"It's the blacks," whispered one white woman in the elevator. "We always worried this would happen."

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on January 7, 2007 - 1:22pm.

Role model may be closer than patron saint.

It leads to an inevitable question from all of us, but particularly mainstream America: Why do black athletes often seem to find themselves either holding a gun or staring down the barrel of one?

Note how she juxtaposes “us” against “mainstream America.” I assume “mainstream America” means “white America” but I have no idea who “us” us. The question she asks didn’t inevitably pop up in MY head. Hill’s math is a bit off too…Often? 3 out of 1500 is often? For Hill the problem is a black culture that glorifies violence, from the rootta to the tootta. (apologies for the John Witherspoon quote.) America is a violent place, she notes, but nobody glorifies violence more than black people, HENCE BLACK PEOPLE ARE MORE LIKELY TO BE AFFECTED BY IT.

You folks with the anti-Black culture argument really should listen to it as though you weren't invested in it to see how stupid it sounds. 

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Submitted by GDAWG on January 7, 2007 - 2:52pm.
Sure Blacks glorify violence. Look at the violent video games Blacks invented and produced en-mass. Look at all those toy guns for children invented and produced by Blacks. Check out al of the guns and other weapons involved in today's wars. Those damn Black arms traders. Cowboys and Indians anyone?So simplitic. What an idiot!
Submitted by soulgrrove2 on January 7, 2007 - 5:06pm.

These articles are getting tiring and intellectually vapid, Javon Walker did not go to the furneal and I think he was part of the reason the car got shot up. But nobody seems to want to investigate this matter except  to report that Black Althlete go to clubs and get shot or arrested. Why don't we study why a small minority (2%) of these guys get shot or assaulted at clubs and most I think  are  being  harassed by law enforcment for DUI (which is half of the police blotter) with black players getting nailed for a misdemeanor. It is my opinion that the "haters' and the police are rolling in the same spots. But we could ask why some players are...

a. Out in a club past 3 a.m. (what did Chris Rock say if you are out past 3 it can't be for something postive?)

b. Some player gets into a confrontation with a dude with self- essteem issues

c. Instead of leaving the club or having the managment throw the party out they are still talking shit typical male maschismo

d. Offended party decides they are going to get payback (trying to save face in front of his friends)

e.Jerkoff decides to shot in car and kills or hurts innocent people

f. Victim and Perp's families are changed forever when only one had to walk away.

This is not black althletes acting badly but the writer is doing what I call 'black guilt' in an era where there are more channels on the air then 20-30 years ago, these black reporters are asking questions that really have no rhyme or reason.  I used to think that it was movies like 'Scarface', Goodfellas, or other forms of popular entertainment, sure it may not help matters that youth culture admires these fictional characters, but then to put this all on 98% of  law abiding black players in the NFL or professional sports is phony at best. If Hill were so concerned  she  and others would have started conflict resolution classes in schools for black kids only. (if you believe that black males shoot people at the slightest disrespect) And ignore white kids in Littleton who went off and still continue to plot and try to kill students in schools around around the country emulating Klebold and Harris.

If you read these people's articles,it is purely anedotal and their opinon they are trying to spot a problem that has no reason. Well  some players indulge themselves by going to clubs wearing jewerly knowing there is a criminal element or in their words "haters', Williams shooting seems to be a tragic accident for a intended for someone else (more than likely Javon Walker but we don't know that yet) You cannot say that MTV cribs photos of movies like 'Scarface' or "The Sorpranos" played a cause in their deaths any than Chucky movies  which many of these players also have. You would think 4 years and a Journalism degree would make these people more informed and factual.

Submitted by GDAWG on January 7, 2007 - 6:17pm.
  Yeah. Check this out:    A. Let's NHL player found guilty of hiring a hit man to kill his agent last year.    B. An NHL player had two stabbing murders at his club last week in the Midwest.    C. Sportcaster Jim Lampley busted in California for domestic violence last week.    Again, what we are witness to is willful ignorance and deceit by these people. And some are just plain dumb. But the agenda at work is what P6 noted earlier.    1. It keeps us in the fight or flight mode.   2. It serves as the perfect anti-Black propaganda apparatus.  And one wonders why other cultures have such devastatingly negative views of us when we are CNNed 24/7 globally with this BS.
Submitted by Temple3 on January 7, 2007 - 10:11pm.
Submitted by soulgrrove2 on January 7, 2007 - 10:21pm.

On race and watch them go apeshit that you had the 'nerve' to do such a thing. This writer Al Barger called me a racist after he wrote an article that he was 'racially insensitive and proud of it' When I did the same racially insenstive things on his blog, all the anti- p.c. crowd  first trid to insult me, but  when I bought up groups like NIN, Slayer, and other violent groups, Barger and these same people said that NIN does not have the same relevance as rap music. I quess they were looking at Littleton and there lies the rub. Indpendent black thought is not tolerated on isses that are complicated and don't have a'black guilt' dynamic but can articulate a viewpoint that not only explains but says that

a. simplistic rants (i.e. Cosby, Winfrey, Jesse Peterson)

b. Academic pretenions (i.e. Mc Worther, Sowell, Williams, Patterson)

c. Colorblind rhetoric  (Ward Connerly, Shelby Steele, Debra Dickerson)

d. Misleading reporters ( the whole american press)

will not solve problems but merely make them worse.

P.S. This is a take off John Mc Kay's press conference when the Bucs (my hometown team were 0-14)

Press- How do you feel about about the American Press execution on matters regarding race ?

Me- I'm in favor of it !!!!!!

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on January 7, 2007 - 11:15pm.
I banned him with the quickness years ago. His practiced delivery meant he knew the impact of what he was saying.