
Submitted by Prometheus 6 on May 30, 2006 - 8:04pm.
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What the hell is this doing on The History Channel?

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Submitted by gatamala on May 31, 2006 - 10:03am.
I thought I was going nuts when I saw that mess. In a way, it doesn't surprise me that HC would go the pseudo-christian nationalist route. I mean, really..What is the main obssession on that channel? War. IOW, history = war, conquest.  What wars do they focus on?  Revolutionary War, Civil War, WW2. Which points of view are is analyzed, examined, discussed?  When christianity is discussed, it's always a western europe, orthodox version that is discussed.
Submitted by Prometheus 6 on May 31, 2006 - 4:23pm.
I only recently noticed they've become more the Mythology Channel than the History Channel.

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