My heart bleeds

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on May 28, 2006 - 2:24am.


And I'm dropping Prometheus 6 from my subscription because I'm mad at black progressives who are paying jack attention to the matters before Congress. I have come to a preliminary conclusion that any black Democrat on the web that's not reporting the activities of the Congressional Black Congress is beneath consideration.

Michael has never understood. I'm a Black Partisan, not a Black (or black) Democrat.

Not only that, if I were a Black Democrat, well, I'm obviously not writing stuff that toes THEIR line. I'd not be very likely to change my approach for a Republican.

Not only that, the CBC is covered at great extent elsewhere. I'd rather not be a useless duplicate or window dressing.

So far, every conservative type I've tried extended conversation with has been a disappointment.

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Submitted by Ourstorian on May 28, 2006 - 1:37pm.

I posted this comment about the CBC a couple of days ago.

Corn on the Cobb sees the entire world thru his little Republican granny glasses. Consequently, he can't tell a black partisan from a democrat, a libertarian, or a Green party member. As a card carrying member of the Buckwheat Auxillary of the White Nationalist Party (Repubs), he really doesn't give a damn what we think anyway. He's just trying to provoke a response. So he doesn't go back to the slave quarters entirely disappointed, I've got one for him right here.

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