If I can find one more thing to ignore, I'll be reading Zenpundit more regularly again.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on May 16, 2006 - 9:41pm.


...I would expect that any in any adaptive complex system , regardless of the field in which it is traditionally categorized, evidence of resilient characteristics will be readily discoverable ( at least until you reach quantum or cosmological extremes of scale, there I'd have to hedge my hypothesis and let more qualified people speak to that). I would further suggest, more to Steve's point in his post, that overlapping levels of resilience will be highly beneficial.

An organization with a resilient culture will help its employees or members become more resilient themselves by providing a shared "cognitive template" or schema that encourages the practice of resilient behaviors, which with time, may become internalized. Conversely, psychological resiliency among key personnel - the leaders and "hubs" of the organization's social network - are indispensible in building a coherent organization from the ground up or weathering a severe crisis. Resilient leadership operating in a resilient organizational culture are apt to be synergistically reinforcing and, therefore, likelier to pass on the institution and its mores to successive generations.

How many generations ? If you think of corporations, states and organized religions in terms of their formal structures, the timeline now runs into centuries. In a few cases, thousands of years.

Now that's what I call being resilient.

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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on May 16, 2006 - 11:46pm.

Ha ! Thanks for the link, Earl. Much appreciated.

Submitted by himitsu on May 23, 2006 - 5:42pm.
This is interesting reading. It does bring up some things for future thought, and will require the readers to make more in depth research. I would wish the column to be more in depth, since it is touching a very complex and comprehensive area. And to make a good judgment a more in depth analysis would have to be delivered.