, but it does me just fine.
Submitted by OneBlackMan on April 13, 2006 - 4:53am.
Cash.  Wealth.

Keep your eye on the ball.  If a generation happens, no matter how it happens, that Blacks are as wealthy as whites then Blacks will stay as wealthy as whites.

Making progress towards getting there is a combination of wealth-focused politics to increase the amount of opportunity black people have in general and individual discipline to squeeze as much wealth as possible out of the opportunities we get.

Because the US is such a disproportionate part of the global economy and because the global wealth disparity is even worse than the domestic wealth disparity, I think African Americans have natural allies outside of the US in the struggle to de-racialize wealth, i.e. end the situation where most of the world's wealth is owned by White people.  So there may be help to be had internationally.

I think progress can be measured by the ratio of average wealth, and if we see it moving in the right direction, keep doing whatever we think is moving it.  If we see it moving in the wrong direction seriously think about changing strategies to something else.
Submitted by Temple3 on April 15, 2006 - 9:24pm.

I don't think we have allies, per se, but there are folks who share similar interests. I believe the wealth disparities will close in the distant future, but we, as a people, are not next up to bat. Global dominance is cyclical and its unitary - one at a time atop the totem pole...and white folks may be on the way down, but we're not on the way up. We can and will do better with their demise, but it does not suggest a place of preeminence until some very fundamental things change. By the way, cash and wealth are not the same thing - not even remotely...that's another conversation. The basis of wealth is agreement...what agreements can you create or cause to be created...Cash is secondary (and dollars are a declining value asset - backed by nothing more than agreement); hence, agreements forged without the actual use of a declining value asset are superior. This could be a great discussion topic - we'll see if folks want to pick it up.
Submitted by Prometheus 6 on April 16, 2006 - 11:58am.

Cash is secondary (and dollars are a declining value asset - backed by nothing more than agreement); hence, agreements forged without the actual use of a declining value asset are superior.

I don't know if that's possible for a couple more decades.

Cash is objective trust...as you said, backed by an agreement, and I suspect (given the other things we've agreed on) it may be the only thing we really believe in. That sounds hella more cynical about it than I actually am, but I can't think of another phrasing right now.

Submitted by Temple3 on April 17, 2006 - 7:16am.

Cash is not objective trust.  It's not objective in the sense that prices are not controlled by factors external to most individuals.  I would argue that since the US govt has the power to print money, set monetary policy, ensure that dollars remain the international reserve currency, tax citizens, and subsidize corporations, the value of cash (take the case of declining consumer purchasing power) is specific, political and contextual.  I don't believe it is objective - especially after the US vaulted away from the gold standard.  That's macro...and at the micro level, it comes to the fact that poor folks are working more and spending more on basic necessities - and receiving declining value in each transaction. 

The agreements of which I speak are current and ongoing.  In principal, I mean transactions and leveraged agreements where your personal fortune is NOT at stake.  Rather, your ingenuity, guile and moxy allow you to create lucrative agreements or generate revenue streams that are of increasing value).  It may too subtle a point for this conversation - I don't know that there is a substantive dispute, but I believe that the nature of true wealth lies in agreements (especially those where transactions are simply done with paper - not cash)...

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on April 17, 2006 - 9:29am.

I don't know that there is a substantive dispute, but I believe that the nature of true wealth lies in agreements (especially those where transactions are simply done with paper - not cash)...

Yeah. Maybe "tactile trust" is better than "objective trust."

The whole purpose of an economy is to give folks the confidence to do something other than acquire food, secure in the assumption that doing so will get them food.

So if it's too subtle, what would it take to bring us up to speed?

Submitted by Temple3 on April 17, 2006 - 3:38pm.

Bring you up to speed?  I better get myself up to speed.  LOL.

If an economy begins at the first point of trade (work on some non-consumption activity in exchange (trade) for food), then I would argue that the key for us, as a collective, is certainly not cash - it's the cultivation of tradeable agreements for essentials (sometimes cash, sometimes rights, sometimes concessions, sometimes privileges, sometimes work, sometimes something else).  At this juncture, there are two missing pieces:

1) control over "our" tradeable agreements (I'll sing for you if...; I'll play for you if...) no coordinated black collective controls a critical mass of these agreements...as a result, there is no leveraging of these agreements to serve the interests...typically folks who can create these agreements only hold out for CASH - a declining value asset...it's a lot easier to get a "fat contract" than it is to insist on the right to your likeness or to demand payment as a corporate vendor/contractor vs. as a taxable employee. 

2) a mechanism for aggregating and leveraging the value of agreements to generate, attract, and seize external assets...the US dollar, no longer pegged to gold retains it's standing as the world's reserve currency precisely because nation's around the world are unable to purchase oil in non-dollar denominated currencies.  it seems to me that it would be uniquely beneficial for us/we to develop/use a non-dollar denominated currency to trade our tradeable agreements...

*are these black dollars? not exactly.  i don't think the point is to have a currency used exclusively or even primarily by black folk - i think that's kinda silly and defeats the point of having a currency.  the point would be to have the currency widely circulated (though not too widely) and serve as the sole medium of exchange for those agreements that only black folk bring to the world...there are certain commodifiable elements of excellence that are distinctly black - and setting prices for those things could be interesting.

I could be off my rocker with this, but I thinking out loud - cyberloud.  Rescue me if I'm wrong.  Holla back.  I plan on exploring this more over here...I want to see where it goes.

Submitted by cnulan on April 17, 2006 - 10:05pm.

 a black bourse denominated in  bolivars......, 

Submitted by Temple3 on April 17, 2006 - 10:09pm.

I've had the pleasure of spending a few bolivars in my day. A capital idea, brougham, a capital idea.
Submitted by Temple3 on April 17, 2006 - 10:10pm.

I can see clearly now, the rain is gone. I guess you could use bolivars to buy gas at your local Citgo.
Submitted by Prometheus 6 on April 17, 2006 - 10:47pm.

If an economy begins at the first point of trade

The problem, of course, is we're deep in it.

My real question is, what problem does all this solve?

Submitted by cnulan on April 18, 2006 - 8:40am.

It's all about relationship (interpersonal communion) now brah.  The dollar has been on the black  gold standard for over half a century.  This physiocratic fact makes Hugo Chavez a pharaonically powerful black man, whose like has not been seen or felt for millenia. 

"high oil prices have attracted top companies to Venezuela's heavy oil, which could boost the country's reserves count to the largest in the world - ahead of Saudi Arabia.

"Chávez is in the driver's seat because he has what everybody wants," says Roger Tissot, energy analyst at PFC Energy consulting firm, about Venezuela's heavy oil. "It's not any kind of oil. It's the oil of the future."

But more forced contract changes could further increase investor fear and make it more difficult for US oil companies to access one of the largest long-term sources of oil left on the planet.

We should Work to align our black gold with his black gold by any means necessary!  Chavez has demonstrated like no other that his politics are fully black partisan.  Stepping up and Working this relationship -  to the fullest - is one sure way for us to be in this Murkan world, but not so pathetically and submissively of this Murkan world.  

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on April 18, 2006 - 9:21am.
Chavez has demonstrated like no other that his politics are fully black partisan.

Don't be silly. His politics are Venezualan partisan.

I haven't left quite yet.

Can you state what problem for American Black folks would be addressed "his  black gold with our black gold"...

We got black gold? You ain't talking about hip-hop, are you?

Seriously, what are you suggesting?
Submitted by Temple3 on April 18, 2006 - 11:48am.

I'm still fleshing this out, but let's imagine what hip hop would look like if NO artists signed with the BIG SIX and were all paid (subsidized) by Chavez until a critical mass of artists either bought out, voided or otherwise terminated their BIG SIX contracts. You could effectively snatch the BIG SIX out of hip hop by subsidizing artists (think of State Commissioned art work for a national project) until you captured that critical mass... It's a ton of work, but, it seems that it would be fairly appealing since these cats are 1) not really paid; 2) know nothing about seeking depreciating assets; 3) ALL negotiating from relative weakness. I think there are a number of life-practice-policy issues that could solved - especially if Black folks decided that Venezuela was a special, untouchable place. We don't have any of those now and it's part of the reason why I believe an international component (as much as I feel nulan's local communion thang) is imperative for long-term planning. I really have to think about this some more - but hip hop is not just performance artists (MCs) - it's a hijacked, multi-billion dollar cultural initiative. I don't have a problem with re-hijacking it. After all, I truly believe that we're less than five to seven years removed from an explosion of white rappers...there ain't much now, but there are some factors converging that could accelerate the process - we know this happened with blues, jazz, rock n' roll and R&B.
Submitted by Prometheus 6 on April 18, 2006 - 12:46pm.

You got a lot of work ahead of you. I just can't see folks relocating to preserve ownership of hip hop culture. It's like when the conservative asked the progressive why he doesn't leave the country if he hates it's policies so much, the progressive says, "I don't want to be subject to our foreign policy."

I still gotta ask what problem is being worked on. Is it Become as independant as possible from others"?

Submitted by cnulan on April 18, 2006 - 2:01pm.

We got black gold?

lack of intuition, imagination, and now just plain information, dayyum an i-trifecta.....,

dood, you REALLY need to get out the house more and try to get back into circulation. 

If you could name the largest black owned corporation in America and its primary lines of business, I  seriously doubt youd've asked about black gold or hip-hop even speciously rhetorically.  Setting aside for the moment his literal blackness and aggressive and highly successful Pan-American alliance building.., very  obviously;

1. Oil reserves in excess of Saudi Arabia make Chavez a global leader.

2. Distribution and refining infrastructure in America make him a serious producer, and  as we all know, the world's affairs are governed by resource producers, not parasitic consumers.

3. He needs all the political, business, and demographic allies he can get across the Americas in order to counterbalance the wickedness being openly plotted against him.

At the end of the day, do you really want Jackson, Farakkan, and the old guard preachers to be the most serious black men getting face time and business opportunity with Chavez?  Think about it. 

As for my serious suggestions, if I can establish a mutually and reciprocally profitable working relationship with Bangalore, (which is 16 fukking hours away) - I can damn sure establish a mutually and reciprocally profitable working relationship with Caracas.  It ain't rocket science after all.  Oh, and the last thing in the world I would ever see myself - or any other serious minded black man - doing is going there with my hand stuck out - that's a surefire way to not be taken seriously - WORLDWIDE





Submitted by Temple3 on April 18, 2006 - 3:16pm.

No one has to move anything, anywhere. Relocation is the least of it. Gimme a minute or five.
Submitted by cnulan on April 18, 2006 - 4:59pm.


bolivars and benjamins all transit EFT systems in precisely the same hard, cool, and completely digital way.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on April 19, 2006 - 4:16am.
Have fun recruiting, gentlemen.

1. Oil reserves in excess of Saudi Arabia make Chavez a global leader.

2. Distribution and refining infrastructure in America make him a serious producer, and  as we all know, the world's affairs are governed by resource producers, not parasitic consumers.

3. He needs all the political, business, and demographic allies he can get across the Americas in order to counterbalance the wickedness being openly plotted against him.

But if this is all you got, don't do it here.

I'm looking to square away Black folks. You're telling me about Chavez' problems.

What problems that BLACK PEOPLE IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA have are you trying to solve? I'm not feeling anything else, and if you can't come correct on the question I got nothing for you.

Frankly, I'm including discussion space on my site in that nothing.

Submitted by Temple3 on April 19, 2006 - 9:46am.

Giving this convo the boot? Damn thas kold!
Submitted by Prometheus 6 on April 19, 2006 - 2:31pm.
If the convo is to be about supporting Chavez instead of Black folks...

Which is it?

At minimum someone has to tell me how...and when!...supporting Chavez winds up benefitting Black folks.
Submitted by Temple3 on April 21, 2006 - 9:18am.

It's not about "supporting Chavez." It's about using the financial leverage of his position to extend/subsidize a cultural-economic power move in the US which would divest our holders of tradeable agreements from the need to hold-seek-crave dollars. I still have to think about this more, but I don't see Chavez' goals (as demonstrated to date) as contrasting with my own.
Submitted by Prometheus 6 on April 21, 2006 - 10:24am.

Now, does what you just wrote sound anything like what I just objected to?

Be honest.
Submitted by Temple3 on April 21, 2006 - 12:53pm.

Of course not, but what I wrote is consistent with what Nulan has been saying as well.  I still need to flesh it some more. 

On my blog, I put together a rather lengthy document on what I think this stuff is all about.  One of my key positions (if I can call it that) is that America imposes a unique set of conditions on every group that comes here.  Part of this is attributable to geographic isolation, part of it is attributable to conflicts with and between white folks and another part of it is attributable to the historical evolution of the nation-state cum empire.  Bottom line...I do not see a "permanent solution" beyond international assistance and reconciliation between US blacks and international black folk.  Quite simply, white folks of good will are a necessary, but insufficient part of the equation.  As such, Venezuela is an important place.

Columbia would be an important place too if the leadership was different.  Colombia is beginning to look like more of an outcast everyday with the domino-effect that Chavez is leading.  Chavez can provide critical resources for the member states of CARICOM and can serve as a trading partner for African nations requiring additional resources that need to be purchased without granting concessions to the International Mother Fucker or the World Skank. 

Chavez could provide significant investment capital for authentic development projects within the US.  It might be significant if foundations run by the likes of Bill and Melinda, John D., Henry and George (Soros) were out of the picture.  As I said previously, the same would be true of creative artists.  The question for me is, "On what basis do we trade agreements?"  At present, our ROI is so low that the agreements are essentially our Stolen Legacy

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on April 21, 2006 - 6:27pm.

Of course not, but what I wrote is consistent with what Nulan has been saying as well.

What he wrote here, on the topic of "What is Black Folks' most pressing need," was peak oil and Senor Chavez needs our help against evil. Constantly changing topics, flipping hyperbolic vocabularistic distractions...didn't you say the most pressing need is discipline?

I'm made room for his positions...and I get goads and personal disparagements. Bullshit. Get pissed and talk about "uneducable" Black kids. Bullshit.

I'm not of the People of the Word. I key on what you do. And it's my goddamn space.

So. As I said, if you can't go into how it will benefit Black folks, the conversation is over. You don't seem to have that problem. Fine. But I will not pretend cnulan is having the same conversation with me that you are.

Submitted by cnulan on April 21, 2006 - 8:07pm.


Your empty egotism and emotional cowardice have made you an irredeemable nullity.  By your own admission you lack the courage to be emotionally available to your own family in their time of need.  If  you're not man enough to be of use to your very own, what the fuck could you conceivably think, feel, or do that would be of any possible benefit  to black folks? How could a virtually housebound emotional retardate even possibly hold up his side of a non-linear discussion?

I'm  finished wasting time here and I take my leave of your empty space with no regrets...., 


Submitted by Temple3 on April 22, 2006 - 5:54pm.

I'm not going to be all dramatic about it. You're both out of bounds. Kiss and make up or else my broadband will kick your broadband's ass. Unacceptable. Absolutely unacceptable. You're both better than that.
Submitted by Prometheus 6 on April 22, 2006 - 8:54pm.
When I say something untrue, you can call me on it.
Submitted by Temple3 on April 22, 2006 - 8:57pm.

I'm not engaging either of you on anything other than the need to clean this up - period. One Love - to both of you.
Submitted by TJ (not verified) on April 26, 2006 - 4:30pm.
Other option: Assimilate mainstream American values and live by the rules. How can you succeed in a culture you haven't mastered? Otherwise, if you want to have a separatist culture and values, DON'T expect others to finance it.
Submitted by Prometheus 6 on April 26, 2006 - 4:35pm.
That didn't work the first 200 years, TJ...
Submitted by Temple3 on April 28, 2006 - 5:09pm.

TJ...nice thoughts...don't quite know your audience, but black culture is proto-American and not separatist...in fact, whichever direction is staked, white folk are sure to follow.  Surely you've been here for the past two, three or four decades...and those others who've followed have always financed it...what do think you're listening to or looking at?  creations from europe?  anyway, don't take it seriously, I'm sure you were just kidding about all this and hadn't done the math.  enjoy.