On self (and other) fulfilling prophecy

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on May 26, 2006 - 5:33am.

Quote of note:

Snow grew frustrated as news reports in recent weeks suggested that the White House wanted him out, the source close to him said. Rather than be left hanging any longer, he decided to set a firm July 3 departure date even if a replacement is not named. "He just didn't want it to drag on later than that," the source said. "He's anxious to get back to the private sector."

Treasury Secretary to Step Down
By Peter Baker and Paul Blustein
Washington Post Staff Writers
Friday, May 26, 2006; A05

Treasury Secretary John W. Snow, who has presided during a period of strong economic growth but at times seemed out of sync with President Bush, has informed the White House that he will resign in the coming days after three years as the nation's chief economic officer, a source close to Snow said yesterday.

Snow asked the White House to announce his resignation in early June and said he plans to stay in the job no later than July 3 while a replacement is sought, the source said. The secretary's decision was intended to bring finality to a process that has played out awkwardly in public over months as Snow's job security has been a regular source of Washington speculation.

Republican insiders said possible candidates to succeed Snow include former commerce secretary Donald L. Evans, a longtime Bush friend; Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez, a former Kellogg Co. chief executive; Ambassador David C. Mulford, a former treasury undersecretary who represents the United States in India; and Stephen Friedman, the president's former chief economic adviser and a former Goldman Sachs chief executive. [P6: C'mon, you cando better than these guys. Who does economic analysis for Fox News?]