I need to send you away for a while

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on October 8, 2005 - 10:25am.
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You should read this.

The Full Turkey Baster Bill Series

Part I Intro to the Bill
Part II Republican Strategy
Part III Bill Update
Part IV Supreme Court Resource Roundup

I don't know why they're calling it the Turkey Baster bill. but the gist of it was to force you to apply to the state for permission to reproduce. The American Progress Action Fund described it like this:

A bill introduced by right-wing lawmakers in Indiana would force anyone "who knowingly or willingly participates in an artificial reproduction procedure" to show proof that she is married.

When I looked at the bill it was full of "section this of paragraph that is altered this way," in addition to whole new sections of law. What I saw looked nasty, but I wasn't going to dig out the statutes that were being altered when I knew someone else would do it.

That would be Shaula Evans. She not only teased out all the repercussions of this obviously unconstitutional bill, but she also tells you why such crap is presented. As you read Shaula's articles, keep in mind something Justice Roberts said during his confirmation hearing:

ROBERTS: I have said that it is not the job of the court to solve society's problems. And I believe that. It is the job of the court to decide particular cases.

Now, sometimes cases are brought and the courts have to decide them even though the other branches have been slow to act, as you say.

...and consider the things Conservatives feel are as unsettled as the Palestinians feel Israel's claim on the land is.


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Submitted by DarkStar on October 8, 2005 - 5:30pm.

The bill was withdrawn.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on October 8, 2005 - 6:00pm.

See Part III.