Latest spate? Spare me

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on June 6, 2006 - 7:34am.

I have figured out Earl Ofari Hutchinson. Every so often he writes something totally assinine so no one forgets him

Even before the latest spate of mass killings by blacks, there were horrifying and alarming signs that Muhammad and the young blacks that produced the gruesome body count in Baton Rouge and allegedly in Indianapolis were not total aberrations. A study and a survey on mass killers specifically looked at the race of the killers. The study found that the majority of mass killers were white. But it also noted that blacks now comprise about 15 percent of America's rogue gallery of mass murderers. That was a sharp jump from years past. The survey listed the names of blacks convicted of mass murders, and the number of murders they committed.

No, don't spare me. Point me to your anecdotal study and survey. 

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