I'm not expecting much cooperation on this...

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on May 19, 2006 - 9:23am.

The big problem is the lack of any verification protocols. Oh, and since existing stockpiles of nuclear materials are outside the framework of the treaty, you not only let India off the hook as intended, you also let Pakistan and North Korea off the hook.

Just picture the USofA making an accusation that someone is getting out of pocket. The natural response is, "Prove it," and with Iraq as an example, no one has any reason to accept our conclusions.

Oh. You don't have to picture that...you just have to check the news.

U.S. Proposes New Nuclear Pact

GENEVA, May 18 (AP) — The United States on Thursday proposed a treaty that it said would curb proliferation of nuclear weapons and improve the world's leverage against "hard cases" like Iran and North Korea by banning production of weapons-grade uranium and plutonium.

Stephen G. Rademaker, acting assistant secretary of state for arms control, said at the 65-nation Conference on Disarmament that it should aim to approve a treaty by September under which those who signed would agree not to make any additional nuclear material for weapons.

He said current measures to prevent terrorists and governments from developing unconventional weapons might be insufficient "in the case of governments that are absolutely determined to acquire such weapons."

He also said that Iran was "an obvious case in point," and that it and North Korea were "the hard cases."

The proposal contains no verification measures, and stockpiles of nuclear material would not be affected, allowing existing nuclear powers to build weapons with their reserves. It says that governments could use "national means" — or intelligence — to detect violations by other countries and report them to all treaty members or to the United Nations Security Council.

Hamid Eslamizad, a senior official at Iran's mission in Geneva, questioned the link between the proposed treaty and Iran's nuclear ambitions. Iran contends that its nuclear program is peaceful.

The proposal would go into force with the approval of the five permanent members of the Security Council — Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States.