Not surprising from a country that thought Princess Di was a great beauty

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on May 30, 2006 - 5:16pm.

British men prefer porn to sex
By John Oates
Published Tuesday 30th May 2006 14:54 GMT

For those who missed it at the weekend - Britain is the world's fastest growing market for internet pornography. You should all be very ashamed.

British women are the fastest growing group of users with a 30 per cent increase on last year - up to 1.4m from just over one million last year. One in four men aged between 25 and 49 has visited an adult site in the last month - about 2.5m people.

The survey comes from Neilsen Netratings and was commissioned by the Independent on Sunday - more details here.

But not everyone is impressed.

Agencies like Relate report that 40 per cent of couples asking for relationship help cite internet pornography as a contributory factor to their problems.

Phillip Hodson, of the British Association for Counselling and Pyschotherapy, told the Independent it was making "sex-lazy men even sex-lazier". He said: "It used to be said that men neglected foreplay, but now they are neglecting sex."®


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Submitted by qusan on May 30, 2006 - 5:50pm.
Submitted by Prometheus 6 on May 30, 2006 - 6:04pm.
Yeah, Prince Charles got facial issues too...
Submitted by ptcruiser on June 1, 2006 - 3:04pm.
Princess Diana's alleged "beauty" is part and parcel of the hype pushed by Euro-Americans and their British allies in the media. Look at how many white women, for example, who act in television and movies are described as "beautiful". Many of these women may truthfully be called physically attractive but very few of them deserved to be called beautiful. It is all part of the hype machine. It has reached a point for me that whenever I read a film critic, including those whose work I know and respect, who describes some less than twenty-five year old woman as beautiful I know that it is nothing more than p.r. hype. 

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