The exact opposite of neocon intent

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on October 9, 2006 - 6:05am.
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Basically, I'm for knowing rather than not knowing. So I start out assuming it's a good thing long term that the Iraq invasion has proven wars of acquisition no longer work. But because of the way it was done, over the next decade or so it will be considered outside the ability of the USofA to exercise influence over great swaths of the planet.

The effect of this on the various American psyches will not be pretty. 

Arab League Nations Offer Peacekeeping Troops for Darfur
Associated Press
Monday, October 9, 2006; A18

CAIRO, Oct. 8 -- Arab countries have launched a new effort to push Sudan toward a compromise over U.N. peacekeepers for Darfur, offering to dispatch a force of Arab and Muslim troops to the troubled region, diplomats said Sunday.

The Arab League diplomats said Sudan's president rejected the initial proposal -- as he has all suggestions for a U.N.-affiliated contingent, regardless of the makeup -- but promised to suggest an alternative soon, in a sign that the Arab effort might show more promise than other attempts to stop the humanitarian crisis.

"The situation is deteriorating and needs intervention," said Hesham Youssef, a top aide to the league's secretary general, Amr Moussa.

Youssef said the Arab negotiators believed that the world community and the United States should be flexible.

"The Americans should realize that there should be a compromise," he said.

The new push could be a significant step in the stalled effort to reach a compromise over Sudan's rejection of a U.N. Security Council resolution that would let the United Nations take control of and significantly expand a peacekeeping force in the western Darfur region, run so far by the African Union.

The two sides are still far apart, however. And it was unclear how much leverage the Arab countries -- close neighbors and supporters of Sudan's Arab-dominated government -- have or how strongly they intended to press the proposal.

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Submitted by Mauro (not verified) on October 9, 2006 - 6:46am.

I’m Mauro from Italy (Italian Blogs for Darfur). We’ve translated our
appeal to italian media to speak about Darfur (1 hour only in 2005!).
you support us publishing it on your site, we we’ll be very glad for.

Please, tell people on the web what we do, it's important to collect a lot
of signs (that are not just signs, but also e-mails sent to italian media!).

Italy is going to sit at The UN Council from January 2007.


Submitted by Jay McGinley (not verified) on October 9, 2006 - 8:37am.
Bless you for your concern for Darfur. Join us and we-the-citizens will stop the Genocide. No one else can. No one else will. Several of us have decided to begin a RESCUE DARFUR FAST. One of us began 5 days ago, and several others today. Links below for the details. Nothing less than a worldwide fast-until-the-genocide-stops will be enough to stop it. Nothing less will be a sufficient moral response. Nothing less will preserve our humanity, yours and mine. Please consider linking (below) to increase the visibility of this effort. Jay McGinley [email protected] Day 134 Darfur Vigil at White House; Day 68 Rescue Darfur Fast (since July 4, 2006) DARFUR Dying for Heroes (you would find this a helpful resource) Please consider linking here to increase the visibility of this effort.

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