You should ignore his pudgy little ass

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on January 4, 2007 - 6:23am.

Anne Kornblut of the New York Times asked McHenry if his complaint might come across as whining.

"I'm not whining," he whined.

In the House, Suddenly Righteous Republicans
By Dana Milbank
Thursday, January 4, 2007; A02

Thirty-one-year-old Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.) is not a large man, standing perhaps 5 feet 3 inches tall in thick soles. But he packed a whole lot of chutzpah when he walked into the House TV gallery yesterday to demand that the new Democratic majority give the new Republican minority all the rights that Republicans had denied Democrats for years.

"The bill we offer today, the minority bill of rights, is crafted based on the exact text that then-Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi submitted in 2004 to then-Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert," declared McHenry, with 10 Republican colleagues arrayed around him. "We're submitting this minority bill of rights, which will ensure that all sides are protected, that fairness and openness is in fact granted by the new majority." [P6: Your Republican ass should get all the minority protection your American Solid Southern ass support for minorities in real life]

Omitted from McHenry's plea for fairness was the fact that the GOP had ignored Pelosi's 2004 request -- while routinely engaging in the procedural maneuvers that her plan would have corrected. Was the gentleman from North Carolina asking Democrats to do as he says, not as he did?

"Look, I'm a junior member," young McHenry protested. "I'm not beholden to what former congresses did."


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Submitted by ExodusMentality on January 4, 2007 - 2:25pm.

Why is it that most people continue to pretend that there is reason, rationality, or logic involved in politics.  I have seen 5 year olds play better than the adults that continue to be elected to run our government.  Why not just call a spade a spade?  They are all playing games.  They have no agenda but their own.  It's not Republicrats or Democans, it's all of them.  What is non-partisanship anyway?  A joke that continues to played on the elctorate, to keep people believing that there is some difference between them and us?  When it all boils down, there is only one party. That's the CREAM party - Cash Rules Everything Around Me. 

We simply have to stop buying into this BULLSHIT!!!  The sooner we can get commentators (like you and I, P6) to be brutally honest about the lack of difference, the lack of choice, the lack of power and influence that the American electorate really has, the sooner we will be able to work on a program that actually has some chance of successfully changing the direction of this country off the present road to destruction we are on.

Nancy Pelosi just took over as Speaker of the House (the actually cut into the soaps to let us see this new farce of government).  She had the nerve to mention Iraq, as if the new congressional regime will make the least bit of difference in the current state of affairs.  Stephanopolis inadvertantly told the truth when he said, the only power the new Democratic Congress has is the power to make themselves look good for the 2008 elections.  That's all they are really there for anyway, to get re-elected, to keep their jobs the same way most people are concerned with keeping their job.

Free Your Mind.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on January 5, 2007 - 6:38am.

Same game, yeah. Different players means there is a difference between the sides, so it's real hard to convince people about the Democan/Republicrat thing. That difference isn't about changing things at all, though. It's about who gets what position on the board.

And truth, most of us don't want to change the game.  

Our real problem is we're not players, we are conditions the players respond to. When they try to solve race problems, it's their problems with us, rather than the problems caused by racism (which are at the root of their problems with us and is why their problems with us will never go away unless we do...which would give them a whole new set of problems with us...) that they are discussing.

That said, I totally feel you on the brutally honest discussion thing.

Submitted by Ourstorian on January 5, 2007 - 11:15am.

"When it all boils down, there is only one party. That's the CREAM party - Cash Rules Everything Around Me. "

True dat. I usually refer to the one party system that (mis)rules us as the Corporate Party.

Politicians are just a bunch of prostitutes. As I've said before in reference to Senator Obama and his purported "progressive" agenda (and this can be applied to others of his ilk, "black," "brown," or otherwise: a prostitute with a heart of gold is still a ho.