
Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 17, 2006 - 1:53pm.
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I got caught earlier today by, of all things, the House Judiciary Committee's immigration hearings. I hadn't seen any before.

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee is took no prisoners. Cool. I should post some video of the sister.

But the post is made in honor of Rep. James Sensenbrenner. He got silly, and I don't think it turned out quite as well as he hoped.

Let's be REAL clear and drop a transcipt, because baby bitch-slapped Nonsensenbrenner.

Sensenbrenner: I have one quick question for Ms. Walker. Um, You represent the American Immigration Lawyers Association, uh, if the legalization or amnesty or the pathway to citizenship provisions in the Senate bill becomes law, how much do you would charge somebody who wanted to apply for the benefits under that?

Walker: I have no idea, sir, I mean, right now we're proceeding, the American Immigration Lawyers Association, to establish a pro bono network regarding those who are unable to afford legal services, and if the goal here is that every lawyer is only seeking his own beneficial gain financially...

Sensenbrenner: Uh

Walker: ...then you negate all of my credibility and, I think, yours as well. [P6: One...]

Sensenbrenner: I just point out, you know, that 12 million illegal immigrants, if the fee was two thousand dollars for that, that's two billion four hundred million dollars.

Walker: Why don't we talk about the smuggling trade right now and the amount of money they're making for our failure to act?[P6: How's that? the sound of TWO hands slapping]

Sensenbrenner: Thank you, my, my time is expired.[P6: It sure is.]

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Submitted by Lissa (not verified) on August 18, 2006 - 9:09am.
She rather handed him his ass.  Nicely done.
Submitted by Prometheus 6 on August 18, 2006 - 4:51pm.

He can't even multiply. Unless the credibility thing just threw him.

Nah. He can't multiply. 

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