He should have stayed in the vehicle?

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on June 17, 2006 - 7:42am.

Husband Aided Wife's Suicide in Cliff Plunge, Police Say

It looked like an ordinary family outing. A minivan stopped at a scenic overlook, a strip of blacktopped pavement that is little more than a wide spot on a one-lane road along the edge of a cliff. In the distance is the Hudson River. A hundred feet below is a forest as thick as when the Harriman family owned it a century ago.

The police say three things happened next. A man stepped out of the minivan, maybe to take a picture. His wife, inside with their two young daughters, put the transmission in gear. And the minivan drove off the cliff.

The woman, Hejin Han, 35, was killed on Wednesday as the minivan bounced down the rocky hillside in Bear Mountain State Park, about 50 miles north of Midtown Manhattan, and slammed into a tree. The two daughters, strapped into their car seats in the back, were not seriously injured.

Yesterday, the man who climbed out of the van before its plunge — Victor K. Han, 35, an architect from Staten Island — was charged with promoting a suicide attempt. The police maintain that Mr. Han knew that his wife was suicidal and "afforded her an opportunity" to kill herself.

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Submitted by Rachel (not verified) on June 17, 2006 - 11:38am.
There is something really fishy about this story.  She commits suicide, and he gets arrested?  I thought maybe he cut the breaks or something when I first heard he was being arrested, but this story is just bizarre.
Submitted by Prometheus 6 on June 17, 2006 - 2:40pm.

Yeah...I never heard of anyone being charged with promoting suicide.

It's just some weird shit. 

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on June 19, 2006 - 1:13pm.

Well, its written all over his face.  The guy appears to be sneaky, selfish and calculating.  He knew all along what he was doing- get rid of nagging but faithful wife along with children so that he can start a new life with his young girlfriend.   Everybody at the church knew she was depressed while he was sleeping with girlfriend at least 2-3 times aweek.   Parking the car perfectly between the large boulders and left the car running, while wife moved to the driver's seat, locking the door.  What was he doing all this time?  Just watching the crime in progress.  Not doing anything about it or leading his mentally unstable wife to perfect area to commit suide with a car is yet another calculation he thought about for the last few weeks.   He is 100% guilty in committing this crime while pretending to care about his children to the judge.

He should be hanged.

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