Inevitable as gravity

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on June 16, 2006 - 8:36am.
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Interesting comment of note:

But the minority leader, Nancy Pelosi, of California, said Mr. Jefferson had been afforded due process. "This is not a court of law," Ms. Pelosi said. "This is about a higher ethical standard, and you know it when it isn't being met." 

I do find it interesting that Congress operates under such undemocratic (and, in fact, unrepublican) procedures.

Some members of the Congressional Black Caucus have supported Mr. Jefferson, who is black, arguing it was premature to remove him before he was found guilty of any crime.

Note to Rich Lowry: See? No race card. A Black person supporting another Black person is NOT an automatic invocation of those Black people. The connections it makes in YOUR mind is totally on you.

Democrats Vote to Force Jefferson Aside


WASHINGTON, June 15 — House Democrats voted on Thursday night to strip a Louisiana congressman of a key committee position as they tried to avoid any taint of scandal in a year when they want to ride accusations of Republican corruption to election victories.

The congressman, William J. Jefferson, is the subject of a federal bribery investigation and has insisted he has done nothing wrong. He has rebuffed efforts to get him to step aside voluntarily.

After a meeting stretching more than three hours, the Democrats voted to remove him from the House Ways and Means Committee until his case is resolved. The action, on a 99-to-58 vote, is subject to the approval by the full House.

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Submitted by GDAWG on June 16, 2006 - 11:34am.

What I find interesting about this obviously hypocritical act by the Dem leadership is in the Wash Post today, a white Dem Congressman from WV who had been a member of the "ethics" committtee is being investigated for possible violations yet nary a word from her magesty. And he, Mollohan, still sits on the powerful "Appropiations Committee." This is the same hypocritical Dem leadership that refuses to give Cynthia McKinney her Congressional senority back. For me, it is pure unadulterated racism of the worst kind from our "liberal" friends. It is something conservatives and liberals can agree on-Their distain for Blacks!

BTW, I no way gloss over corrupt behavior, but at this time there are no charges, only allegations!

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on June 16, 2006 - 12:30pm.

I give Pelosi the benefit of the doubt in this situation. Given current politics, I can't see any other reaction no matter who got caught on tape.

But the CBC's reaction is understandable to me too. Rules are a lot more important when things get tight, and traditionally the rules change right around the time Black folks collectively get the hang of things.

Black folks believe in law...the only effective protection Black folks ever had was "their rights." Word is there was a cop joke in the 60s that said if you shoot a {your choice of reference} you better kill them because you'd rather face murder charges than civil rights charges. Hell yeah, the CBC wants the standing rules followed to the letter. 

Submitted by ptcruiser on June 16, 2006 - 12:37pm.

I think that black folks are trying to ride a dead or dying horse when it comes to William Jefferson. Whining and crying about double standards, hypocrisy and any other predictable shortcomings that white folks have when it comes to black folks is ridiculous. Of course there is a double standard in America for blacks and whites. So what else is new?

Millions of black folks successfully play the hands they are dealt every frigging day in this racist country without engaging in felonious criminal conspiracies. William Jefferson is an elected member of Congress. He was elected using the hard won political capital of black folks. He is an attorney, which means that he is a member of the Louisiana State Bar. As an officer of the Court he has taken an oath that binds him to not engage in certain unethical and illegal behavior.

Jefferson is a graduate of Harvard Law School. Three of his daughters are graduates of Harvard Law School. Despite the racism that exists in this country, he and his family have shown a unique knack or ability to use their influence and contacts to acquire the most prestigious access cards in America. They are well aware of what kinds of behavior is expected of people who have gained these class advantages.

Having the FBI videotaping you taking a $90,000 bribe and depositing the money in your freezer is not something that folks traveling in these circles consider appropriate. They will not use their influence to protect you. And you should not expect that black folks should use their hard won political capital to protect you either.

I don't like Nancy Pelosi and my dislike of her preceded her election to Congress. I devoted a considerable part of my younger political energies to making sure that folks like her, including her brother-in-law Ron Pelosi, were defeated at the polls, nonetheless she is absolutely right about Jefferson and the $90,000 found in his freezer.

It cannot be defended or ignored. If the reason largely lies with the color of Jefferson's skin that's tough. Did he think that four Harvard law degrees and his election to Congress would turn him white? He is a grifter and a hustler. Telling the business person who gave him the money that it was needed in order to pay-off a Nigerian official is straight out of the organized crime playbook. If you can't do the time, then don't do the crime.

Jefferson is an elected official and what matters most is how he is perceived. He and every nickel-ninety-eight politician in this country knows this is true. We don't have to wait until he is indicted and convicted in order to make a judgment about his fitness to serve in the House or on various committees in the House. I couldn't serve on a jury that deliberates on his guilt or innocence because I believe he is guilty of extortion and accepting bribes. As a voter and someone who cares deeply about the integrity of the political process, I am entitled to make any judgment about William Jefferson that I damn well please. William Jefferson is too crassly stupid and greedy to be a poster child for racial discrimination.


Submitted by GDAWG on June 16, 2006 - 1:00pm.
 I understand the despicable nature of the alleged behavior of this fellow. But so far his actions amount to mere allegations, not charges. And BTW, I guess his nickname "Dollar Bill" as per the late Dutch Morial, really fit. I still harken back to the W V Congressman alleged recent transgressions or Sista Cynthia's senority snubb are just a bit ridiculous for anyway you cut it and overwhelmingly racist to the core. It's as simple as that. Perhaps Pelosi can make amends to the Black community by giving Cynthia's senority she rightfully earned. That's a good trade off for Dollar Bill don't ya think? I mean, politics, it's all about horse trading isn't it. (No disrepect to the parties involved.)
Submitted by ptcruiser on June 16, 2006 - 1:30pm.

But so far his actions amount to mere allegations, not charges.

In politics, one's guilt or innocence has nothing to do with whether one is charged or could be charged with a crime or, in fact, has committed an indictable offense. If the money is in the freezer, as the FBI alleges, it doesn't matter in political terms why Jefferson says the money is in his freezer.

I still harken back to the W V Congressman alleged recent transgressions...

If Jefferson had taken the time to set up a scheme like Molhollan's then he might be in less hot water.

...or Sista Cynthia's senority snub...

I am in full agreement with you about Rep. McKinney.

Perhaps Pelosi can make amends to the Black community by giving Cynthia's senority she rightfully earned.

Pelosi is not going to make any amends to the black community. Where was the CBC when McKinney needed them? She is certainly deserving of more support than Jefferson. The CBC took a bye on McKinney.

Submitted by Temple3 on June 16, 2006 - 2:13pm.

is playing the 'race card.' I love OJ.
Submitted by Temple3 on June 16, 2006 - 2:20pm.

How can you have 'cold, hard cash' unless you put the loot in the freezer? I don't have a problem with that. Second of all, Pelosi would have to pay off for the VRA snafu before paying off on C-Mac. PT really broke it down. He is standing on the right side of this issue - all we need is some full disclosure from the fibbie (FBI) and we can be on our way.
Submitted by GDAWG on June 16, 2006 - 2:47pm.
Perhaps, he, Dollar Bill is guilty. But still, I'd like to see that if these folks have a case against him, let the indictments come, and he have his day in a court of laws. Not defending him, but defending the process.
Submitted by GDAWG on June 16, 2006 - 3:02pm.
Yeah.  If media reports are proxies for indictments before any actual house or FBI investigations are completed, then I agree with your opinion in this matter, that he should go. But there is a set process in dealing criminal allegations. And we can't pick and chose when its okay to throw someone under the bus, or not. This has been the problem with some of these folks in dealing with us in memorial. We can't ape their BS. If so, we're just as BAD as they are in this regard. And I don't buy Mel Watt's role as a defender of Dollar Bill. This is the same fellow, Watt, who has not raised a finger as far as I know in Cynthia's behalf. Her senority matter predates the issue with the Capital police so I they can't use that episode as an excuse for not helping her.
Submitted by GDAWG on June 16, 2006 - 3:09pm.
Just see Sandalow piece today in the SF Chronicle and see how pelosi dissed Maxine Waters in the Irag debate run-up. So the pattern is clear. Her actions of typical of so called liberals, in an attempt to appease fello road warrors or conservatives of her party and elsewhere, who jettison Blacks when its politically expedient, but remain silent  or fiend ignorance in the matter of the fellow white politicians, such as the fellow from  WV. Its disgusting. Too back she could not have dealth with the WV rep. But no. Its easier to throw Blacks under the bus and get away with it. 
Submitted by ptcruiser on June 16, 2006 - 6:04pm.

"...see how pelosi dissed Maxine Waters in the Irag debate run-up. So the pattern is clear. Her actions of typical of so called liberals, in an attempt to appease fello road warrors or conservatives of her party and elsewhere, who jettison Blacks when its politically expedient..."

Let's state some political history and truths here. Nancy Pelosi was hand picked by Willie L. Brown, Jr. and John Burton to fill the seat vacated by the death of Sala Burton who had been handpicked by the same two men to fill the seat vacated by the death of Phil Burton who was John's brother and Sala's husband. Nancy Pelosi was chosen, IMHO, because it enabled the Burton-Brown machine to maintain its control over San Francisco politics and it ensured that Pelosi's enormously capable fundraising abilities would continue to be put to uses that Brown, Burton and their allies found advantageous

Nancy Pelosi lived and continues to live in Pacific Heights (That stupid Hollywood movie of the same name was actually filmed in Potrero Hill.). She is the daughter of a former Democratic Party boss and mayor of Baltimore. Prior to being annoited to fill Phil Burton's seat she had a triple zero relationship with the people living in other parts of the city especially black and brown people. Pelosi is entirely a political creation and creature of the Burton-Brown political machine. I would not be suprised for one moment if Willie Brown was making calls on her behalf to members of the CBC as a way to smooth things over. Brown may deny it but I wouldn't believe him.

My point is that Pelosi doesn't feel as if she owes anything, anything at all to black voters because she has learned from the time that she was a child that black leaders will deliver the support of the black community to white people like her as long as they can cut a deal for themselves. If she had thought that the CBC would actually erupt over the refusal of the Democratic Caucus to restore Rep. McKinney's seniority she would have backed down. But she has taken their measure more than once and she knows that most of them are interested in tapping into the fundraising apparatus she controls than in standing up for any real principle.

The noise that the CBC is making about Jefferson is just a sideshow. Jefferson is history and everyone knows it. Since it amounts to much ado about nothing members of the CBC are being allowed to sell woof tickets at no penalty. Cynthia McKinney is another issue because she keeps threatening to pull the curtain back and show everybody that there is no Wizard, consequently she has to be kept on a short leash.



Submitted by Prometheus 6 on June 16, 2006 - 6:39pm.

...or Sista Cynthia's senority snub...

I am in full agreement with you about Rep. McKinney.'d I miss co-signing on that?