This guy needs to be arrested

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on January 4, 2007 - 6:30pm.
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'Assassination' schedule announced for Congress
Radio-show host says leaders won't be allowed to 'betray' nation
Posted: December 6, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2006

A radio talk-show entertainer whose earlier statements that he "may" have to assassinate members of Congress if the wrong people were elected Nov. 7 now has set a timetable for those killings.

In a statement on his website, Hal Turner noted that a newspaper has reported that a bill granting amnesty to illegal aliens is expected to be enacted in January, when the Democratic Party takes control of the U.S. Senate and House.


"Members of Congress and the Senate will NOT be permitted to BETRAY our nation by simply GIVING AWAY the most cherished aspect of America, Citizenship, to millions of people who cared so little for what Citizenship means that they came here against our law," he continued.

Several weeks ago, Turner incited much discussion when he posted the following:

"We may have to ASSASSINATE some of the people you elect on Nov. 7! This could be your LAST ELECTION CHANCE, to save this Republic…

"Sorry to have to be so blunt, but the country is in mortal danger from our present government and our liberty is already near dead because of this government. If you are too stupid to turn things around with your vote, there are people out here like me who are willing to turn things around with guns, force and violence. We hope our method does not become necessary," he wrote.

But he defined his position as commentary instead of advocacy when one supporter wrote to Turner's website, "Hey Hal instead of saying 'may' SAY you WILL KILL THEM!!!"

"No no no no no. Words mean things," Turner wrote at the time. The difference between 'may' and 'will' is the difference between an opinion and a threat," he concluded. "One is lawful, the other is not!"

In the current posting, Turner has taken an aggressive stance against any effort by Congress to legalize or provide a "path to citizenship" for the millions of aliens who are in the United States illegally.

"Congress will not be permitted to BETRAY our nation by giving Citizenship to tens of thousands who didn't give a s--- about our other laws as they murdered, raped, robbed, dealt illegal drugs, drove without licenses or insurance, stole the social security numbers and/or identities of millions of lawful citizens and most of whom don't give a s--- enough about our country to even learn our language!"

Asked about procedures involving suspected threats to members of Congress, the U.S. Secret Service told WND that it would be interested only if the threat involved someone the Service protects. All other cases would be referred to local police jurisdictions.

When WND's question specifically referred to a website statement, Secret Service spokesman Darrin Blackford told WND: "We have no comment on that statement."

Paul Bresson, a spokesman for the FBI, said he couldn't confirm what investigations are being pursued.

"The Internet does not give anyone a license to espouse violence, but there is a certain amount of protection, First Amendment protections, that are built in and we're mindful of those," he said.

He called it a "fine line," and said what the agency would do is look at all the information available and "make a determination" whether any crime might have been committed.


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Submitted by zenpundit on January 5, 2007 - 1:02am.
Fortunately he's a loud lunatic. Quiet ones are more dangerous. It's the Hinckleys, and Chapmans who nail their targets.
Submitted by Prometheus 6 on January 5, 2007 - 5:09am.

Or Tim McVeigh, who was inspired by right-wing talk radio, by the N.R.A . calling the ATF "jackbooted thugs." Tim nailed his target.

Allowing guys like this to rant on about assassination is dangerous. Pat Robertson is bad enough...this guy is too specific. He needs to be taken down publically, loudly, and specifically for calling for the assassination of Congresspeople. Frankly, I'd say that about Robertson as well. 

Submitted by Temple3 on January 5, 2007 - 9:50am.
let's just ride this thing out...

I would imagine there are countless folks still here from the old country who've never learned English who could be deported as well...and who have children and grandchildren who have been convicted of violations of law who could similarly be given the boot. I bet if we started in Minnesota and worked our way back east, we could have another 4-5 million folks back in Germany, Ireland and Scandinavia by sundown.

If we worked our way south, we could have another 10 million by the end of the week. If we could get all of these folks out of the country (and their criminal progeny) who made their way by working in illegal industries in the 20th century; who worked in labor unions which barred blacks; or attended universities with practices discriminating against blacks; or who benefitted from land illegally seized from native Americans, we could really empty out the country. See, I think Hal Turner has a point here.

He may not have enough bullets, but he has a point. If we could just start at the beginning and hop on those first criminals, we'd be good to go. I have a few lists where he could start busting caps, but I would start with Congress. Oh, it could be a beautiful thing. Hal Turner, homicidal maniac cleans up America...Charles Martel rises from the grave to applaud his actions. Story at 11.
Submitted by Temple3 on January 5, 2007 - 9:52am.
he does need to be arrested...all of this talk is absurd and highly inappropriate for radio...shades of Rwanda, minus the Belgians.