You always knew it was coming

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on May 8, 2006 - 9:35am.

You WILL be pregnant . You WILL bear that child.

For the past 33 years — since, as they see it, the wanton era of the 1960's culminated in the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision in 1973 — American social conservatives have been on an unyielding campaign against abortion. But recently, as the conservative tide has continued to swell, this campaign has taken on a broader scope. Its true beginning point may not be Roe but Griswold v. Connecticut, the 1965 case that had the effect of legalizing contraception. "We see a direct connection between the practice of contraception and the practice of abortion," says Judie Brown, president of the American Life League, an organization that has battled abortion for 27 years but that, like others, now has a larger mission. "The mind-set that invites a couple to use contraception is an antichild mind-set," she told me. "So when a baby is conceived accidentally, the couple already have this negative attitude toward the child. Therefore seeking an abortion is a natural outcome. We oppose all forms of contraception."

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Submitted by ptcruiser on May 8, 2006 - 6:53pm.
I think it is major error to continue to refer to these folks as being "pro-life." They are in favor of compulsory pregnancy and we should refer to them always as being in support of compulsory pregnancy.