Submitted by Ourstorian on June 13, 2006 - 10:37am.

"Barack Obama will do politics, make both deals and appearances, and if he continues his current voting practices you can probably be satisfied…the worst that will happen is he'll do no harm."

I disagree that he can't do any harm. The system is corrupt, and his willingness to go along to get along to further his "political" ambitions signals to me that he is part of the problem not part of the solution.

Admittedly, it is not easy to avoid being plucked and fucked by the Washington establishment upon arrival. Even Paul Wellstone, who demonstrated early in his career that one could serve one's constituents and the nation without climbing into bed with lobbyists or making backroom deals with crooked politicians, eventually found himself compromising his positions against his better judgement. 

Obama barely arrived in the Capitol building built by black slaves on the Hill when he started flirting with whoredom. His vote to confirm Condoleeza Rice, a war criminal of the worst ilk, and his endorsement of Joe Lieberman, Bush's bitch, denote, to my way of thinking, a Faustian pact. This deal with the devil has cast a huge shadow over his first term and his future, and marks him as anything but "progressive." Despite a credible and creditable career at the state level, he's become just another tired ass pandering "liberal" politician more focused on career advancement and self-aggrandizement than real reform of the system.

Carol Mosley Braun sans drag. But if he becomes comfortable being a whore, the mini skirts and stilletto heels won't be far behind.


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