Play nice

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on October 4, 2005 - 1:31pm.

Out for a while...

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Submitted by cnulan on October 5, 2005 - 4:57pm.

Casting dots upon the waters...., which hopefully can be connected up into a coherent outline

quoth DW;

Can you offer your analysis of racial issues in Mexico, cnulan? At least superficially, massive mixing doesn't seem to have solved anything.

How about India? Same general dynamic as Mexico.

If by "same general dynamic" you mean historically that the Aryans conquered and did with the pre-existing Children of God {harijans} much the same as the Spaniards did with the pre-existing Children of God {indios} - ok - there are actually intensely striking parallels - some of which carry through to the modern era.

That trouble in Chiapas is of course a racially demarcated culture/governance war. Funny how little attention that situation now garners in our media...,

I formerly did binnis in Mexico City and Juarez. I currently do Binnis in Bangalore. My stature, complexion, features, and bald-head don't set off any unconscious triggers with any of my counterparts in either locale. This is also true in KCK and on the West Side of KC, longstanding, traditional Mexican hoods where I have never, ever had a moment's interpersonal hiccup, at all.

So, as a practical matter, race-mixing has obviated the issue for me, at least in those specific contexts.

Submitted by cnulan on October 5, 2005 - 5:13pm.

The Golden Age of the Moor edited by Ivan Van Sertima provides a wealth of evidence concerning the extension of Africa up through the Pyranees for centuries. Islam drove massive intermarriage and race-mixing. Almost, one is inclined to think, to the point of making it a conscious and intentional aspect of Islamic governance. In any event, links to relevant articles can be found here. My review of Rashidi's exceedingly generous web dispensation doesn't show any articles that go into the specific depth of some of the chapters of this book, so I may have to transcribe some pages for emphasis. If I get about a half/hour later on, I'll try to do the transcription, no promises, as I've got to go to a meeting of uncertain duration right now.

In any event, so you know where I'm headed with this, in case you're inclined to throw in on this theme, I believe that the Spanish and even more profoundly the Portuguese cultures are cultural and racial melanges. Nowhere is the result of centuries of race mixing more evident than in Brazil and Venezuela - the latter of which has a black and indian popularly elected president who's presently giving American conservatives fits.

Submitted by dwshelf on October 5, 2005 - 5:38pm.

So, as a practical matter, race-mixing has obviated the issue for me, at least in those specific contexts.

In both Mexico and India, light skin color translates into unearned privilege. That's the "same general dynamic" I referenced. That seemed evidence that mixing wasn't in and of itself a real solution.

That's not to say that dark skinned people in those countries face the issues of black Americans.

So maybe I over-stated the negativity as an analog to a future after massive mixing.

Historically (over 100k years), the only long lived barriers to mixing have been geographic.  Religious and cultural ones came and then went.  If life survives, we can predict with near certainty that the people who inhabit North America in the year 3000 will have mixed and mixed a whole lot.

Submitted by Ourstorian on October 6, 2005 - 9:00am.

"Islam drove massive intermarriage and race-mixing."

Let's not forget that Islam also drove the African slave trade, and still does in many "Muslim" nations. That Arabs in particular were major contributors to the evolution and advancement of antiblack racism is indisputable. Consult the ethnological discourses produced by Arab scholars during the "Golden Age of the Moors" and you find primer after primer on antiblack racism. Not even "black" Muslims were spared this racial animus, as they are not spared today in Darfur in the Sudan.

Moreover, we should not for a moment believe that "race-mixing" has somehow mitigated antiblack racism. To the contrary, in countries like Brazil and India it created intricate caste systems that are in most cases grounded in "color consciousness." Brazil and India, in particular, follow racist traditions and social practices that surpass apartheid in the dehumanization and brutalization of millions of their citizens.  

We also are talking about the mixing of haplotypes or clines not races. Biological race is a fiction.

Submitted by cnulan on October 6, 2005 - 10:06am.

We also are talking about the mixing of haplotypes or clines not races. Biological race is a fiction.

an objective but not a psychological given...,

Let's not forget that Islam also drove the African slave trade, and still does in many "Muslim" nations. That Arabs in particular

which is it O, Islam? or Arabs? seems to me that a significant distinction ought be drawn here. What I'm interested in getting at are the immiscible psychological crunchy bits that are subliminally maintained and exploited to control kinship, politics, and economics.

Islamic practice was constructed so as to undermine those particular crunchy bits. Along with the coincidence of strategic resources underlying Muslim population concentrations, I suspect that that's one of the primary reasons that it has been targetted in these here contemporary culture wars. Despite significant failings, Islam has proven its mettle across centuries in ways that no variant of Marxism ever could.

My core thesis is that nothing in the land of the free and the home of the brave is comparably architected to undermine tribal or kinship crunchy bits - save possibly the U.S. Armed Forces. At the end of the day, one of the core political polarities I want to examine is that which pits intentional and inadvertent practitioners of human husbandry against intentional and inadvertant practitioners of laissez faire miscegenation.

Submitted by cnulan on October 6, 2005 - 10:16am.

We also are talking about the mixing of haplotypes

Nicely done O. I thank you for the careful and intentional choice of terms, in so doing, you've already pointed out the way for any interested other to redefine their mapping of the problem space.

Submitted by cnulan on October 6, 2005 - 10:25am.

Racism is embedded in the infrastructure and superstructure of this society. It doesn't require some kind of Mendelian mechanism or Freudian analysis to account for its etiology or pathological manifestations. It ain't about parenting. It's about power and privilege. It's about the institutionalization of that power and privilege. That's how it spans generations. It is not embodied in individuals. It is the ethos of a collective. It's a cultural system and the ideology upon which it is based and around which the integrity and coherence of that cultural system is defined, achieved and maintained.

What is G-Dub?

Sometimes O, your righteous indignation appears to cloud your objective discernment..,

Submitted by cnulan on October 6, 2005 - 11:17am.

couple corollary dots...,

concerning the Inquisition then

and concerning the Inquisition recently...,

The physician-sponsored anti-midwife campaign condemned midwives as "dirty" 28 and "a relic of barbarism."29 Midwife use was common among blacks and former slaves and the campaign played on racial prejudice referring to midwives as "filthy and ignorant and not far removed from the jungles of Africa."30 The physicians also preyed upon the public’s bias against the European immigrants and the growing fear of communism in proclaiming midwives "un-American."31

Pursuant to pharmacological and occult interests of my own, I helped a young woman research and prepare her graduate thesis at Harvard on the politics of the Inquisition. So I'm not coming to this from a purely coincidental angle of approach. First, it was a largely secular campaign of terrorism, second it was aided and abetted by the secret society(s) comprising barber-surgeon guild(s), third, you don't really believe that the imagery of the black man of the forest, or the two-horned god is accidental? Do you?

Submitted by Ourstorian on October 6, 2005 - 11:23am.

"which is it O, Islam? or Arabs? seems to me that a significant distinction ought be drawn here."

I see both as complicit in the evolution and development of antiblack racism. But I would be interested in any distinctions you care to make.

Submitted by cnulan on October 6, 2005 - 12:17pm.

I have no objection to the one-sided presentation given here O. I believe quite a number of interesting questions are begged, but I believe the map of Islam does not identically coincide with the map of the Arab world.

why does the Arab world have no corresponding Black population as is found in the New World? Lewis provides an answer, 'One reason is obviously the high population of eunuchs among Black males entering the Islamic lands.

Notice this author also uses Arabic and Islamic interchangeably...,

Submitted by cnulan on October 6, 2005 - 1:04pm.

I haven't forgotten transcription of intermarriage in the furtherance of Moorish interpenetration of southern Europe..,

Knowing a bit about the occulted history of seignurial practices in Europe, the contemporary spectral light of collective anti-immigrant sentiment in the U.K., American white flight, Brown v. Board, war on drugs, war on terra, black male criminalization, the so-called enemy within, and Bennett's lip slip - all seem like conservative embodiments pointing in a definite direction to me.

Next links will deal with the expulsions and the role of the so-called Inquisition in the same. The important fact to realize is that the Inquisition was a secular seignurial enterprise and not the Catholic Dominican just-so-story that's conventionally told and popularly believed.

That's just the way my *free* associations work...,

Submitted by Ourstorian on October 6, 2005 - 3:18pm.

"why does the Arab world have no corresponding Black population as is found in the New World? Lewis provides an answer, 'One reason is obviously the high population of eunuchs among Black males entering the Islamic lands."

Lewis is the master of the understatement: " the high population of eunuchs among Black males entering the Islamic lands". Sounds like those pesky black males stood at the borders and castrated themselves before immigrating.

Castration certainly is a factor, but other forces were at work. The brutally short life expectancy of black slaves in the Arab world is something Segal mentions briefly in "Islam's Black Slaves," and is also addressed by Manning in his demographic studies of the slave trade. 

Concubinage and intermarriage clearly were factors in the assimilation of "others" into the Arab populations. While Arabs were castrating black males to make them house servants and harem guards, they were having children with black females.

Submitted by Ourstorian on October 6, 2005 - 3:52pm.

"I have no objection to the one-sided presentation given here O. I believe quite a number of interesting questions are begged, but I believe the map of Islam does not identically coincide with the map of the Arab world."

I was unaware of the site linked above. I'll check it out when I get the chance.

I realize "the map of Islam does not coincide" with the Arab world, geographically speaking. But Islam remains very much imbued with its Arab heritage. Praying to Mecca serves as a method to maintain Arab primacy if not hegemony. And, of course, Arabic is the language of the Holy Qu'ran.

Submitted by Ourstorian on October 6, 2005 - 4:04pm.

"Islamic practice was constructed so as to undermine those particular crunchy bits. Along with the coincidence of strategic resources underlying Muslim population concentrations, I suspect that that's one of the primary reasons that it has been targetted in these here contemporary culture wars."

Granted, "strategic resources" comprise an obvious justification for the current war between the monotheists (Jews, Christians, Muslims), but the conflict, as you know, is deeply rooted in the history of Jihad. Consider this excerpt from French historian Paul Fregosi's book, "Jihad," on the profound impact of Islam on Europe:

A large part of Europe was taken, occupied for centuries, sometimes devastated, and some of it was Islamized. Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Sicily, Austria, Bosnia, Serbia, Croatia, Hungary, Rumania, Wallachia, Albania, Moldavia, Bulgaria, Greece, Armenia, Georgia, Poland, Ukraine, and eastern and southern Russia were all Jihad battlefields where Islam conquered or was conquered. Many of those lands were occupied by the Muslims, in some cases by Arabs and Moors, in others by the Ottoman Turks, usually for hundreds of years: Spain 800 years, Portugal 600 years, Greece 500 years, Sicily 300 years, Serbia 400 years, Bulgaria 500 years, Rumania 400 years, and Hungary 150 years. Hungary, particularly, was ruined, plundered and ravaged and took 200 years to recover from Muslim occupation. By comparison, the European occupation of the Muslim countries of the Near and Middle East and of North Africa lasted less than a century and a half. In some countries of Europe, Spain, Sicily, Bosnia, Albania, Macedonia, the Crimea, and Crete, many, sometimes most of the people gave up Christianity for Islam; but in Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Lebanon, Iran, and Iraq, few indeed were the adherents of the Muslim faith who gave up Islam for Christianity (23-24).

Submitted by cnulan on October 6, 2005 - 6:10pm.

The war is deeply rooted in something. It's radical as hell. Radical as the Inquisition with its serial genital mutilations, radical as lynchings with more of the same, radical as Abu Ghraib and the topical consideration of torture vs. terror underway in the House and Senate.

Remember a couple months ago when it was shown beyond any doubt that suicide bombings coincide with territorial invasion and occupation and have nothing whatsoever to do with Islam? I began thinking to myself then and there that the underlying motives for the culture war might run deeper than resource appropriation, though that's definitely a priority setting consideration.

Thinking about Bulworth vs. Lyedecker is what really focused this for me though. When primates in particular and mammalian vertebrates more generally square off for intraspecific conflict, it's usually over mating rights or in our post hoc people of the word terminology, "our way of life".

Then I think to myself, hmmm..., our? what means our in the context of America in which we don't enjoy the same prerogatives and access as certain other folk? Our territorial and other economic prerogatives are severly constrained, and until quite recently were held in check by the force of law.

We always talk about civil rights, but isn't it really only a modest gradation on the dial to switch so-called civil to seignurial? I mean after all, as a matter of fact, there is no equal rights amendment? Abortion or the woman's right to choose is hardly a settled matter? In a very real sense, full-citizen personhood has not been fully bestowed on well more than half the U.S. population. In a haplotypical sense, it wouldn't be an entirely unfounded stretch to talk about women in our so-called free society as embodying the characteristics of property as much as personhood under the law, and of course it goes without saying where we stood not so very long ago.

I'm not trying to be inflammatory, I'm just looking at what is codified into American law in a slightly atypical manner. Obviously, Islam comes to terms with these same issues in a strikingly different manner.

Men were also drawn to the Nation of Islam because of the emphasis placed on male leadership. African-American churches tend to be dominated by women, with one central male figure, the pastor in the pulpit. As a result, many men do not feel affirmed in the church environment. They see the pastor as a threat and even a rival. Elijah Muhammad was able to criticize the Black male while affirming his role. Thus he challenged men to take the lead, and they responded. 'Unlike the typical Christian church, the Muslim temples attract many more men than women, and men assume the full management of temple affairs. Women are honored and they perform important functions within a defined role.'(7)

The role of women consists of teaching other women and managing the affairs of the home. Ironically, women were also attracted to the Nation of Islam because they appreciated the strength of the men and the protective posture they took towards Black women. As C. Eric Lincoln noted in his research, the Nation of Islam appeals to the young regardless of gender.

Submitted by cnulan on October 6, 2005 - 7:43pm.

"strategic resources" comprise an obvious justification for the current war between the monotheists (Jews, Christians, Muslims)

Yes, radical strategic resources....,

because one people of the book is opposed to intermarriage...,

and no matter how liberally strenuous the presentation seems, some eugenic evidence belies all competing claims

The rules of Islam mirror those of Judaism, but in reverse. A Muslim man may marry a non-Muslim, though only if she's Jewish or Christian (they are considered "people of the book"). A Muslim woman may under no circumstances marry a non-Muslim. Even in America, according to Haddad, women who break the rules are likely to be cut off entirely by their families and mosques.

it's not simple, but 1.1 Billion Muslims demonstrates that Islamic seignurialism is very highly effective...,

points touched upon in the first article go to the psycho-social root of the American dilemma;

The edict at Bob Jones, on the other hand, was aimed at the preservation of a race. A white person was not allowed to date a black person. There was no conversion option. It didn't matter whether both were Baptists or one was Bahai and one was Hindu.

My contention is that the policy at Bob Jones, the policy among the LDS folk in Utah, and numerous other such policies - both written and unwritten - have been the irrational crux of the American seignurial paradigm.

I've gotta get to some evidence underscoring the motives and methods of the expulsions. I've also got to touch on the permanent mark made by africanity on Europe that is still most vitally expressed in Brazil. Sheila Walker's classic article goes to the heart of how seignurial Africa had its way with Lashbuna...,

Submitted by Ourstorian on October 7, 2005 - 9:00am.

"it's not simple, but 1.1 Billion Muslims demonstrates that Islamic seignurialism is very highly effective...,"

Part of the complexity of the issue goes to the manner in which "Islamic seignurialism" instantiated itself. Given the options of conversion versus death or slavery, many of those who faced Jihad chose the former. The history of resistance to Islamic conquest, particularly in North Africa, has not been adequately documented or disseminated. Would you care to comment on movements that resist seignurialism, Islam's, the Inquisitions', or others? I be interested in your connecting dots ....

Submitted by cnulan on October 7, 2005 - 10:32am.

Would you care to comment on movements that resist seignurialism, Islam's, the Inquisitions', or others? I be interested in your connecting dots ....

Thank you for hanging in there with me on this O. My parameters are admittedly a little expansive. My opinion of the histories with which I'm familiar leads me to believe that Moorish Islamic seignurialism has shown itself far and away the most civilized and tolerant of diversity. One need only consider the religious and academic freedom enjoyed in Spain under centuries of Moorish rule to see the truth of this assertion. Very obviously, the course of Western his-story and ourstory was fundamentally impacted by the visigothic explusion of Moors from southern europe.

This level of tolerance was rather obviously not the case throughout the entire Islamic world. This of course points us under the hood of a unitive Islam and directly toward the underlying tribal and cultural underpinnings of any given local Islamic flourishment.

I'm also not a western anti-Christian. As far as the Inquisition goes, it would be wrong to put that pogromme at the Catholic church's doorstep. Careful evaluation of documentary evidence - contrary to the popularly held mythology of the Inquisition - shows that it was a secular feudal movement. Of particular interest to me is the expulsion of jews and the moors from Spain, and the genocide enacted against the Cathars in southern france.

The U.S. is - in certain regards - a revolution against the European feudal order. However, the founding fathers who got themselves out from under one gangsterish boot, didn't hesitate to re-enact that same type of seignurial oppression on us - as the plantation was little different for us than the baronial fiefdom had been for them.

Coming ahead to today, it seems to me that black men in America are faced with some very interesting political choices in the years ahead. As you might imagine, I'm keenly interested in hearing what the honorable brother minister will have to say next week when he gets his national audience for a minute on C-SPAN. America for its part is keenly interested in the black political temperature because it realizes that it's now gotten itself into a death match on multiple simultaneous fronts.

Connecting up the dots. I believe the western way of life is fraught with insurmountable thermodynamic structural defects. Consequently, I believe opportunities exist to drive alternative social constructions. I am far more interested in black technocratic introspection and collaboration on the issues central to local thriving and flourishment. I deeply trust that we embody a Moorish civilizing ethos.

I do not believe it possible that the mainstream western way of life can prevail in the world war on which it is embarked. I personally have little doubt that it has reached the end of its cycle.

Politically, I believe much depends on how able America proves itself to be in shifting from an authoritarian to a libertarian mode of governance and conduct. If the former prevails, there's going to be hell up in harlem. If the latter, then all manner of possibilities unfold.

As things are now, I can't see my way clear to getting with the conservative program because I don't think full participatory kinship has been extended to me in this country by these people. If I go to a movie and see Denzel, or Will Smith representing with Cameron Diaz like Billy Bob Thornton did with Halle Berry - then I'd be more inclined to believe the lip service routinely paid - but seldom ever enacted - to a colorblind society.

We got tricked in the old west, in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam into fighting for a way of life in which we are not full participants. Now that you know the level at which I view full participatory standing, and the way in which this culture militates against our free expression of the fundamental Maslowian impulse - along quite definite color lines - I don't see allowing my son to wind up as a conscript in this other man's army. Should things change, and necessity is the mother of radical change, then perhaps I'll soften my view.

What do you think O?

Submitted by cnulan on October 7, 2005 - 10:41am.

Bennett is not alone in dreaming about dead black babies. Whether the thought is spoken aloud or not, the American fantasy is a world without any black people in it.

Submitted by dwshelf on October 7, 2005 - 12:22pm.

Bennett is not alone in dreaming about dead black babies. Whether the thought is spoken aloud or not, the American fantasy is a world without any black people in it.

What do you hope to achieve posting stuff like that cnulan?

More isolation and alienation? 

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on October 7, 2005 - 12:45pm.

More isolation and alienation?


Just truth, is all. That's not enough for you? 

Submitted by cnulan on October 7, 2005 - 1:21pm.

What do you hope to achieve posting stuff like that cnulan?

explanatory objectivity...,

Your solipsism is showing through again DW. Do you really believe that the associations I'm exploring would alienate the majority of blacks, humans? Or are you only speaking self-referentially as the representative of a specific segment of white Americans who act one way, but explain their actions in an orthogonal other way?

It is my anecdotally, analytically, and liminally stated view that the roots of American racism are unavailable to rational and rhetorical intervention. In the course of this thread, I've outlined an atypical frame of reference that goes to motivations outside the threshold of political correctness.

Your challenge, if you choose to accept it, is to demonstrate the factual or interpretive error inhering to this assemblage. Perhaps you can outline an alternative motivational framework that will provide a more onto accounting of American racist behaviour, with particular emphasis on the past 30 odd years in which white self-segregation, public school integration (busing wars), the so-called War on Drugs, the ongoing War on Terra, and now recently, the unintended Freudian self-disclosure made by a leading conservative moralist. I could probably spin it up like Samad did as an ideological difference, but I suspect that these ideological blinds conceal an underlying practical motivation having nothing to do with the conventional political just-so-stories.

Bennett clearly believes that black people are born criminals. His statement explains many things about his history. Bennett spent years warning about teenage “super predators” when the juvenile crime rate dropped. He continues to advocate for harsh sentences for drug crimes when rates of drug use have also dropped.

If you care to apply the lens of your ennobling behavioural interpretations to what I have outlined as a series of dots, then by all means, have at it.

I would love to see your interpretation of european seignurial imperatives. I would love to see your interpretation of the peculiar excesses of the Inquisition, Lynchings, and Abu Ghraib. I would love to see how you interpret the Culture War, the War on Drugs, War on Terra, and the media's imagistic War on Blackness - as all of the above emanate from a single ideological nexus.

If you can reconcile the rhetoric with the behaviours in a way that is more elegant and internally consistent, then I am your eager student.

I won't be holding my breath while I wait.

Submitted by Quaker in a Basement on October 7, 2005 - 1:59pm.

DW, read the article cnulan linked. It's actually pretty mild stuff.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on October 7, 2005 - 2:26pm.

It's actually pretty mild stuff.

You have to understand. DW doesn't want to address any existing problems...pointing out existing problems is seeking isolation because no one wants to hear it.

Submitted by Ourstorian on October 7, 2005 - 3:01pm.

"My opinion of the histories with which I'm familiar leads me to believe that Moorish Islamic seignurialism has shown itself far and away the most civilized and tolerant of diversity."

While what you say is no doubt true (especially when you compare Moorish Spain to its European neighbors), I think the degree of “tolerance” practiced there is highly overstated. Granted, the Moors in Spain developed an oasis of advanced learning in their Andalusian enclave, and they seemed somewhat accepting of "others" (especially Jewish scholars) in their presence, but the society they created was riven with divisions, secular and religious, and eventually came under the rule of Islamic fundamentalists (the Almoravid and Almohades dynasties) who could and perhaps do serve as models for today's jihadists.

Many black scholars (past and present) have succumbed to the tendency to idealize and romanticize the Moors (this is generally not the case with Van Sertima and “Golden Age of the Moors”). Earlier treatments of the subject by Du Bois, J.A. Rogers, de-Graft Johnson, and John G. Jackson, were produced with a decidedly vindicationist agenda in mind. While their scholarship was by no means faulty or flawed, they were in the unenviable position of having to both define and defend the humanity of black people every time they put words to paper. Their intention of correcting the omissions of Western history and of setting the record straight about African cultural and intellectual achievements, while commendable and necessary, nevertheless, generally failed to situate Moorish culture within the larger context of Arabic hegemony and its promotion and expansion of color prejudice and racial slavery. Those scholars and their groundbreaking studies, however, laid the foundations for Van Sertima’s compilation.

Two recent books by Menocal and Rubenstein continue this theme of tolerance. Menocal’s “Ornament of the World” (2002) and Rubenstein’s “Aristotle’s Children” (2003) both seek to present a more contemporary analysis of how everybody in Moorish Spain “got along” Rodney King style. The sub-title of Menocal’s book--“How Muslims, Jews, and Christians Created a Culture of Tolerance in Medieval Spain” (italics added)--stretches the point to the absurd. Tolerance, according to my Random House Dictionary, denotes “a fair, objective, and permissible attitude toward those whose opinions, practices, race, religion, nationality, etc., differ from one’s own. Despite the possibility of some confusion on this point, tolerance does not connote or imply acceptance. Underlying the concept of “culture” is the notion that it consists of commonly “accepted” and agreed upon beliefs and behaviors. From this perspective, Menocal really seems to be referring to the pragmatic and expedient manner in which Jews, Muslims and Christians grudgingly cooperated with each other to advance their own cultural causes rather than a common cultural cause or identity. Charles J. Halperin, in an essay titled, The Ideology of Silence: Prejudice and Pragmatism on the Medieval Frontier (1984) contends:

The demands of religious prejudice prevented the formulation or articulation of any medieval theories genuinely equivalent to modern concepts of peaceful coexistence or detent. One might admire, intermarry with, trade with, even borrow intellectual skills from the infidel, but never concede the legitimacy of his religion. To admit the legitimacy of the religion of the enemy would have automatically called into question the insistence upon the exclusive religious superiority of one’s own. Since religion subsumed under it one’s conception of the political and social order—one’s way of life—such ideological tolerance would have undermined the social, political, and cultural foundations of one’s own society and polity. For this reason, exchange at the intellectual level, inextricably tied to religion, became even more difficult to achieve (465-466).

For Menocal, tolerance means these hostile religious groups were able to find, through a process of “unconscious acceptance,” some “positive” or “productive” mechanism for dealing with internal and external contradictions to their belief systems and behaviors. But such “positive” outcomes, as Menocal describes them, again point to a kind of pragmatism based on “self” rather than “mutual” interest. Here is how Menocal iterates the function and products of this Andalusian “culture of tolerance:

It was there that the profoundly Arabized Jews rediscovered and reinvented Hebrew; there that Christians embraced nearly every aspect of Arabic style—from the intellectual style of philosophy to the architectural styles of mosques—not only while living in Islamic dominions but especially after wresting political control from them; there that men of unshakable faith, like Abelard and Maimonides and Averroes, saw no contradiction in pursuing the truth, whether philosophical or scientific or religious, across confessional lines. This vision of a culture of tolerance recognized that the incongruity in the shaping of individuals as well as their cultures was enriching and productive. It was an approach to life and its artistic and intellectual and even religious pursuits that was contested by many—as it is today—and violently so at times—as it is today—and yet powerful and shaping nevertheless, for hundreds of years (2002:11-12). 

Ironically, Maimonides’ pursuit of “the truth” led to his conclusion that genocide was an acceptable means to prevent the spread of false doctrines advocated by Muslims. Maimonides and his fellow Iberian intellectuals may have pursued and found truth “across confessional lines,” as Menocal claims, but such truths only became valid within the strictures and dogmas of their own religious ideologies.

Lastly, I should point out that slavery and color prejudice were tolerated in Moorish Spain. Brunson and Rashidi also make this point in their essay published in the “Golden Age of the Moors.”

Since this post has gone on long enough, I will use the next one to float a few dots of my own...

Submitted by cnulan on October 7, 2005 - 3:21pm.

Concubinage and intermarriage clearly were factors in the assimilation of "others" into the Arab populations. While Arabs were castrating black males to make them house servants and harem guards, they were having children with black females.

now I'm not saying that this is an exact description of the broad American seignurial modus operandi, and I'm not saying that the American MO is completely impermeable - the generative impulse can reverse override cultural permission settings from time to time in outlier areas. however...., even there, these permissions are still set exceedingly tight.

The kernal of American haplotypic power (kinship) - on the other hand - is completely locked down and black men are completely denied access at that level of the system.

Submitted by Ourstorian on October 7, 2005 - 4:08pm.

Muslim colonization of Europe and Europe’s exposure to Islamic culture created the conditions for the acquisition and development of the ideology and technology that made European global conquest possible after the fifteenth century. The wars with Islam, religious and military, functioned as a catalyst in fostering a kind of European social consciousness and solidarity specifically organized around Manichaeanistic notions of “self” and “other.” Enrique Dussel, in his analysis of the formation of modernity, makes the following useful observation:

The Iberian Reconquest, with the extreme sectarian violence it unleashed in its final stages (broken treaties, elimination of local elites, endless massacres and tortures, the demand that the conquered betray their religion and culture under pain of death or expulsion, the confiscation and repatriation in feudal form of lands, towns and their inhabitants to the officers of the conquering army), was, in turn, the model for the colonization of the New World.

The European “self” in its confrontation with the non-European “other” conceived and constructed its concept of difference from the monotheistic dichotomy of believer/non-believer and the binary terms of Manichaean oppositions. The “black” presence in Iberia as Muslim conquerors and non-Muslim slaves inspired and influenced the transfer of the color code of the Manichaean allegory from the theological realm of the symbolic and abstract to the existential identity of certain human groups. The “black” color-coding of infidels and pagans and their “demonization” furnished a basis for later European scholars to speculate and conclude that the differences between Europeans and “others” were not merely ideological but innately and immutably biological.

Moses Maimonides, the influential medieval Jewish scholar—who was born in Cordova in 1135 and who later fled to Cairo to avoid persecution—wrote an important text that merged Aristotelian philosophy with Jewish theology in presenting his analysis and interpretation of Jewish, Christian and Muslim scriptures. The Guide for the Perplexed, a major philosophical treatise of the twelfth century, included an argument for endogamy as a barrier against idolatry (in Maimonides’ view intermarriage with non-Jews posed a threat to the strict observation of Jewish laws and traditions). In constructing his argument for “good lineage” Maimonides defended the legitimacy of Hebrew genealogy in the Torah and demonstrated how it served to establish and preserve Jewish identity and integrity. The following passages taken from an allegory he devised to demonstrate the relationship between faith and reason illustrates how the essential intellectual components of racial ideology assumed a prototypic form in the late Middle Ages. Maimonides argues that: “the extreme Turks that wander about the north, the Kushites who live in the south, and those who are like these” exemplify groups who are without religion altogether and therefore without reason. He goes on to make this critical observation: “I consider these as irrational beings, and not as human beings; they are below mankind, but above the monkeys, since they have the form and shape of man, a mental faculty above that of the monkey.” With this preamble Maimonides makes the following assertions concerning Muslims and the descendants of Ham, whom he believes hold false doctrines: “They are worse than the first class [Turks and Kushites], and under certain circumstances it may be necessary to slay them, and to extirpate their doctrines, in order that others should not be misled” The late Ivan Hannaford believed that Maimonides statement marked “the first time in Western thought people are described as beyond the bounds of rationality; they are not human. Others, rational but lacking in faith, are perceived as so dangerous to the position of the rational that their extirpation from the face of the earth is justified.”

Maimonides’ views are echoed five centuries later when Enlightenment-era European scholars, reifying the abstract notion of “rationality” as one of the distinctive traits of European character and civilization, set about the peculiar business of establishing the tenets of scientific racism. One need only consult the works of Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) John Locke (1632-1704), Voltaire (1694-1778), and Montesquieu (1689-1765), among others, for salient examples of how such ideas developed and were expressed during the height of Europe’s global conquest. The following illustrative passage from the Scottish philosopher David Hume (1711-1776) appeared in his essay: Of National Characters (1753):

I am apt to suspect the Negroes and in general all the other species of man (for there are four or five different kinds) to be naturally inferior to the whites. There never was a civilized nation of any other complexion than white, nor even any individual eminent in either action or speculation. No ingenious manufactures among them, no arts, no sciences…. In Jamaica indeed they talk of one negroe as a man of parts and learning; but ‘tis likely he is admired for very slender accomplishments, like a parrot who speaks a few words plainly.

Hume’s sentiments were grounded in ideas about “black” people that developed from medieval precursors and the trans-Atlantic slave trade. In exercises in sophistry perhaps unparalleled in history, Europeans subjugated and degraded “blacks” through their systems of forced servitude and then pointed to their degradation as justification for their enslavement. Frederick Douglass, in a typically eloquent passage, exposes this discursive tactic of white supremacists that is known in today’s parlance as “blaming the victim:”

The evils most fostered by slavery and oppression, are precisely those which slaveholders and oppressors would transfer from their system to the inherent character of their victims. Thus the very crimes of slavery become slavery’s best defense. By making the slave a character fit only for slavery, they excuse themselves for making the slave a free man. A wholesale method of accomplishing this result is to overthrow the instinctive consciousness of the common brotherhood of man.

Despite its social and religious turmoil, the Iberian Peninsula was perhaps the greatest intellectual center of the late medieval world. Within its complex intellectual systems it also comprised a think tank and training ground for the invention of the trans-Atlantic slave trade, the European colonial systems that administered it, and the religious and proto-racist ideology that justified and sustained it. However, as Enrique Dussel points out, the Americas involuntarily served as the geo-social laboratory where such theories took the form of practical experiments in genocide, forced migration, and forced servitude based on color. War-torn Iberia also played a decisive role in the social construction of “black” and “white” identity. James H. Sweet notes: “In Iberia, once the traits of the infidel and the slave became associated with blackness, race became the driving force in the formation of Spanish and Portuguese attitudes toward sub-Saharan Africans.”

These are a few of my dots for this discussion. They also connect back to earlier dots of yours that addressed inter-marriage. Had to cut it short. Gotta run.

Submitted by Ourstorian on October 7, 2005 - 4:15pm.

One more dot ...

"The kernal of American haplotypic power (kinship) - on the other hand - is completely locked down and black men are completely denied access at that level of the system."

Is the kernal the seed or sperm, the ultimate seignurial sign, reified and codified in the one drop rule?

Submitted by Ourstorian on October 7, 2005 - 4:17pm.

Looking for more dots later.

Submitted by cnulan on October 7, 2005 - 5:35pm.

Is the kernal the seed or sperm, the ultimate seignurial sign, reified and codified in the one drop rule?

Is our social ecology the product of evolution or intelligent design?

IMOHO - the one drop rule is one among myriad others brah..., reading the maimonides post - and feeling the cumulative effect of one megaton dot after another cause the hair to stand up on the back of my neck to an ambient mixture of x-clan samples playing in my head - I am certain that I have no ambitions predicated on the goodwill or wellbeing of either of the seignurial regimes squaring off on one another for the final go round in their centuries long battle...,

that peacock/peahen spectacle has almost nothing to do with us. I believe this leaves us free to busy ourselves with the serious Work of black cognitive activism defined strictly on our own terms.

Submitted by Ourstorian on October 7, 2005 - 6:52pm.

"Is our social ecology the product of evolution or intelligent design?"

Evolution, no doubt. Nothing like the blind leading the blind.

But it's also ill-telligent designer fabulous. That double helix looks like the must have cosmic accessory for the big bang generation.

Submitted by ptcruiser on October 7, 2005 - 8:23pm.

I did not follow this thread during its formation but I have just gone through it and read with great interest the notes and comments posted by Ourstorian. I learned a great deal about an area where my knowledge and reading has been fairly limited. Thank you. I will have to print out your comments and make an effort to get my hands on some of the books and monographs you mentioned.

Submitted by dwshelf on October 7, 2005 - 8:43pm.

DW, read the article cnulan linked. It's actually pretty mild stuff.

I thought so myself until I saw the drawing of Bennett with a noose around the neck of a black baby captioned with parallels to the holocaust.

But even go further and suggest that non-black America dreams of an America where all black people have been killed, a Nazi outcome, ...

It's not that I'm particularly offended, it sounds more nutty than a sincere accusation, but I wonder why someone would suggest such things...unless they were advocating a future of isolation and alientation from "ordinary" America.  

Submitted by cnulan on October 8, 2005 - 8:50am.

Reads to me like a complaint you need to take up with Glenn Ford, the editor-in-chief of the Black Commentator. More to the point, however, and in keeping with this delightful article at the end of the current issue;

My racial paranoia tells me the popular illustration of evolution is an insinuation that the white man is evolution’s final, finished, or ultimate product, while we darker-skinned peoples were just evolutionary “bumps” along the way. Either that, or we, the big-lipped, nappy-haired, well endowed, abundantly melanin-blessed (or cursed, if you’re a black neo-con), are aberrations that somehow arose after the white masterpiece was complete.

Regardless of whether or not I’m imaginative, the glaring inaccuracy of the popular chart of man’s ascendance highlights the need for black textbooks in black schools, written by black scientists, black science shows and journals that steer us away from miseducation. Where all my college grads at?

You're in for a very tough time just beyond the signpost up ahead then DW. Seems to me, and I'm generalizing from your cumulative expressions hereabouts, that you're only and exclusively capable of processing one version of logic, language, values, and history. Now, while you self-indulgently refuse to ever bring any supporting evidence to the table in support of the pov which you tirelessly champion, you do know how to link don't you? <_a href="linked url"_>linked text<_/a_>, remove the underscores and you're not deviating from that practice here, you have a pattern of reflexively sputtering that anybody who doesn't go along to get along with the dominant structured narrative is "alienated", "isolated", or "unsuccessful".

That's becoming your exclusive "oom pah pah" refrain.

Hasn't it occurred to you that the dominant structured narrative may partake in large measure of the Big Lie?

America has been systematically conditioned by white-owned media to fear, disdain, hate, and reject black men in the present moment. You're at liberty to attempt a rigorous refutation of this claim, as well. America has been conditioned by its liberal arts and sciences academies and popular press to fear, disdain, hate, and reject black men as an historical reality.

These practices are institutionalized to the point of being pervasive unwritten rules. Please feel free to explain the genesis of these rules, if you have an alternative motive you'd like to proffer?

The question for you to answer DW, and stop ducking and dodging so diligently is this;

Is our social ecology the result of evolution or ill-telligent design?

If the former, why shouldn't we work to actively debug and improve it? If the latter, why shouldn't we work to actively oppose and destroy it? What kind of mad man would I have to be to accept and endorse something so obviously illegitimate and antithetical to the interests of black men? Oh yeah, that's right, you answered that question in a previous thread, I'd have to be something along the lines of Clarence Thomas....,

Submitted by dwshelf on October 8, 2005 - 10:55am.

you have a pattern of reflexively sputtering that anybody who doesn't go along to get along with the dominant structured narrative is "alienated", "isolated", or "unsuccessful".

I'm more than a bit of iconoclast myself cnulan; I'm not telling you to fall in line. But rejection of some or even all of the ordinary paths to success made available to all of us need not include hyperbolic claims that black people face a threat analogous to the holocaust.

What kind of mad man would I have to be to accept and endorse something so obviously illegitimate and antithetical to the interests of black men? Oh yeah, that's right, you answered that question in a previous thread, I'd have to be something along the lines of Clarence Thomas....,

I've described my black friends before cnulan.  They're all successful professionals, with families and kids and mortgages just like me.  Now they don't much like Clarence Thomas any more than you do.  They're unhappy with the number of blacks in prison. They don't like DWB. They would agree I'm sure that racism exists today on many levels of life. They despise GW Bush. They don't like Condoleezza Rice.

But they don't much express alienation from America.

Submitted by cnulan on October 8, 2005 - 11:28am.

You dodged the question yet again DW.

Is the American social ecology the result of natural selection or is it the result of ill-telligent design? If the latter, who was the intended beneficiary of the design?

I've described my black friends before cnulan...{they're some carefully griping knee-grows with whom I don't carry on in-depth discussions which is why I engage in-depth discussions here}...But they don't much express alienation from America.

There was a time in the not-too-distant past when black men had to be careful to conceal literacy, couldn't look a white man in the eye, and dared not appraise a white woman's peahen charms. I will projectively assert that you have neither a black friend or relative close enough to confide his true feelings to you. I will state matter-of-factly that a very significant percentage of black folks suppress their true feelings about the social ecology in which we're embedded. As surely as you ratiocinatively suppress coming to terms with factoids that conflict with your carefully cultivated and enobling structural narrative.

But all the above is merely psychological window dressing. My substantive critical concern about the American way of life is less rooted in its sundry overt psychopathologies, than it is my certain understanding of the thermodynamic fate awaiting America and the way that the operant psychopathologies will express themselves during the impending material crisis.

Having recently witnessed how America works in the course of and in the wake of Katrina, how do you suppose it'll work a year from now when the price of gasoline and natural gas have doubled yet again, and, the inevitable domino effect that this will exert on the supply chain becomes more clearly manifested?

Submitted by Ourstorian on October 8, 2005 - 11:48am.

"Earlier treatments of the subject by Du Bois, J.A. Rogers, de-Graft Johnson, and John G. Jackson, were produced with a decidedly vindicationist agenda in mind. While their scholarship was by no means faulty or flawed, they were in the unenviable position of having to both define and defend the humanity of black people every time they put words to paper. Their intention of correcting the omissions of Western history and of setting the record straight about African cultural and intellectual achievements, while commendable and necessary, nevertheless, generally failed to situate Moorish culture within the larger context of Arabic hegemony and its promotion and expansion of color prejudice and racial slavery."


I need to retract a part of this statement as it is factually incorrect. The statement that Du Bois and the others "failed to situate Moorish culture within the larger context of Arabic hegemony and its promotion and expansion of color prejudice and racial slavery" is wrong. Du Bois and deGraft Johnson, in particular, did not overlook the problems of race prejudice and slavery within the Islamic empire. In my effort to defend their vindicationist strategies, I mis-stated the point I was trying to make.


I also should mention that I ommitted the name Jan Carew from the list of black scholars who established the intellectual foundation for Ivan van Sertima's "The Golden Age of the Moor." Carew, who is also a contributor to that collection of essays, is Van Sertima's mentor and countryman, and has been one of the leading figures in Africana studies. I highly recommend his work.

Submitted by Ourstorian on October 8, 2005 - 12:03pm.

More dots...

"My racial paranoia tells me the popular illustration of evolution is an insinuation that the white man is evolution’s final, finished, or ultimate product, while we darker-skinned peoples were just evolutionary “bumps” along the way. Either that, or we, the big-lipped, nappy-haired, well endowed, abundantly melanin-blessed (or cursed, if you’re a black neo-con), are aberrations that somehow arose after the white masterpiece was complete."

In the modern world system, History serves to make the past intelligible, tangible, meaningful and manageable. It replaces the old mythic cycles of time and the mythological mysteries of human existence with a linear conceptualization of time as a progressive and teleological force that reveals the meaning of human history through its expression and fulfillment in the emergence and domination of the West. Time is both the currency and the commodity of this ideology. It is the argument for Western superiority and its proof. Yet for all the struggles of humanity to perfect, divide and structure systems of measurement and theories of change into calendars and historical periods no one actually knows what time it is. The fundamental question of historical orientation (what time is it?) is answerable only in reference to whose time it is. Whose time is it? The Christian calendar tells us it is the year 2005. But it is 6240 according to the first Egyptian calendar, 5764 in the Jewish calendar, 2548 in the Buddhist calendar, and 1424 in the Muslim calendar. Thus historical time functions as an ideological matrix, a system of belief and faith structured and organized to maintain and preserve the cult in power and the power of the cult. Since the advent of the so-called modern world, the cult in power has been Eurocentric and its power has been white supremacy.

Like the panoramas in anthropology books that purportedly illustrate human evolution from an ape-like ancestral specimen in Africa along an unbroken line to its apotheosis as a white man in Europe, the inexorable march of History is a trick of the mind’s eye, a mirage in the desert of the real, a solipsistic self-deception similar to the optical illusion of the sun rising and setting on the earth’s horizons.

Human beings conduct their lives with this social illusion in the foreground and the material reality in the background. With the earth’s movement mistakenly perceived as the movement of the sun, we spend our days (and nights) in a state of functional incoherence convinced we are headed straight to the future while going around in circles. Functional incoherence also describes the state or condition in which modern history operates. As a totalizing scientific account of human events, History functions as a coherent statement of the incoherence of the human experience in time. It posits Europe as the nexus where history begins and ends (the horizons where the sun rises and sets), and thus makes time the servant of European ideology and socio-economic power. It convenes its narratives—which do not conform to reality but to what reality is imagined to be or projected to be—using pseudo-scientific arguments steeped in the rhetoric of rationality and reason to simulate verisimilitude and universality. In this sense, History is a ruse instantiated and ratified in the imaginary of the West to establish and maintain the West’s epistemological dominance over the rest of us. As a hegemonic project of colonialism, its nature and function is to assimilate and integrate all local particularities and temporalities into the pseudo-universality of the modern world system. By conceiving and convening the past in its own image (the European imaginary) the past then becomes the representative means whereby the Euro-American polity controls the present and shapes the future.


Submitted by cnulan on October 9, 2005 - 10:56am.

Human beings conduct their lives with this social illusion in the foreground and the material reality in the background......History is a ruse instantiated and ratified in the imaginary of the West to establish and maintain the West’s epistemological dominance over the rest of us.

Though I reached back to establish an alternative reference frame in which the present terror of the situation can be considered, I would be remiss to leave off the theme at this deep juncture. Beyond the background seignurial bias of originalistic just-so-storytelling - our logic, language, and values are now conditioned by the foreground immersive power of mass media that the propagandists could have only ever fantasized about.

After classes at the learning center yesterday, I fell in with some of the elders who were talking about Bennett. In the light of where this thread left off one of them stated quite correctly that no matter how great the plague of cutting and shooting on saturday night in the hood, it's small potatos as against the major crimes perpetrated in broad daylight by this country. Nothing done in the aggregate by blacks over a twenty year span equates with the whole country jack move perpetrated by the present administration.

There is a sinister genius at work in the process that demonizes and focuses on petty individual criminality while enobling and legitimating wholesale, genocidal, corporate criminality. That is the special genius of the American seignurial MO. Mass media is the leading evolutionary edge of the audacious machinery of the Big Lie - which is the very embodiment and essence of how this do one thing and say another system works.

Evolution, or ill-telligent design?

Submitted by dwshelf on October 9, 2005 - 11:24am.

There is a sinister genius at work in the process that demonizes and focuses on petty individual criminality while enobling and legitimating wholesale, genocidal, corporate criminality.

Well cnulan there's two non-petty issues in the drug distribution problem.

1. Murder.  As in young black men murdering a variety of mostly black people in an effort to protect their income.

2. The conveyor belt from jr. high to prison for young black men. The understanding that there's plenty of money to be made without knowing fractions.

I don't believe the solution here is to trivialize and point off to the side. Legalizing drugs may well be a real solution, but lacking political support, an alternative would be useful.

Submitted by cnulan on October 9, 2005 - 12:28pm.

but lacking political support

and it is this lack that is precisely the rub. nowhere ever have I seen a rational, econometric justification of the historical U.S. drug prohibition and the amplified contemporary War on Black Men

As a matter of fact, the entire history of the U.S. drug prohibition is so tightly bound up in racism and xenophobia as to point toward a fundamental and intractable barrier to logical entry. It's an absolute interrupt in the logical structure of American governance policy that undermines any conceivable apologetic you could advance in that cause DW.

an alternative would be useful.

Nothing less than the integrity of the American system is at stake here. There are no acceptable alternatives to legislative correction of this grotesque, racist, and irrational domestic war on black men. every other possible claim presented by the American system is rendered moot by this highly damaging vestige of jim crow which clearly discloses the seignurial nature of the American social ecology.

Submitted by cnulan on October 9, 2005 - 12:37pm.

I don't believe the solution here is to trivialize and point off to the side.

I agree, so let's address the primary problem space;

Blacks own no poppy or coca fields.

Blacks own none of the ships, planes, and tractor trailers that support the wholesale importation and distribution.

Blacks own and control none of the banks that launder the massive coin and currency flows arising from narcotics trade.

Blacks own and control none of the media which glorifies and propagandizes the narcotraficante lifestyle.

Blacks are not the primary consumers of the contraband materials.

Blacks control none of the legislative power required to eliminate these jim crow laws.

Blacks control none of the laws required to control gun proliferation and we all know where the overwhelming majority of crime guns come from.

Blacks manufacture no guns or bullets.

Which aspect of white America's racist socio-ecological assault on young black men and the well-being of the community which depends on the seignurial viability of young black men would you like to take on first DW?

Submitted by dwshelf on October 9, 2005 - 1:02pm.

Which aspect of white America's racist socio-ecological assault on young black men and the well-being of the community which depends on the seignurial viability of young black men would you like to take on first DW?

Call it hegemony. Call it a racist plot. Call it reality.

When you point off to the side, you're part of the problem, not part of the solution.

White people might have set up the trap of easy drug money, but black people take the bait with their eyes wide open. 

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on October 9, 2005 - 1:05pm.

So what did white people gain by setting up the trap? And what level of responsibility for the resulting problem do the have as the creators of the trap?

cnulan isn't pointing to the side, he's pointing to the center. It only looks like the side if you think we should be going in circles.

Submitted by dwshelf on October 9, 2005 - 1:13pm.

So what did white people gain by setting up the trap?

What did white people gain by prohibition?  They were following a belief that making something criminal would make it go away, and what they got was a funding mechanism for criminal organizations.  It sems a recurring bad idea.

And what level of responsibility for the resulting problem do the have as the creators of the trap?

Pretty much the same resonsibility those who would take guns away from law abiding people would face when the compliant were victimized by criminals. 

cnulan isn't pointing to the side, he's pointing to the heart.

When there's a trap, and you'r watching people take the bait, pointing anywhere but the trap is not useful in reducing the inflow into the trap.  It's a distraction.  It lessens the will and the information to avoid. 

Submitted by cnulan on October 9, 2005 - 1:26pm.

White people might have set up the trap of easy drug money

might have?

Stop struggling...,

The American system has so many stress fractures - now fully evident - that it's only a matter of time before it buckles under its own inconsistencies.

All the kings men with all the tools in the world at their disposal can't even manage to keep the story straight any longer DW.

I believe in the indomitable integrity of blackness. I trust the common sense of black folks and I lend my highest and best efforts toward the furtherence of the same.

As for the devolutionary and blind-alley'd endogamous American way of life,


This is the interpretation of the thing:

MENE; God hath numbered thy kingdom, and brought it to an end.
Dan. 5:25-26

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on October 9, 2005 - 1:28pm.
And what level of responsibility for the resulting problem do the have as the creators of the trap?

Pretty much the same resonsibility those who would take guns away from law abiding people would face when the compliant were victimized by criminals.

That would be pretty much absolute, right? 

When there's a trap

Aren't white people being trapped in depending on these incorrect expectations? How are you helping white people out of that? Aren't you coming up short by not working to discredit this recurring bad idea?

Submitted by Ourstorian on October 9, 2005 - 1:57pm.

"There is a sinister genius at work in the process that demonizes and focuses on petty individual criminality while enobling and legitimating wholesale, genocidal, corporate criminality. That is the special genius of the American seignurial MO. Mass media is the leading evolutionary edge of the audacious machinery of the Big Lie - which is the very embodiment and essence of how this do one thing and say another system works."


One of the network news programs (ABC or NBC, I don't remember which) did a story on folks scamming the government for Katrina funds. The story began with footage depicting a black woman being taken into custody and handcuffed by white cops for collecting money that was supposed to aid the victims of Katrina. I believe several thousand dollars had been fraudulently collected. As the story continued, attention was given to a website that had managed to scam folks out of more than 40k in a matter of a few days or so by claiming they were airlifting sick children from Louisiana to various hospitals around the south. Of course there was no such program and no air service, it was a bogus website. Footage showed the website, but nothng was said about the perpetrators or any arrests. The news story then ended by returning to footage of the unidentified black women under arrest and waiting to be transported to jail.

This happens in the media everyday. The face of crime in America is black by design.




Submitted by Ourstorian on October 9, 2005 - 2:06pm.

"Nothing done in the aggregate by blacks over a twenty year span equates with the whole country jack move perpetrated by the present administration."

If Americans actually believed their own rhetoric about justice and human rights, Bush and his cronies would be locked up in Guantanamo awaiting trial for crimes against humanity. Nothing done in the aggregate by black folks since our ancestors first arrived on these shores can compare with the crimes of the current administration.


Submitted by Ourstorian on October 9, 2005 - 2:48pm.

"There are no acceptable alternatives to legislative correction of this grotesque, racist, and irrational domestic war on black men. every other possible claim presented by the American system is rendered moot by this highly damaging vestige of jim crow which clearly discloses the seignurial nature of the American social ecology."

The jim crow application of drug laws makes them highly useful and lucrative tools for maintaining the status quo of white supremacy. Not only do they serve as pretexts for the mad dog policing of black communities, they also provide a vital revenue stream for cops, judges, lawyers, and the contractors who build and maintain the prison industrial complex. Even the phone companies have climbed on board, charging usurious rates for long distance calls from prisons, rates prisoners and their families can ill-afford. This operates in concert with the practice of housing black inmates in rural prisons where they provide jobs and incomes for white folks and contribute to the census data used to calculate and apportion Congressional representation. Thus black and Latino felons, who have been excised from voter roles, form a critical segment in the population of these rural voting districts. This practice in some ways mimics the clause established in the U.S. Constitution authorizing the use of the formula that a black slave constituted 3/5 of a human being for the purpose of determining proportional representation in slave-holding states. As you can imagine, many of the "representatives" from these voting districts go to Washington and vote against the interests of black folks in general, and for the continuation of the policies that foster and maintain the ghetto-prison pipeline. Their jobs depend on it.



Submitted by dwshelf on October 9, 2005 - 3:40pm.

The American system has so many stress fractures - now fully evident - that it's only a matter of time before it buckles under its own inconsistencies.

Remember James Watt?  The guy who said it doesn't much matter if we conserve because the second coming of Christ is imminent?

Would you be a latter day James Watt, cnulan?  Telling young black men that it's ok if they end up in prison, because things are going to buckle any day now.  That maybe it's their civic duty as black men do do some time as a way to bring the second coming collapse of America sooner? 

That kind of thinking--it ain't me it's white people--but massive forces are about to set things straight--is a significant factor in the bad judgement which is resulting in massive incarceration of black males.  It means they don't need to learn fractions, rather they can be out their raking in the dough and having way more money than the kids in school.  There might be doom ahead, but hey, I'm doomed anyway unless and until those forces of God arrive.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on October 9, 2005 - 4:45pm.

That's your weakest argument yet. Not just the usual correlation vs causation issues but temporal dyslexia as well.

Submitted by cnulan on October 9, 2005 - 6:16pm.

Would you be a latter day James Watt, cnulan? Telling young black men that it's ok if they end up in prison, because things are going to buckle any day now.

Stop struggling DW.

We're all looking at all the cards you've ever held in your hand. What you call common sense, or originalism, or even reality, no longer possesses any of the mimetic stealth qualities that formerly made it slippery or difficult to discern. You're busted brotha.

"Hail, hail, fire and snow, call the angel we will go, far away, for to see, friendly angel come to me".

That kind of thinking--it ain't me it's white people--but massive forces are about to set things straight--is a significant factor in the bad judgement which is resulting in massive incarceration of black males.

Seems to me the imperative is for each one to teach one about the nature of Gorgan such that not a moment longer is wasted in fundamentally futile repartee.

Submitted by cnulan on October 10, 2005 - 9:59am.

Recent example of ill-telligent social engineering that occurred in parallel and possibly even in response to the dilution of black social ecology;

James Baldwin long ago provided the best response to this Jewish oneupmanship: "It is not here, not now, that the Jew is being slaughtered, and he is never despised, here, as the Negro is, because he is an American. The Jewish travail occurred across the sea and America rescued him from the house of bondage. But America is the house of bondage for the Negro, and no country can rescue him."

Holocaust consciousness today is thoroughly embedded in mainstream popular culture. This has happened, Novick writes, because American Jews "are not just 'the people of the book,' but the people of the Hollywood film and the television miniseries, of the magazine article and the newspaper column, of the comic book and the academic symposium."

Now, my kingdom for a powerful and rigorous exegesis of blaxploitation cinema and the way in which ill-telligent engineering of the American social ecology has been impacted by Hollywood and the six-o-clock evening news....,

Submitted by dwshelf on October 10, 2005 - 10:52am.

Novick's contention is that "the Holocaust" was constructed twenty-five years after the war in a way that would not have been recognizable to Jews or gentiles in 1945. Indeed, Novick shows that while the Holocaust as such was hardly talked about from 1945 to 1965, from the seventies on it became increasingly central to Jewish self-consciousness.

The horrors of the holocaust were first presented to Americans as photographs of the concentration camps which were taken coincident with the fall of the Nazis during the spring of 1945.  Within a year or so it had become clear what the Nazis had done.  People may well have been numbed by the atomic bomb, but the horror was well established in the American common experience by 1947. As a kid during the late '50s, not even knowing any Jews as Jews, I sure knew about it, and knew why it was important.

Novick is a revisionst.

Baldwin's point (quoted 3rd hand and interpreted here..) that there exist certain parallels between Jews, historically, and blacks in America is reasonable, including the fact that no one's likely to "rescue" American blacks.  Presumably, he's arguing that American blacks need to effect their own solution, and that's reasonable too.

Submitted by cnulan on October 10, 2005 - 11:17am.

Novick is a revisionst.

That's what you said about 1491 too.

Here's the thing DW, those mindfilters through which you reprocess every iota of data presented hereabouts not only make you an exemplary revisionist, they make you a solipsistic revisionist in near-real-time, as well.

The minute we become collectively introspective in significant numbers, pragmatically turning our backs on what you term success methinkst you'll have a very hard time coming to terms with the afrofuturist re-engineering of reality. We're doing our level best to help you, but your obstinacy is getting in the way of your growth possibilities. Spence did a nice job of summarizing the problem inhering to your self-limiting point of view...,

Submitted by dwshelf on October 10, 2005 - 11:47am.

Here's the thing cnunan.

If you're going to overturn established common understanding, you have to present overwhelming evidence.  There's no shortage of cranks who try to make a living or an ego presenting plausible alternative scenarios, aimed at an audience who is motivated to believe.  Regular people are well defended against such cranks.  That raises the bar for those who would change common understanding, but it means that when they do so, they tend to achieve the change quickly and decisevely, because their evidence is in fact overwhelming.

Submitted by cnulan on October 10, 2005 - 12:18pm.

Here's the actual thing DW

You've somehow managed to conflate legislating and discussing. You presume that I care to overturn "common understanding". I don't. All I care to do is to objectively inform those capable of processing data objectively. Verification is all that is essential, not consensus. A partial consensus of American "common understanding" voted the present administration into office and is now regretting ever having done so.

You, for your part, bring scant little evidence to any of these discursive proceedings and audaciously presume that I or anyone else shares your "common understanding". You're not defended against cranks DW, you're simply obstinate in your refusal to consider information that doesn't fit your common understanding. Stop getting it twisted. We're discussing, not legislating, and you have here-to-date brought no evidence in support of your position to the discussion.

Submitted by Ourstorian on October 11, 2005 - 11:35am.

"Recent example of ill-telligent social engineering that occurred in parallel and possibly even in response to the dilution of black social ecology;"

How did the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum get built on the Mall in Washington, DC (it opened in 1993) before the National Museum of the American Indian (opened in 2004) and a National Museum for African Americans?

While I understand the mission of the Holocaust Museum, I don't believe it should have been located on the Mall. Many Jewish Americans were victims of the Holocaust, but, aside from America's belated response to it, a response actually predicated by the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the Holocaust itself is not a part of American history.

On the other hand, the holocausts perpetrated against Native peoples in America and against African peoples transported to America, constitute the very marrow of this nation's body politic. Yet, as always is the case, they are afterthoughts in the nation's historical memory.

Submitted by cnulan on October 15, 2005 - 6:24pm.

This afternoon at the learning center, I was making dynebolic discs for the boys and listening to the elders talk about pan-africanism over the backdrop of the MMM. {i'm testing an ubuntu partition on one of my machines, and after I beat on it a while, I might possibly be tempted to shift or at the very least broaden my loyalties}

A wealthy Yoruba visitor was present during this discussion. I stayed out of it for the most part, as I was busy, and frankly more interested in hearing what my elders had to say. I casually kept my eye on our Nigerian brother though, watching his body language as the elders talked among themselves about the MMM and in process of trying to engage him in their discussion, called him an Ibo - {he visibly cringed in response to this sleight}.

To make the long story short, I couldn't resist jumping into the fray as it centered on the concept of unity, and so I put the brother rather intensely on the spot by asking him about kinship structures among the Yoruba. I asked him why, if pan-africanism seems such like such a capital idea among American black folk, who are now by default among the most exogamous people on the face of the earth, why hasn't it ever taken hold in say for example, Nigeria? Suffice it to say, the brother was at such a loss for words that he suddenly had to pack up his gear and get out of dodge.

Funny how people can be when you question their cultural and political views about open source genomics....,

Submitted by Temple3 on October 15, 2005 - 7:53pm.

just as i said on the other post - privilege allows liars to lie and reading the above, it's truly compelling to hear dw's CLARITY and AWARENESS in observing the aftermath of Nazi activity - based on photographs observed during youth...i wonder how many pictures have been ignored over the past FIVE DECADES that he is now so vague about how privilege is a part of his life...

i love can run, but you can't hide. i done with that cat. jensen did neglect to mention the psychological games that white folks must play in order to justify their material and ideological existence. what fun.

Submitted by dwshelf on October 15, 2005 - 11:59pm.

.i wonder how many pictures have been ignored over the past FIVE DECADES that he is now so vague about how privilege is a part of his life...

A couple of experiences over the past couple of days T3.

1. I read some Langston Hughes.  I concluded it was the kind of thing I should be reading to my grandkids.

2. I encountered a collection of people who decline to grasp the difference in experience between being white and being black in America.

It ain't me, but we need a white Langston Hughes in this picture. 

Submitted by ptcruiser on October 16, 2005 - 8:07am.

"Presumably, he's arguing that American blacks need to effect their own solution, and that's reasonable too."

Then why are you and other whites so deeply resistent to the prescriptions that we offer to address our problems? Oh! I get it. You want to see solutions that DO NOT entail any social, financial or political costs for yourselves.

Submitted by dwshelf on October 16, 2005 - 10:46am.

Then why are you and other whites so deeply resistent to the prescriptions that we offer to address our problems?

I'm sure we could identify some of those prescriptions which I and maybe other whites wouldn't resist at all, PT.

The resisted ones seem to fall into one of two categories:

1. More of the same which hasn't worked before 

2. Racial preference enforced by law 

You want to see solutions that DO NOT entail any social, financial or political costs for yourselves.

Lots of money, time, and effort have gone down the drain. Lots of money, tjme, and effort remain available, but there's an unwillingness to pour good money after bad.

There are "prescriptions" which seem to be working.  I caught a PBS thing about public schools in N. Carolina which was very promising, particularly in the worst of schools.  When the technique was attempted in San Diego, it was killed off by the teacher's union.   I'm willing to suggest that if we were to double the salary of every teacher in San Diego, and double all non-salary budgets, that the perrformance of the worst schools in San Diego would not improve at all.  On the other hand, if we figure out what works, and it involves demanding that teachers actually teach the curriculum rather than substituting their own judgement (a key aspect of the N. Carolina and one NYC district's solution) then scores rise as if by miricle.  (the other key aspect was very frequent testing to see if the kids had actually learned the curriculum)

So I think there do exist important prescriptions for which time and money are available. 

Given that we know it's doable, why not demand that failing schools be improved?  Why not march on such schools to draw attention to the demand?  You won't find any opposition from white people, PT, except those in teacher's unions.

Submitted by ptcruiser on October 16, 2005 - 11:24am.

"More of the same which hasn't worked before..."

Well, then let's try some new things like adequately funding public schools; providing affordable childcare for single parents trying to get off the dole and investing in small scale and sustainable retail economic enterprises in poor communities instead of massive redevelopment projects that tend only to benefit people who don't live in the affected areas.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on October 16, 2005 - 12:23pm.

"More of the same which hasn't worked before..."

Well, then let's try some new things like


There's something new... 

Submitted by ptcruiser on October 16, 2005 - 3:52pm.


Too hard! So is adequately funding our public schools because too many white folks have bought into the neo-liberal and neo-conservative absurdity that spending more money won't help inner-city public schools. Spending more money does absolute wonders for public schools located in suburban areas however as my wife and I and nearly all of our neighbors, including those who don't believe that inner-city public schools need more funding, will readily and willingly attest to.

Submitted by Temple3 on October 17, 2005 - 7:48am.

dangerous to simply throw out the notion of social policy failures without a related empirical analysis of efficiency and effectiveness. underfunding, short-term support and election year politicking have always complicated these factors.

dw is right about the complicity of teachers unions (and by implication, the DEMOCRATIC party) in undermining the academic achievement of students. still, for two dynamic collectives to reach an agreement on this level, reason will not be the operative lever. it never has been and never will be. given that africans have shed blood for just about every "right" that americans enjoy - beyond those related to demands of the tax-weary children of england, america has little hope BEYOND more black folk dying in pursuit of some lofty goal. the next best option would be for white women and children to offer up their bodies in the cause. if it bleeds it leads. time for someone else to play christ-figure. it seems to be the only thing the collective understands.

and since soccer moms ain't givin' it up for nobody, the gap shall not be closed beyond prescriptions intended to make soccer moms feel safe. so, while the daughters of the soccer moms feel safe enough to get with snoop and flash for cash (and more, I'm told), the generation gap is difficult. perhaps america can age it's way out of this problem - led by the loose morals and profligate degeneracy of young white women. think mary magdalene and the internet...think redemption and liberation.

that's a relatively bloodless proposition to the historical alternative. teachers gone wild, $19.99 - infomercials with testimonials from bay buchanan and the like.

Submitted by Temple3 on October 17, 2005 - 7:59am.

the question of whether "inner-city schools" (i assume you don't mean the prestigious prep schools in which the urban 'elite' are educated - but rather schools with poor black and/or latino children...hate euphemisms) require additional funding is complex.

for example, it is difficult to argue that teacher salaries should be increased by as much as 33% (as they have in NYC over the past few years) unless the city can ensure the best teachers are in the lowest performing schools (a recently won component of NYC's negotiations). this is rare across the nation. the youngest, most inexperienced teachers learn the craft in "inner-city" schools (ha, ha) and then bounce once their skills improve and they've strengthened their negotiating position. it's a triage system that is sustained, dw, generally by the daughters (and a few sons) of white america. it's an interesting dynamic. but the bottom line is that scores don't move because the number one indicator of student success is TEACHER QUALITY. unions and democrats have moved in LOCK STEP to ensure that these unassailable rights are not assailed. in NYC, it's a good thing that bloomberg switched party's.

even with these issues on the table, disparities in per pupil allocations between city and suburb can be as great as $10,000 per child. when you spend $10,000 more per child, per year (with more experienced teachers - using better resources) the test scores should be better in the burbs. they should be significantly better. none of this is rocket science. so, unions need to make concessions. parents need to be more involved, but pundits and analysts should not proffer disingenuous arguments about the implications of vastly divergent funding for schools. a successful student attending a school where per pupil expenditures (ppe's) are between $8000 and $12000 (typically with teachers with 0-3 years experience) must be commended because he/she will eventually compete with students where ppe's are as high as $21,000 (and where 90-100% of teachers have master's degrees, undergraduate degrees in the subject they're teaching, and 5-10+ years of experience). in this context, notions of an achievement gap are pretty comical. so, these issues deserve a broader platform than this medium tends to support.

Submitted by dwshelf on October 17, 2005 - 10:26am.

but the bottom line is that scores don't move because the number one indicator of student success is TEACHER QUALITY.

I'm sure not going to argue that teacher quality isn't an important factor.  What I have observed however is that failing schools are in a rut which is too deep to get out of by simple improvement of teacher quality.

The N. Carolina and NYC success story did not involve changing teachers, it involved changing teaching. 

The rut I observed, and the evidence seems clear that my direct observations generalize fairly well, is the rut of low expectations.  A majority of the students arrived at school with no intent of participating in education, they arrived for entertainment.  The teachers went along; if the students should master fractions in the 6th grade, but in the entire class none of them could, the teacher lowered expectations.  If by chance a teacher maintained expecations, that was quashed by administration, who stood by parents who demanded to know why students were't receiving passing grades, suggesting that the teacher was failing rather than the students.  A rut. A deep, failing rut.  More money into such a rut means more entrenchment of those on the receiving end.

In California, it is already the case that these failing schools receive more money than the best schools in the state.  All schools are constitutionally funded equally by default, with supplemental money going to address problems rather than to reward success.

I'll repeat: white people in particular and society in general are more than willing to fund better education for those mostly black children who currently expreience failing schools.  What we don't want and aren't willing to fund is twice as much of the same. 

No doubt there's more than one way out of the rut. The N. Carolina and NYC successes I described earlier are one.  If there's more, let's try them. 

Submitted by dwshelf on October 17, 2005 - 10:49am.


1. Far better schooling is available for kids now attending failing schools.

2. Nothing is going to change without demand from regular people with kids in those schools.

3. The demand cannot be abstract. The demand has to be precisely stated as "far better results". 

4. We all need to understand that a successful school will be operated considerably differently than the currently failing schools. 

5. Imagine sending your kid off to school with "the reason you're failing in school son is because white people are failing to accept responsibility".  I considered the potential that some local posters might actually do such a thing, but concluded that I knew them better than that.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on October 17, 2005 - 11:25am.

5. Imagine sending your kid off to school with "the reason you're failing in school son is because white people are failing to accept responsibility".  I considered the potential that some local posters might actually do such a thing, but concluded that I knew them better than that.


Straw man.

And you were doing so well.

Submitted by ptcruiser on October 17, 2005 - 11:47am.

Let's skip all of this irrelevant folderol that you always manage to inject into these kind of discussions. Let's put aside the issue of teachers' compensation, which is obviously of great concern to teachers and their dependents and creditors and protectors of the public treasury like yourself, but not uppermost in the minds of people who have to send their children to these miserable dwellings that masquerade as places devoted to educating and enlightening children about the world.

Let's begin with the physical plants themselves. These decaying, decrepit, aging and dying structures have long outlived their alleged usefulness as schools if, in fact, they ever served such a purpose for the greater part of the young people sentenced to these facilities for seven hours a day, five days a week for thirteen years. The costs to maintain these buildings, power them up, keep them clean and refurbish them cannot be justified on any reasonable grounds.

Every urban area in America has abandoned or underutilized buildings that can with minimum costs be turned into schools that would serve 100 to 250 students. These buildings would be cheaper to maintain, heat, illuminate, clean and repair. There would be no need for full time janitors, cafeteria workers and the entire menagerie of service personnel that are nearly always required when you stuff several thousand young, active and curious young people into a large building and shut the doors. With a reduced number of students there would be a corresponding reduction in the number of educational managers needed to oversee the facility, e.g., principals, vice-principals, head counselors, student services advisors, P.E. teachers etc.

The resultant savings in costs could be used to increase and improve the school district's course offerings including reinvigorating the arts, science, language and music programs. The surplus school properties could be leased on a long term basis to non-profit and for profit housing developers to convert these existing structures into affordable housing with a mixture of small and appropriate retail shops that cater to the development's residents and members of the surrounding community. A percentage of these new housing units could be set aside for young teachers who more often than not cannot afford to pay for decent market rate housing within the boundaries of the school district that employs them.

The school district would agree to forego any direct lease payments for the use of the land and demand instead that the funds be used to create a neighborhood improvement district. The improvement district's chief purpose would be to facilitate the kinds of neighborhood amenities that would attract a diverse mix of people from differing income groups. In other words, the school district would be actively promoting policies creating greater economic integration in poorer urban neighborhoods.

The smaller schools would be much better suited to offering an environment that is conducive to educating young people. A smaller school, for example, would provide a more relaxed and secure atmosphere for children to feel safe and secure. Children with special needs or who are at greater risk than their classmates can be more easily identified and provided with the support they need.

If over time the school's enrollment increased to a point that the existing facility became too small then the district could find another building or add to the existing building without incurring the huge capital costs, often unwritten by issuing and selling bonds, that serve to financially cripple many urban school districts today. The Los Angeles Unified School District (this is a contradiction in terms) recently spent in excess of $38 million to build a new high school before discovering that the new plant was built over a toxic dump that itself was constructed over an earthquake fault. The school will never be occupied but the bondholders will still have to be paid off.

The wrangling between liberals and conservatives over urban public education in the United States has devolved into little more than a pissing match with parents and, more importantly, students being held hostage to one bullshit crank theory or jive-ass political agenda after another. What is needed here is a reimagining of the purpose of public schools and a willingness to take small scale practical risks in order to create a better school system.

Submitted by ptcruiser on October 17, 2005 - 7:09pm.

I forgot to say that high school SPORTS as we have come know it in urban school districts would wither away too under my plan, but there is no reason why the existing gymnasiums, track fields etc. cannot be turned over to local YMCAs or similar institutions in the area with the provision that these institutions assume responsibility for running basketball leagues and soccer teams etc.

Submitted by dwshelf on October 17, 2005 - 10:06pm.

The wrangling between liberals and conservatives over urban public education in the United States has devolved into little more than a pissing match with parents and, more importantly, students being held hostage to one bullshit crank theory or jive-ass political agenda after another.

I agree with this completely PT.  There's no shortage of cranks.

On the other hand, we need a way to:

  1. know the difference between success and failure
  2. be doing experiments in failing situations
  3. pursue successful experiments
  4. tell the teacher's unions that the students come first
Submitted by Prometheus 6 on October 17, 2005 - 10:12pm.

And, of course

5. Imagine sending your kid off to school with "the reason you're failing in school son is because white people are failing to accept responsibility".

What was that particular line of bullshit supposed to accomplish? 

Submitted by dwshelf on October 17, 2005 - 11:05pm.

What was that particular line of bullshit supposed to accomplish?

So of:


There's something new...


Who was the intended audience?

Kids, not.

Who then?

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on October 17, 2005 - 11:38pm.

I asked first. And have an answer to your question.

So what was that line supposed to accomplish?

Submitted by ptcruiser on October 18, 2005 - 5:57am.

On the other hand, we need a way to:

1. know the difference between success and failure

We're adults and we're responsible for introducing children to a world that is older than they are. The difference between success and failure is not some great mystery.

2. be doing experiments in failing situations

We couldn't teach a classroom of geniuses if they came to school hungry.

3. pursue successful experiments

We keep trying to reinvent the wheel. There is no GREAT BIG SECRET to teaching children, any children, how to read and computate.

4. tell the teacher's unions that the students come first

The teachers' unions are relevant players in this process. Demonizing them all the time, as Republicans and conservatives love to do, is not going to make them go away or stop giving campaign contributions to Democrats. Every school board and school district superintendant in the nation already has the authority to implement any changes they see fit. In cases where these changes conflict with the contracts these districts have signed with teachers' unions then the district will have to negotiate. This is the American Way. Right-wing politicians who want to do it another way are simply engaging in demogoguery.

Submitted by dwshelf on October 18, 2005 - 10:42am.

So what was that line supposed to accomplish?

So here's how it went in my mind P6.  I actually considered "would people who say those things actually say them to their own children?", but rejected the potential as irrational.  I wondered, "do they say them to me?", but that seemed a waste of time in a context where I've been around a awhile; I'm perfectly willing to discuss responsibility, but, you know, it has to be established better than that.  Do they say them to other black adults?  I couldn't rule that out, but I couldn't see the sense of it either.

So in the end, I was down to just an anti-white rant, which seemed unhelpful in any context, let alone a somewhat progressing discussion of schools.  Usually I just let things like that go so as to not to get to just where I am right now, and maybe it was a mistake this time too, but in all seriousness it seemed we had been communicating fairly well of late, so I felt that maybe it was the time for a push-back. 

Submitted by dwshelf on October 18, 2005 - 10:52am.

On the other hand, we need a way to:

1. know the difference between success and failure

We're adults and we're responsible for introducing children to a world that is older than they are. The difference between success and failure is not some great mystery.

Indeed not, but we're faced with school districts who continue failing while discussing their successes.

2. be doing experiments in failing situations

We couldn't teach a classroom of geniuses if they came to school hungry.

We've had a program known as "food stamps" for coming up on forty years now. 

3. pursue successful experiments

We keep trying to reinvent the wheel. There is no GREAT BIG SECRET to teaching children, any children, how to read and computate.

Somehow we continue failing year after year after year.

I agree PT there's no great secret to teaching children, but in the worst of schools, it IS NOT BEING DONE.

4. tell the teacher's unions that the students come first

The teachers' unions are relevant players in this process. Demonizing them all the time, as Republicans and conservatives love to do, is not going to make them go away or stop giving campaign contributions to Democrats. Every school board and school district superintendant in the nation already has the authority to implement any changes they see fit. In cases where these changes conflict with the contracts these districts have signed with teachers' unions then the district will have to negotiate. This is the American Way. Right-wing politicians who want to do it another way are simply engaging in demogoguery.

In the PBS example I described, the San Diego teachers union fought intensely in favor of the status quo and against change which had been shown to work elsewhere.

On the other hand, the union in NYC had cooperated and become part of the success.

The issue was curriculum control vs teaching success.  Which is more important?  In San Diego, the teacher's union resisted forcing the curriculum at the district level and demanding that it be taught.  The teachers resisted, the board chose them over the reformers, and the schools continue to fail.  Kids are failing today directly because of the priorities of that teacher's union.  In the NYC and NC districts, the unions went along, and the improvement in results was dramatic.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on October 18, 2005 - 10:59am.

Well, here's my answer.

My comment was directed specifically at you. You've had white responsibility for various racial problems including some that no Black people were actually involved in at all proven and you flat refuse to simply admit that white people were culpable. 

The school issue, given that the entire arrangement was set up without Black folks' input, is one of these cases. And how do you respond?

With a stupid strawman.

You are wrong. We have not communicated well at all. I have; you haven't.

Submitted by dwshelf on October 18, 2005 - 11:27am.

The school issue, given that the entire arrangement was set up without Black folks' input, is one of these cases.

That's just not so.

In the situation I understand best, both of the principals who spanned the period of my involvement were black.  The majority of the teachers were black. 98% of the students were black. The school board contained blacks. 

The failure continued year after year after year.

I'm not collectively blaming black people, but it's beyond ludicrous to collectively blame white people for continuing the failure.

I'm not particularly trying to blame anyone. I'd just like change. If people are in the way, they need to be removed.

Submitted by ptcruiser on October 18, 2005 - 11:28am.

"We've had a program known as "food stamps" for coming up on forty years now."

What in the world are you referring to here? Does it really bother you that some people, not many, not all and not anywhere near a majority, lie about food stamps? Do you think that all the lies taken together by food stamp scammers equals or is more than all the waste and jive-ass so-called weapons development programs that the Pentagon engages in every day?

Food stamps? I can't believe you. The obstensible purposes of this program is to feed poor and hungry people; keep foodstuffs flowing off the local grocers' shelves and ensure a fuller domestic market for the American farmer. Who gives a damn if a relatively few people cheat the system. It happens all the time in this country and every other country in the world. Why should we make it harder for poor people to get food stamps and why should we give a damn if a relatively few people are lying about their needs? Let's first take care of the folks who aren't lying.

Submitted by dwshelf on October 18, 2005 - 11:30am.

What in the world are you referring to here?

The fact that we provide sufficient resources to every family in America such that their kids don't have to go to school hungry.  Nothing about scams at all.

Submitted by ptcruiser on October 18, 2005 - 11:35am.

"In San Diego, the teacher's union resisted forcing the curriculum at the district level and demanding that it be taught. The teachers resisted, the board chose them over the reformers, and the schools continue to fail..."

So it is the teachers' union fault that an elected school board chose to believe the union rather than the people who the school board had appointed to make policy for the school district? Looks like a crisis in management to me, not a union dictatorship. Did the good citizens of San Diego, many of whom are retired and current members of the military and therefore have a deep appreciation of the chain of command, vote out the school board members? Ain't democracy a mess?

Submitted by ptcruiser on October 18, 2005 - 11:38am.

Okay, I misunderstood your point about food stamps. Nonetheless, large numbers of children in urban school districts go to school everyday and have not eaten a decent meal in the morn ing.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on October 18, 2005 - 12:07pm.

In the situation I understand best, both of the principals who spanned the period of my involvement were black.  The majority of the teachers were black. 98% of the students were black. The school board contained blacks.


How long was your involvement?

How long did the system exist?

And even if you're right in this particular case (the answers to those first two questions would determine that), you still flat refuse to simply admit that white people were culpable. And I'm not talking historical cases, I'm talking about current issues we've discussed here, plucked from that day's news reporting.

Truly clear communication: I told you you'd lost my trust. You've done nothing since to change my impression. 

Submitted by Temple3 on October 18, 2005 - 12:12pm.

As a point of information to dw, changing or improving teacher quality does not necessarily mean changing teachers. It usually means changing instruction, school culture and assessment. To that end, your premise is not a departure from the research. Your conclusions are another matter altogether. Schools do not have a large enough labor pool to simply substitute 'poor' for 'decent' and 'decent' for 'good.' What you will find, if you look at the budgets, is that higher performing school districts spend more money on professional development than lower performing districts. It's not about the salary - though that doesn't stifle motivation, but the intrinsic value of expanding one's skill set must be linked to the EMPIRICAL results of improving learning. It was not my intention to narrowly frame the question of teacher quality. There are many ways to make improvements - and many require additional funding - whether or not it's directed to salaries is debatable.

The issue of low expectations is closely correlated to teacher quality. While you appear to construct this notion of expectations from the student side, the issue is really on the teacher side. The expectations of ADULTS drive learning - not the expectations of children. Children's expectations will generally mirror thos eof adults. Therefore, the expectations of 6th grade students (who have likely faced SIX YEARS + of low teacher expectations) are not suggestive of why schools fail - except that they reflect a deficit institutional commitment.

With respect to funding, California, as always, is a unique case. The willingness to pay higher taxes for the education of ANY children is LOW on the list of tax payer priorities. Let's not dodge the issue. The racial component is linked to RESIDENTIAL SEGREGATION, but the educational component is predicated on a broader opposition to taxation. That opposition is a fundamental American trait and may or may not be racial. So, I would argue that your claim of white folks being willing to shell out extra dough for schools is limited at best.

Submitted by dwshelf on October 18, 2005 - 1:14pm.

 As a point of information to dw, changing or improving teacher quality does not necessarily mean changing teachers. It usually means changing instruction, school culture and assessment. To that end, your premise is not a departure from the research.

It's good to have a common understanding of this kind of thing.

The issue of low expectations is closely correlated to teacher quality. While you appear to construct this notion of expectations from the student side, the issue is really on the teacher side. The expectations of ADULTS drive learning - not the expectations of children.

We're going to agree on this too, but there is an important dynamic to understand.

A bad school will not be improved one iota by hiring one or two excellent teacher with high expectations.  The only possible results of such an action will be the frustration of such teachers, whose expectations will be forcibly quashed. If they don't go along, they will be shunned and otherwise treated in a hostile way by the majority of the teachers.  The parents will complain (with a few exceptions), and the principal will make it very clear indeed that the expectations need to be lowered.

That dysfuction must be broken up. 

So, I would argue that your claim of white folks being willing to shell out extra dough for schools is limited at best.

And I don't strongly disagree.  I do observe that taxpayers are very frustrated with the current public school system, particularly the worst 25% of schools.  If we could fix the problems there, would taxpayers be willing to pay more?  I would, but you're right, I can't vote for everyone.

Submitted by dwshelf on October 18, 2005 - 1:32pm.

How long was your involvement?

Two years. 

How long did the system exist?


And even if you're right in this particular case (the answers to those first two questions would determine that), you still flat refuse to simply admit that white people were culpable.

I'd be plenty willing to identify some white people who were culpable.  Pointing to the collection of all white people carries no meaning.

And I'm not talking historical cases

Are cases > 2000 historical? 

Truly clear communication: I told you you'd lost my trust. You've done nothing since to change my impression.

That's painful to read. 

Submitted by Temple3 on October 18, 2005 - 1:40pm.

just another word re: teacher expectations...

the Principal is the lead dog pulling the sled at ANY school. if the teachers have low expectations it is because the principal either shares them or allows them and therefore fails to lead in another direction. put simply, if teachers don't have high expectations, they should not be teaching. the sidelines still have a bit more space for folks who would prefer to denigrate the infinite capacity of unspoiled minds. that notwithstanding, principals must bear the brunt of the responsibility for leading and defining the culture (what you feel, hear and see - and know, intuitively) of the school. if you listen to a principal speak for about 15 minutes, you'll know two things: 1) how they feel about children, 2) whether those children are succeeding. it's unavoidable - and in schools where children are learning, principals do NOT spend their time talking about teacher contracts, lazy teachers, unprepared teachers, inept teachers, intractable administrations, bad parents, crazy parents, unresponsive parents, lazy parents, overwhelmed parents, inadequate budgets, etc. they talk about conquering obstacles, prioritizing academic achievement and the successes of individual students and families. i mean, can you imagine bill walsh or bill parcells having a MIKE TICE moment to explain why their players were having sex with strippers on a boat? nope. because winning does not lend itself to those excuse-laden narratives. so, principals are the lead dogs - and you don't have to listen too long or look too deep to get to the root of the issue.

the reason why schools must transcend the conversation about circumstances and poverty is because without a doubt, they are the single most powerful institution in poor communities. no other institutions have comparable budgets, staffing, space, supplies, communications infrastructure, credentialed experts - and no other institution has the sanction of law to mandate that children be surrendered each day. not even the police department can make such a claim. in most poor communities EVERY one knows the principal - store owners, parents, health care providers, police, firemen, drug dealers, vagrants - everybody. the principal is usually the largest employer in the community - folks looking for work as parent involvement coordinators or paraprofessionals or consultants are looking to the principal for revenue and support. the principal is like a feudal lord. he/she is the local chief - and their bosses are too removed to have the recognition and impact that they do.

so, regardless of the conditions that schools face, they have considerably more resources than poor parents. in wealthier neighborhoods, the reverse is often true. there are other institutions with similar space allocations (corporate campuses) - and parents have many more socio-political-economic resources. principals certainly enjoy a level of prestige in the 'burbs, but they compete with professionals in the fields of science, law, business and politics. big fish-big any case, schools don't have the luxury of making excuses.

in new york, a great deal of effort has been expended to tell school leaders, "your way has not worked. you will try it this way, or you will leave and this building will shut its doors." that's an important thing to say. it's said, however, as an invitation - as much as an empirical critique. the practice and commitment here is to keep high expectations of schools (as well as students). those expectations, however, are accompanied by a sword. we believe you can do it, but we no longer believe you can do it your way. huge distinction. it's working here and in some other places.

the challenge, however, is one of scale. excellent schools need to be replicated. that has been the cornerstone of education reform for the past 20 years. it's more complicated than that, but there are some observable phenomena that contribute to the mess: too many schools, too many students, too many antiquated models of education, too many subpar principals and teachers, too many less than effective parents...and still, these students who are so often castigated for knowing little and doing less have not ushered in the destruction of western society. it seems that that task has been left to the elite graduates of Yale and Harvard and the University of Chicago. :)

Submitted by dwshelf on October 18, 2005 - 1:52pm.

Well said, T3.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on October 18, 2005 - 2:10pm.

I'd be plenty willing to identify some white people who were culpable.  Pointing to the collection of all white people carries no meaning.


If you get all the culpable people in all the failed school districts they will be overwhelmingly white.

And the point isn't so much to point the finger at them as to recognize they will not change unless the collection of all white people makes them do so. The collection that reflexively defends any white person "accused" of racism. The collection that sees no need to address documented harm.

The alternative is for Black people to simply accept that the mainstream is exactly what we each individually think it is, and that it will never change. Is that what you'd prefer? 

Submitted by Temple3 on October 18, 2005 - 2:26pm.

oddly enough, folks, this is exactly what King was saying in his last book, Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community? Staving off despair was essential to King's paradigm of christian love, redemption and hope. he was, however, particularly troubled with the role that white liberals played following the CRM and through the evolution of his campaign to end the vietnam War and expand rights to the poor. King was crystal clear that a moral imperative was needed, among white folks, to usher in another era of social change and justice. that appears to be what is being discussed here.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on October 18, 2005 - 2:43pm.

That is exactly what is being discussed, whenever I talk with white folks about racism. It's what they need to hear, something totally different than what Black folks need to hear.

Submitted by Temple3 on October 18, 2005 - 3:33pm.

too bad you're not

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on October 18, 2005 - 3:44pm.

If I were, I doubt I'd have this particular understanding.

Submitted by dwshelf on October 18, 2005 - 5:17pm.

too bad you're not

The problem isn't skin color.  White people are far more willing to listen to a black man talking about racial issues than a white man. 

The problem is the message.

Now I'm willing to believe there's something sensible in there, and I'm even  willing to work a bit to figure out what it is.  But to go around saying "white people need to change", you might as well bark at the moon.

Let's start with the basic understanding of white people's experience regarding racism in 2005: no such experience.  

Any attempt to communicate broadly with white people needs to start there.  "white people need to change" starts somewhere down the line, and misses badly.

Show the connection between where white people are and some need to change, and you have a chance for real, broad communication. 

Submitted by dwshelf on October 18, 2005 - 5:33pm.

The alternative is for Black people to simply accept that the mainstream is exactly what we each individually think it is, and that it will never change. Is that what you'd prefer?


At some fairly deep level I think you and I substantially agree on the goal.  More experience of success and less experience of racism for blacks.

I believe that (some..most discontented) blacks misunderstand white experince deeply.  They believe that whites experience the other half of the racism they experience.  Thus, they think they're saying something when they say "stop doing that".

But whites have no idea what they're being asked to stop doing, since (in their own experience) they're not doing anything to stop.  When they inquire, "what should I stop doing", the badly articulated answer usually seems to confirm that they're not doing anything; that the black speaker must be talking about those idiots in Idaho or some other neo-KKK sort.  Repeating this example a zillion times will not make it any more likely to succeed.

Consider this: if you're willing to claim "white people need to change", then you need an answer to the question, from an individual white person, "ok, how should I change?", and that answer better be something which at least attempts to establish that the white person himself should change, as compared to someone else.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on October 18, 2005 - 5:35pm.

But to go around saying "white people need to change", you might as well bark at the moon.


That's the whole problem, isn't it? 

Submitted by Temple3 on October 18, 2005 - 8:56pm.

"The problem isn't skin color. White people are far more willing to listen to a black man talking about racial issues than a white man."

if it were that easy, we'd be done. white folks may be far more willing to listen, but they are NOT far more willing to follow a black man talking about racial issues. sit around, listen, take a guilt beat down, have a little catharsis - and back to the burbs and the job and the kids and the wife or the gay lover or whatever. yeah, we know white folks don't mind listening to black folks. that's why king wasn't killed in 1955 and why he was killed in 1968. that following thing is a big deal - and white folks without marching orders are liable to do anything - like honor the presidency of a regular thug ushered in by his conniving brother, then turn around and invade a sovereign nation because it doesn't practice that most elusive american ideal, democracy.

that being said, being white and trying to lead white folks won't get you much more than a bullet either. so, i don't think that's the answer. and that's why dubois bounced and went to africa.

Submitted by dwshelf on October 18, 2005 - 9:32pm.

but they are NOT far more willing to follow a black man talking about racial issues.

I can't say that I've seen it tried.

It's one of those zones which is the opposite of a sweet spot.

No shortage of black men not really able to communicate with whites on racial issues, because they lack any hope or desire to do anything positive.

No shortage of black men who have joined America and are doing great, and are willing to tell both whites and blacks that it's doable.  These guys can communicate with whites just fine, but they use that feature to make money or achieve some goal, and they just don't want to get bogged down in the quagmire of racial issues.

Those are the sweet spots. 

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on October 18, 2005 - 9:47pm.

And yet he's right in this. White folks want absolution, and they know who was wronged so they know who they need it from.

Here's another story (I got a million of 'em--I actually ran experiments ).

When I was 20 or so, travelling to and from work on the SI Ferry I used to have this white kid pop up every two-three days. I'm hanging with one of my crews, he's with his, he'd walk over to chat and bullshit for a couple of minutes. His boys asked why he always talks to me, he'd say, hey he's alright. He was actually the kind of twit that complained about his stepmother but wouldn't move out because paying rent meant he couldn't go to the Hamptons each summer.

Anyway, at one point or another, I don't rememberthe specifics anymore, I just know it was a strange time and way for him to say "It's good to know a Black guy." I looked at him funny, and he stammers, "It kind of makes you feel like you understand." I said, "But you don't understand."

He looked totally crestfallen.

Then I said, "and I don't understand being a a blond Jewish kid that goes to the Hamptons every summer." Something like that. 

His head popped up. He said, "That's right! I don't know your life and you don't know mine! We're the same!"

I think I spoke to him maybe three times after that.

Submitted by Temple3 on October 19, 2005 - 8:01am.

the only way out is through...absolution must follow a tenacious commitment to face the issue. while i'm not in the business of offering absolution, i do what is required. oddly enough, former 49er QB Steve Young was talking about repentance (in the context of the Vikings sex boat 'scandal') and noted that repentance calls for an apology - as well as actions to fix the problem.

the egyptians referred to this practice as restoring ma'at (a principle synonymous with truth, balance and justice) and displacing isfet (chaos). if ma'at is to be upheld, affirmed or restored, people of good will must be able to come together for an honest discourse and an authentic, transformative call to action. both pieces are required. absolution comes AFTER the problem has been fixed - not simply because it has been acknowledged. it seems to me (and to King in his last book) that america wanted absolution for acknowledging, rather than resolving the problem. it doesn't work that way. for example: let's say you were dealing with a serial killer - and like Peter Parker, you withheld information that could have led to a conviction. the serial killer kills five more people before you come forward. you will not receive absolution for allowing this to transpire without having lifted a finger. in fact, even after you come forward, the WORK of catching the serial killer, convicting the serial killer, providing spiritual support for grieving families, and restoring a sense of safety to a community will remain. your absolution may be a lifetime in coming.

it's as simple as this: our past is a part of who we are. yesterday is connected to today - just as our actions last year are tied to our actions, perceptions and choices today. the same can be said of actions at points in our life that we no longer recall or actions taken for reasons we don't understand. by way of example: i was thinking yesterday about my classroom behavior in grades 1 and 2. i was well behaved, but i talked alot and because i finished my work so quickly, i became a bit of a joker/pain in the ass...but this situation did not morph into something sinister because my great-grand mother worked in the school. she put an end to stuff pretty quickly. i had forgotten this but it shaped my education and deportment for years. by extension, our ability to recall an event does not dictate or determine it's applicability to our lives. nor does our ability to understand/process an event or series of events determine the impact of those events on our lives.

after all, every single school curriculum that i've seen includes detailed lessons about the formation of the US, but not a single one deals with the question of slavery until the three-fifths compromise - and not a single one deals with the personal INTEREST that the founding fathers had on the question - and not a single one deals with slavery again until the civil war - and not a single one deals with black people again until the civil rights movement. there are no discussions of how slavery shaped personal property laws or interstate commerce laws or education law. there are no discussions of how 'race-ism' shaped the founding fathers of the government and various academic disciplines or how it has shaped almost every question of domestic policy since 1619 - before the mayflower. so, the denial is deeply entrenched. P6, i saying this to say that the denial of blackness is fundamental to the establishment of whiteness. forget about people and history and racism for a second...just think about in terms of COLORS...these two colors don't occupy the same space...look at the type on your displaces the other. therefore, as whites have chosen to define themselves as such (they used to be "Christian" before their ages of discovering what had already been discovered) they must decide whether or not that choice continues to work for them, whether or not the denial of blackness still works for them. i'll bet that it still does. prison revenue - check! rural prison development budget - check! expanded rural tax base - check! depleted urban tax base - check! lessened job competition - check! lessened higher ed. competition - check! retained critical mass in armed forces - check! adequate number of entertainers - check! nihilism and cultural alienation among entertainers - check! still marching and protesting - check! financially dependent leadership - check! underfunded black institutions - check!

the contradictions are minimal with respect to black folks, the tension is diminishing. aside from interpersonal confrontations, there is little direct competition going on here. look at construction sites around the city. black folks are still locked out of these gigs - but the russians aren't. look at the docks - ain't like it used to be...the mob has lost much of its influence - and they ushered in an era of black entree to the long shoreman's unions (for a number of reasons)...that era is over. trucking, private sanitation - nope...telecom seems to be a productive area - verizon, etc. but that is not sufficient. the clarion call for white folks is to deal with the impending challenge of china, india and islam. it's not to deal with black folks.

'cause CUZZIN if black folk were turning out 200,000 engineers per year (ala China) and garnering billions in outsourcing contracts (ala India) and demanding reparations at the same time, the DISCOURSE would be different. if you want white folks to get it, black folk have to be excellent at what we do in the world of innovation, commerce, warfare and culture. outside of that, our collective time at the center of the conversation is nigh. don't you hear and see the emergence of latinos/hispanics supplanting the "most favored minority" status of black folk. [favored doesn't really mean favored - don't think i'm trippin'.]

Submitted by Temple3 on October 19, 2005 - 8:23am.

i should add that the checklist above on whether whiteness still works probably doesn't read that way. it would read more like - law and order candidate - check! jobs for high school buddies at the local state pen - check! local buddies feeding family's - check! local buddies have brews to take the edge off - check! tommy and buffy attend clean, safe school - check! property values going up - check! electing candidate to reduce taxes - check! daughter watches BET and lotsa of hip hop videos but still dates white guys - check! son watches BET and lotsa of hip hip video but it's a phase; he's still on target academically and will study abroad next year - check! what the hell is wrong with C-Span televising Farrah-can again? Oh well, whatever - check! those guys in the nba really dress like thugs...someone ought to do something about that...they did? - check!

i believe this more closely approximates the life unexamined. one of these days we'll actually discuss the many, many layers of thought and decisions involved in this itty bitty list.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on October 19, 2005 - 8:31am.

[favored doesn't really mean favored - don't think i'm trippin'.]


No, I'm clear on what you're saying.

if you want white folks to get it, black folk have to be excellent at what we do in the world of innovation, commerce, warfare and culture. outside of that, our collective time at the center of the conversation is nigh.

Two things: I've always said excellence is a defensive strategy, not a offensive one. But it's the only defense that always works (and it really pisses off the guy that was sure he'd find a fuggup, which is always fun...).

don't you hear and see the emergence of latinos/hispanics supplanting the "most favored minority" status of black folk.

As long as white = un-Black, we're going to be at the center of shit.

I do not imply this is a Good Thing.


Submitted by ptcruiser on October 19, 2005 - 8:39am.

Thanks for all of that and even more, Temple3. Much appreciated!!

Submitted by dwshelf on October 19, 2005 - 8:53am.

I think I spoke to him maybe three times after that.

Maybe I'm not quite understanding P6. 

White guy with who knows what all baggage expresses friendliness to black guy.  Black guy sees baggage, and participates in a false friendship while waiting for a properly devastating moment to crush the friendship and punish white guy for carrying baggage.

Is that what life is all about?

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on October 19, 2005 - 8:54am.

i believe this more closely approximates the life unexamined. one of these days we'll actually discuss the many, many layers of thought and decisions involved in this itty bitty list.


That's even better than the code switch thing I did a couple of days back.  

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on October 19, 2005 - 8:56am.

White guy with who knows what all baggage expresses friendliness to black guy.  Black guy sees baggage, and participates in a false friendship while waiting for a properly devastating moment to crush the friendship and punish white guy for carrying baggage.

I released him from his baggage...which I did not see until his verbal slip (I wasn't as perceptive as a youth).

Submitted by dwshelf on October 19, 2005 - 9:02am.

I released him from his baggage.

By crushing his presumption of shared enjoyment?  How would that go? 

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on October 19, 2005 - 9:15am.

By crushing his presumption of shared enjoyment?  How would that go?


He smiled when I told him he had no requirement to understand. He was very pleased.

He decided we were equal. Isn't that what he's supposed to do? 

Submitted by ptcruiser on October 19, 2005 - 9:16am.

"By crushing his presumption of shared enjoyment?"

Not shared enjoyment. He never invited P6 to join him in the Hamptons. If P6 crushed anything at all it was the other guy's unwarranted assumption of shared intimacy.

Submitted by cnulan on October 19, 2005 - 9:16am.

T3 droppin nuke-u-ler curriculum up in here!

King was crystal clear that a moral imperative was needed, among white folks, to usher in another era of social change and justice. that appears to be what is being discussed here.

To be moral is to remember?

i believe this more closely approximates the life unexamined. one of these days we'll actually discuss the many, many layers of thought and decisions involved in this itty bitty list.

Whiteness depends on the ability to forget?

i believe this more closely approximates the life unexamined. one of these days we'll actually discuss the many, many layers of thought and decisions involved in this itty bitty list.

Blackness is a collective memory that we choose to retain? Have been chosen to retain?

Or is it just time to retire all these marching and moralizing preachers and get with DW and Cobb's Merkin success through forgetfulness program?

Submitted by Temple3 on October 19, 2005 - 9:58am.


just a quickin'...i don't view excellence as a defensive strategy. excellence is an act of love and faith (whoa! - I don't know where that came from - but it's out there - whew! that was something else) anyway...excellence is an act of love - it is it's own reward and it is the fundamental component to strong personhood, strong families, communities, collectives, nations, firms, parties, partays, and civilizations. where would the world be if folks never submitted to "the loneliness demanded of mastery" (Jeremiah Wright). our lives and all that we value are contingent on x number of people seeking excellence. it's not the only thing - it's part of a continuum from average to awful, but it's essential. the feeling of being excellent at something, anything, is inspirational to the individual and to those who share in it. the example of john coltrane's live performance of my favorite things is enough to bring suge knight to his knees. i mean, on the real, excellence is an offensive, transformative practice that reaps untold rewards and serves as the best invitation in the world to share and care. i know that's idealistic, but that's where i come from and it's where i go when it get's tight. i can hear trane now - and always...and so can you.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on October 19, 2005 - 10:30am.

Okay, T3. Since we're individuals as well as social animals all our stuff has both collective and individual meaning. A big part of our stress comes from an 'impedence mismatch' between the two. And you'll note I'm working the collective tip here. That's because I see an over-emphasis on the individual.

That said, yeah.

I could phrase it more positively: excellence is the foundation of your efforts, the only stable base youy can build on. That's just more smiley-face than I feel today.

Submitted by dwshelf on October 19, 2005 - 10:39am.

He decided we were equal. Isn't that what he's supposed to do?

Of course, but now I'm not following the story. Why would a rejectiion ("but you don't understand") prompt such a decision?

Submitted by dwshelf on October 19, 2005 - 10:45am.

Not shared enjoyment.

I see that.

He never invited P6 to join him in the Hamptons.

Nor did P6 invite him to share a weekend event. Time might have brought both.  Or not, but the chance seemed to have been there.

If P6 crushed anything at all it was the other guy's unwarranted assumption of shared intimacy.

Maybe we both read the story wrong, but it indeed seemed that P6 crushed the guy's assmption of a fairly limited degree of intimacy. Why was such an assumption of intimacy unwarranted? Why would it be desirable to rid your life of such a person?

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on October 19, 2005 - 11:08am.

Why would a rejectiion ("but you don't understand") prompt such a decision?


That's not what did it. What did it was, "but neither do I, and that's okay."

He was suffering from Liberal Guilt, which I find as annoying as Conservative Anger, though for different reasons. 

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on October 19, 2005 - 11:09am.

Nor did P6 invite him to share a weekend event. Time might have brought both. 


I ain't had shit to invite him to. 

Submitted by ptcruiser on October 19, 2005 - 11:27am.

"just a quickin'...i don't view excellence as a defensive strategy. excellence is an act of love and faith (whoa! - I don't know where that came from - but it's out there - whew! that was something else) anyway...excellence is an act of love - it is it's own reward and it is the fundamental component to strong personhood, strong families, communities, collectives, nations, firms, parties, partays, and civilizations. where would the world be if folks never submitted to "the loneliness demanded of mastery" (Jeremiah Wright)."

On a personal note, my late father used to urge me to do well in whatever I set out to do not in order to show white folks or anyone else that I was as good and could compete with them, but because, as he used to say, it will make you feel good about yourself to do something well no matter how much time or effort it requires. Mastering a task or acquiring a set of skills always carries its own reward.

Submitted by ptcruiser on October 19, 2005 - 11:47am.

"...the example of john coltrane's live performance of my favorite things is enough to bring suge knight to his knees..."

Every single time over the past 30 years or so years that I have listened to Coltrane's Newport recording of "My Favorite Things" I have felt as if Trane, Tyner, Haynes and Garrison have taken me on a profound journey in which my soul has been transformed and all that came before has been washed away. The way that Trane feeds off and uses the interplay between McCoy and Roy Haynes during Tyner's solo to launch himself and the music to some far, far place in the universe nearly always brings tears of joy to my eyes.