Goddammit,Tte Old Testiment belogs to US, not you!

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on December 15, 2005 - 11:35pm.

Seeing the Forest:

Dropping the Code-Word "Liberals" and Accusing Jews Directly

There has been a lot of talk in the blogosphere about "mainstreaming extremism" lately. That is Republicans injecting hard KKK stuff, disguised to sound more moderate, into mainstream outlets. The Republican charge that there is a "war on Christmas" is a prime example of this. Now we find out who they have been implying is behind this war - because they're dropping the code words and saying it out loud. Townhall.com :: Columns :: The Jewish Grinch who stole Christmas by Burt Prelutsky,

You do now understand why I don't read those Conservative sites, right?