You know what it's like?

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on December 17, 2004 - 2:13pm.
I'll tell you what it's like.

'Cause I'm no racist. People just assume I'm a racist and I'm tired of it. Shit. Man I never think about race, who has the damn time?

Yeah, I know there's racists out there. I saw that thing about the Klan march on TV, I'm not saying there ain't no racists, I ain't stupid. But I ain't nothin like that. Nobody I know is like that. Those guys are an embarrassment.

But me and my friends, we don't have that kind of trouble anywhere we go. Unless there's black people around. Every time I saw something racial come up there was a black person involved. I'm not judging anyone, I'm just saying what I've seen.Really. Like,you always get all tight. You just feel racism is there, like a shadow in the corner of your eye. You look out for things like that, you don't want to get caught up in some racial shit because you know they're going to say it's you. And it ain't.

And when those guys with the hoodies and the droopy pants come around, it's like you feel it, like mist rising from the ground around the feet of some monster in an old black and white movie, and when they pass the you feel loose again…you just know, like you know the guys in the suits are probably okay. And that shows it ain't about race. So don't try to make it about race.

Everybody needs to just get over it anyway.

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Submitted by dwshelf on December 17, 2004 - 9:27pm.

You think such people are important enough to worry about, p6? They don't seem particularly powerful to me. Like evangelistic vegetarians.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on December 17, 2004 - 10:12pm.

They don't trouble me but apparently I trouble them greatly.

Submitted by dwshelf on December 18, 2004 - 12:39pm.

I had to think back a bit. I've never heard anyone express that kind of mixed message before regarding black people, p6. I'm sure that says we encounter different people. But I find it plausible, because I have encountered the concept. It's not black people, rather it's "ugly women".

How many times have you heard a man expressing how good a man he is, but then he discloses that he just doesn't get along very well with "ugly women". Doesn't enjoy their company, doesn't work well with them, and surely doesn't want one for his boss.

There's not much you can say, except to yourself. You tell yourself, I enjoy women, period. All of them. Well, maybe some need a bit of time yet, but it's not how they look.

When it's a family member, sometimes you try to explain the loss this guy is suffering. But in general, you just move on. The guy's simply not important. His expression is of himself, and says nothing about those women you so much enjoy.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on December 18, 2004 - 1:00pm.

We've got a wave-particle duality. You're looking at individual events, I'm looking at patterns in time.

Submitted by dwshelf on December 18, 2004 - 1:41pm.

I'm not really disagreeing here... but I think it's not a case of what we're looking at. Rather, it's a case of what we're experiencing.

I experience individual people. I don't experience groups of people.

I suppose I could develop myself along such lines, but people who do experience groups seldom have anything good to say about their experiences. What's the appeal?

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on December 18, 2004 - 3:50pm.

I think it's not a case of what we're looking at. Rather, it's a case of what we're experiencing.

No functional difference.

Submitted by starrdanzr (not verified) on December 19, 2004 - 4:09am.

I've been reading here a while and never commented before.
At any rate, as a white woman, I have to comment.
I *have* heard and seen such attitudes. It drives me batty that people assume because I'm the same color, I'll have the same attitudes yanno?
This is how the majority of racism I enncounter comes across; in a rather quiet confused way. These people genuinely think that because they are not the raving fringe, that they are not at all racist.
At any rate, I figure I'd write and let you know that what you are percieving is the same as I've observed from a different perspective. I tend to think that if you have people from different perspectives experiencing or observing the same thing it feels that mcuh more valid to me.

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on December 19, 2004 - 7:44am.

The validation is useful, sis. Thank you.