Tsk, tsk, tsk...

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on May 23, 2006 - 7:20am.
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Quote of note:

"This is a guy who told me in an interview he wanted every black person in America moved to another state," Germaise said of Daugherty. "I can state unequivocally that there is nothing about this group that I like. I was naive ... to let them use my words to make it appear the way they did. I was wrong."

You sure were. Having had folk try to redefine my own words underneath me and understanding EVERY human is inconsistant as hell, I can relate and accept. Need to be more conscious going forward, though, son...fool me once and all that...

Reporter regrets separatists interview
May 23, 2006

TAMPA, Fla. --A veteran TV reporter said he regrets consenting to an interview by a member of a white separatist group during which he spoke bluntly about illegal immigrants.

Don Germaise, a reporter with WFTS-TV known for his hurricane coverage, did the interview with David Daugherty, Webmaster for the Tampa unit of the National Vanguard.

The group, which believes the media are controlled by Jews and that ethnic diversity harms America, posted the video on its Web site.

Germaise, who said he agreed to the interview after taping his own talk with Daugherty, gave his personal views on free speech, illegal immigration and the control his bosses at Tampa's ABC affiliate exert over his stories.

Bill Carey, WFTS vice president and general manager, told the St. Petersburg Times for a story published Saturday that he was reserving judgment until he had more time to review Germaise's actions.