I like how he starts out

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on January 5, 2007 - 9:09am.

Forgive the Cynicism, But This Is Change?
By Greg Craig
Friday, January 5, 2007; A17

Forgive the cynicism, Mr. President, but if you were serious about cooperating and consulting with the new Congress, you wouldn't be parading your bipartisan bona fides through the op-ed pages of the Wall Street Journal. You wouldn't be holding news conferences in the Rose Garden telling the world how ready, willing and able you are -- we know you are not eager -- to work with the Democratic Congress. You would instead be meeting privately with Democratic leaders, identifying specific areas where progress can be made and joining with them to come up with a legislative agenda that is truly bipartisan.

To many of us, your post-November conversion to bipartisanship appears to be nothing but spin -- at least so far. You misunderestimate our capacity to remember the way you treated the Democrats when your party ran Congress. We will not soon forget your "my way or the highway" approach. You will forgive us if we pay more attention to what you do than to what you say.

But then...

Forgive the early criticism, Speaker Pelosi, but if you were serious about introducing and fostering a new atmosphere of bipartisanship in Washington, you might have waited a decent interval before shoving legislation down the throats of the minority party. You might have been more willing to give Republicans warning about what they would be voting on, and you might even have been willing to consult with them about the substance of those bills.

If she were serious about bipartisanship, she would JACK THE REPUBLICANS ENTIRELY, tell everyone exactly why they got jacked and let them know future jackings will be directly proportionate to their future dispensation of bullshit.


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Submitted by GDAWG on January 5, 2007 - 2:31pm.
I checked out this guy's piece in the Wash Post this pm. It's really a waste of very valuable news space!