They'd probably try to burn her at the stake nowadays

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on March 22, 2006 - 7:59am.
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Kinda of like Condi, but sane.

She arrived with great fanfare as the first black woman to be surgeon general, a sharecropper's daughter who overcame racism and poverty to rise to the top of her field.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006; A19

At home in Arkansas, Joycelyn Elders was taking a little breather. The day before she was in Philadelphia, where she talked about fighting AIDS in minority communities. Two days later, she would be in New York, giving a lecture on advancing cultural connections with health concerns. Then, it would be on to Gettysburg, Pa.

Elders, 72, who served a brief but memorable turn as surgeon general in the Clinton administration, from 1993 to 1994, has never stopped preaching her gospel of public health -- reducing sexually transmitted diseases and teenage pregnancy and improving health care for poor people, women and minorities.

"I've been on the lecture circuit, working very hard," Elders said. "I've served on some boards and councils and I've done some writing -- not as much as I'd like, with my schedule of talks."