Hey, Black folks...in case you forgot, this is what grassroots politics looks like

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on May 15, 2006 - 8:10am.
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Ain't it purty? Or scary...depends on your politics, I guess. Either way, it's worth watching and taking notes (like THEY watched US...)

Immigrant Supporters To Counter Bush Speech
New Alliance Ready To Make Itself Heard
By Darryl Fears
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, May 15, 2006; A01


As President Bush prepares to address the nation tonight about immigration, a newly formed network of groups that organized demonstrations for illegal immigrants is conference calling, brainstorming and consolidating its forces so that it can respond to the government with a unified voice.

The We Are America Alliance of 41 immigrant resource groups, unions, churches, day laborers and Spanish-language disc jockeys opposes House legislation that would criminalize illegal immigrants, but it will lobby Congress and compromise to realize its goal of obtaining legal residency for many of the 11 million people who live in the shadows.

But like the president, whose proposal for a guest-worker program is opposed by many in his own party, the alliance does not speak for all. It is being criticized by a small but influential faction of Latino activists in Los Angeles who say the alliance's compromise strategy could slow the momentum created by the protests.


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Submitted by ptcruiser on May 15, 2006 - 9:03am.
All in all , it is good to see people organizing and engaging in grassroots political activity even if I don't agree with all or most of their goals. I'm glad to see people taking responsibility and engaging in direct action. 
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on May 15, 2006 - 9:52am.
I want immigration "legally".  If you come up here illegally you should be deported.  The only way to stop this is to arrest the employers who hire these people.  Go on down the line employer, landlord etc.....  You would take care of the problem in about a year.  Also, put a huge fence with countermeasures on it.
Submitted by Prometheus 6 on May 15, 2006 - 10:31am.
If you come up here illegally you should be deported.

On a practical level, this isn't possible en mass.

The only way to stop this is to arrest the employers who hire these people.

That's all I've been saying all along.

There's way too much judging of humans going on in this discussion.

Also, put a huge fence with countermeasures on it.

That's not possible either...at least not in a way that's effective. You will have to put the equivalent of the Korean DMZ across the entire southern border...an incredible expense. And I guarantee you the next move would be to boat over to Louisiana, sneak in though the bayous.

Nope. Going after employers is the ONLY thing that will work.