Don't get any ideas about distributed power generation

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on June 8, 2006 - 11:49am.
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FEMA now requiring doctor's note for free generators
Freebie generators after hurricanes are now a thing of the past. You'll need proof that a generator is a necessity in order to get FEMA reimbursement.
[email protected]

Only people who can prove a medical need will qualify for free generators after a power-cutting hurricane, according to a new federal policy.

Last year, Florida residents -- rich or poor -- who suffered through major power outages could buy generators for up to $836 and then be reimbursed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The bill was huge: about $118 million in 2005.

But a taxpayer watchdog group decried the policy as a waste of money.

Now, under a new national policy that went into effect June 1, storm victims seeking FEMA reimbursement will need to provide a receipt and proof that the equipment is medically necessary, such as a letter from a doctor.

U.S. Rep. Clay Shaw, R-Fort Lauderdale, said he urged FEMA to change its giveaway policy.

''If somebody wants to buy a generator to take care of their home, to take care of outages, it's their own responsibility,'' said Shaw, whose home was without power, or a generator, for two weeks after Hurricane Wilma struck last October. ``Obviously being without electricity is a huge inconvenience, but it's not up to the federal government to compensate people for inconvenience.''

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