I...think I'll just read the scores

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on May 30, 2006 - 8:06am.

Important information:

"There are small and medium-sized towns in [the German state of] Brandenburg, as well as elsewhere, which I would advise a visitor of another skin color to avoid going to.... It is possible he wouldn't get out alive," said Uwe-Karsten Heye, formerly German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder's spokesman and now head of the antiracism foundation "Show Your Face!"

...Most of the media attention since reunification has focused on the right-wing problem in former East Germany, where neo-Nazis espoused anti-Semitic and German nationalist ideas, says anti-racism advocate Anetta Kahane. When the wall fell, the violence "exploded," says Ms. Kahane, who heads the Amadeu Antonio Foundation - named after the first postreunification victim of racist violence, who was beaten to death by skinheads in the Brandenburg town of Eberswalde in 1990.

Though there are fewer deaths nowadays, says Kahane, the German political elite continues to ignore the fact that racism is spreading into all levels of society. The way the government is handling the current situation is proof of that, she says.

"Germany's defensive strategy when it comes to racism is part of the problem," she says. "They don't focus on the fact that [in East Germany] it's not safe for people of color to move freely."


Tarnished German image on World Cup eve
Recent attacks on minorities and immigrants have raised concerns about visitors' safety.
By Andreas Tzortzis | Correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor

BERLIN - With just days remaining before the World Cup opens June 9, the Brandenburg tourism office is abuzz with phone calls from potential visitors. But instead of queries about hotels or day trips into the lake region around Berlin, says spokesperson Birgit Freitag, callers have a more pressing question: Will they be safe?

A string of recent attacks on dark-skinned Germans and immigrants in the country, coupled with new police statistics showing a rise in violent right-wing activity in the past year, have presented Germany with a serious image problem as the country readies itself for the arrival of an estimated 1 million soccer fans.

A former government spokesman's suggestion two weeks ago that certain areas of Germany would effectively be off-limits to some visitors touched off the controversy, which has dominated headlines ever since.

"There are small and medium-sized towns in [the German state of] Brandenburg, as well as elsewhere, which I would advise a visitor of another skin color to avoid going to.... It is possible he wouldn't get out alive," said Uwe-Karsten Heye, formerly German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder's spokesman and now head of the antiracism foundation "Show Your Face!"

Just days later, Turkish-born politician Gyasettin Sayan was accosted by assailants in the Berlin neighborhood of Lichtenberg. And a half-dozen people in three eastern German cities were attacked last week, leading to 13 arrests over the weekend. Newspapers have published maps of "no go" areas in eastern Germany, such as Lichtenberg, that they say foreigners had best avoid. And the umbrella group for the Germany's African organizations plans a similar online service for World Cup visitors.



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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on May 30, 2006 - 9:27pm.

The old East German Comunist Party had been decimated by Hitler (after 1933) and in Soviet exile, by Stalin (after 1937) so they made up for the losses by recruiting former midlevel Nazi officials after 1945 for work in the Communist Party and government apparatus.

East Germany was never De-Nazified. A Communist gloss was overlaid and their official ideology proclaimed the West German government to be the successor to and responsible for the crimes of the Third Reich.

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