Minor head explosions

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on May 16, 2006 - 7:33am.
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There's always been a major contingent of right wing and Conservative commentators that I found too absurd to read...since I found World Net Daily it has been right up there at the top of the list.

Yesterday I got a heads-up about a post over there by this guy.

Vox Day is a novelist and Christian libertarian. He is a member of the SFWA, Mensa and the Southern Baptist church, and has been down with Madden since 1992. Visit his Web log, Vox Popoli, for daily commentary and responses to reader email.

I think I'll set up a Google watchlist for this. I'd like to see the right-wing reaction to this...I suspect it will be slight.

Mr. Day has written one of those articles...one that can only have the intent outwardly claimed if you abandon all human context. On his personal blog, in a discussion of the minor shitstorm the gentleman is trying to create, a commenter wrote

This is probably one of the most enjoyable aspects of your writing Vox. You will always get someone's panties in such a wad that it'd take mining equipment to pull it out of their ass.

We have 3 Monkey Republicans. So how about Howler Monkey leftists?

Mr. Day has provided a typical case of pissing in the neurotransmitters. The process is:

  1. Write between the lines
  2. Decry people who identify you with the message you wrote between the lines

Oh. The lines?

Dear Jorge plans to address the nation tonight, a speech wherein he will almost surely attempt to deceive citizens into believing that he does not wish the mass migration from Mexico to continue unabated. He will likely offer some negligible resources for law enforcement and border security – resources which will never materialize – in return for an amnesty program that will grant American citizenship to the Mexican nationals who have helped lower America's wage rates by 16 percent over the last 32 years.

And he will be lying, again, just as he lied when he said: "Massive deportation of the people here is unrealistic – it's just not going to work."

Not only will it work, but one can easily estimate how long it would take. If it took the Germans less than four years to rid themselves of 6 million Jews, many of whom spoke German and were fully integrated into German society, it couldn't possibly take more than eight years to deport 12 million illegal aliens, many of whom don't speak English and are not integrated into American society.

Many things are both defensible and dishonorable. The defense requires the kind of thought process that comes up with things like "I don't hate homosexuals, I hate homosexual activities," i.e., a conceptual separation of the physically inseperable.

Mr. Day knows what would be required to deport 12 million people, of course; everyone knows.

...the IDENTIFICATION, FORCED TRANSPORTATION and MURDER of six million Jews in four years by the National Socialists proves that President Bush was absolutely incorrect - and presumably lying - when he stated that IDENTIFYING and FORCIBLY TRANSPORTING twelve million illegal aliens was not possible.

Quite clearly, it is. As for those who find all mention of the National Socialists or the Holocaust inherently beyond the pale, I am certainly open to hearing any suggestions that similarly prove the case. [P6: His commenters gave a number of other examples, none of which are any more inspiring...or less inspiring, relativity being what it is...] Has anyone else besides the National Socialists been identifying and transporting millions of people lately? Does anyone else put the lie to Dear Jorge? And if not, do we simply pretend that it never happened and that there are no lessons to be learned from it? Wasn't the whole point of the Shoah documentaries and the survivor recordings and the Holocaust museums to make sure that no one ever forgot?

Not clear enough? Okay, the World Net Daily quote was clear enough, but here's the clincher.

Actually, I compared it to what the National Socialists did between December 1941 and June 1945. Perhaps you've never heard of concentration camps - really death camps - such as Dachau and Auschwitz. Before they killed the Jews, the National Socialists had to identify them and transport them. The point, as seems to have escaped you and many other morons, is that it is quite clearly possible to enact deportations on the scale required.

And you have stated clearly what is necessary to do so.

This is so clear.

It's also typical in execution and the means of exposing it is the "give him enough rope to lynch himself" technique. In this case it only took a single follow-up post for him to clarify himself, because the anti-Hitler reflex is as strong as each individual's intent to avoid their respective race problem. Had the response on the left been as sanguine as his is sanguinary he would have to escalate his rhetoric to get the desired reaction until he identifies himself too unambiguously to be denied. This is the best you can do...use him and his ilk as the bright line that defines the type of humanity and society you want to belong to.

That, and act like you really want to belong to your ideal humanity. Like Mr. Day does.