At least it's not illegal to talk out of your ass in the USofA...

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on October 11, 2006 - 3:28am.
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Polish Police Are Searching For Farting Dissident
October 2, 2006 3:06 p.m. EST
Komfie Manalo - All Headline News Foreign Correspondent

Warsaw, Poland (AHN) - A 45-year-old Polish man is now the subject of a nationwide manhunt by the Polish police after he was charged for farting loudly in response to his sentiment about the president.

Hubert Hoffman was earlier arrested by the police in a routine check at a railway station in the Polish capital of Warsaw.

He complained to the arresting officers that President Lech Kaczynski and his twin brother Jaroslaw, was responsible for turning Poland back to a Communist style dictatorship. He was reprimanded to show more respect for the country's rulers.

Hoffman replied with a loud fart and was immediately arrested. He was charged for "contempt for the office of the head of state."

He was later released on bail but failed to show up at a Warsaw court early this week to stand trial and the judge on case rejected an appeal by his lawyers to drop the charges.

A court spokesman said, "Such a case of disrespect is taken very seriously."

Surprisingly, the court ordered the police to start a nationwide hunt for the man, and Interpol has been alerted.

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