Brought to you by the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on April 26, 2006 - 9:13pm.

Quote of note:

This open policy stems from an incident in 1952, when rejected scientist Bayard Peakes shot and killed a secretary in the APS offices. "Since then, the APS has accepted just about any abstract that comes over the transom," says Lubell.

Study 'proves' big bang never happened
29 April 2006

THE Bible was right all along. There is now "unequivocal proof" that the big bang never happened, and that the world was created in six days. Incredibly, that claim surfaced at last week's prestigious American Physical Society (APS) meeting in Dallas, Texas.

Robert Gentry presented his "new cosmic model", which affirms the Genesis account of creation, at an APS poster session. Now a geophysicist with the Orion Foundation in Knoxville, Tennessee, he once worked for Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

"No one with the APS thinks of this as serious research," says APS spokesman James Riordan. Why, then, has the APS agreed to display the poster? "The APS policy is to accept any abstracts from members that reference physics, even if they are 'crackpot'," says Michael Lubell, APS director of public affairs.