I'm sure you'd like to rephrase that

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on May 26, 2006 - 11:17am.

I just took a look at the blogs linking to Michael Meyers' Stop the Black-Only Treatment.

The anonymous Blue Crab Boulevard says:

There should be no such thing as the black male in America.

The hairy eye

It's not much better in context.

Many black leaders in and outside academia seem to have no objection to these figurative black-only signs over certain doorways at America's colleges. Not surprisingly, this racial identity ferment — aka self-determination — is proudly endorsed by white liberals disturbed by the dwindling numbers of black men on campus, as well as by many black female students for whom interracial dating is either taboo or impracticable.

Hence, college presidents are listening to their black students and to their officials for diversity and affirmative action or minority affairs, and they are setting up BMIs as a way of making life on campus more comfortable for black students. And black faculty have a new source of grants to apply for, from foundations that urge the study of the black male problem and experimentation with intervention techniques. No educator rebukes such offerings with the hard, nonstatistical truth that there is no such thing as "the black male," just as there never was such a thing as "the Negro."

Here, I think Meyers has it exactly right. There should be no such thing as the black male in America. We should not even think in those terms. We should think in terms of "Americans", Michigan's wrong-headedness aside.

First of all, if there's no such thing as "the black man," there's no such thing as "the American people." The exact same reasoning applies.

Secondly, though I said I wasn't going to spend much time on Meyers himself, this crap

is proudly endorsed by...many black female students for whom interracial dating is either taboo or impracticable.

sounds SO much like personal bitterness (Shelby Steele's writing is full of the flames of his self-immolation too, and I can point out other, similar projections) I had to check.


I found he is not likely gettin' dat azz. It makes sense he'd be bitter at sisters.

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Submitted by Gaius (not verified) on May 26, 2006 - 1:39pm.

Taking that one sentence out of context that way completely changes the intent, the meaning and the spirit of what I said. I argued not against black people, but for color-blindness.

Submitted by ptcruiser on May 26, 2006 - 4:25pm.
I went to Blue Crab Boulevard's site and read his or her piece. He or she is simply loony.  
Submitted by ptcruiser on May 26, 2006 - 4:29pm.
Arguing for color-blindness in the face of the massive difficulties facing hundreds of thousands of young black men between the ages of 18 to 34 is absurd in the extreme. It is so absurd that it doesn't even deserve the dignity of a rationa, logical response. It is preposterous.
Submitted by Prometheus 6 on May 26, 2006 - 5:43pm.

I didn't miss your point. Like I said, I'm sure you want to rephrase that. And if you don't you missed MY point.

Submitted by qusan on May 26, 2006 - 9:09pm.

1) Clearly needs to be rephrased. From some of the other comments on that site, some other folks "missed the point" too.

2) "many black female students for whom interracial dating is either taboo or impracticable."

Why do sistas always have to get dragged into it? :-) Is his wife white too (like the rest of his compadres' (Steele, Thomas, Connerly))?

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on May 26, 2006 - 10:31pm.
Why do sistas always have to get dragged into it?
I'm telling you, he's pissed because he too ugly to get laid. 
Submitted by riccardino on May 27, 2006 - 11:38am.
It's his opinion...whether you agree or disagree...what does ugliness or getting laid have to do with anything? I thought I was gonna read some point-counterpoint, not barbs.
Submitted by Prometheus 6 on May 27, 2006 - 12:07pm.

We tend to more holistic analyses, but will provide both point-counterpoint and barbs on occasion. My own analysis is here:

Michael Meyers continues apace. Unfortunately.

You may safely assume commenters here have read it there. 

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on May 27, 2006 - 12:31pm.

I should also warn you we've found support for the barbs in the output of Black Conservatives.

Gerald Reynolds and Michael Meyers

Black Intrapolitics: Next victim

Black Intrapolitics: Shelby Steele on Black Inferiority, Part 1

Black Intrapolitics: Shelby Steele on Black Inferiority, Part 2

Black Intrapolitics: Shelby Steele on Black Inferiority, Part 3

Strikes me most of them have issues (don't let me get into Connerly), and they're projecting or lashing out against the more mainstream Black constituencies.

Submitted by qusan on May 27, 2006 - 1:21pm.

Actually, being "ugly" and/or constantly "rejected" by one's own community impacts one's self esteem and does, consciously or not, impact ones behavior, views and actions. I do not think it is a coincidence that some of the loudest voices against affirmative action and anything that might help blacks decrease the education and wealth gaps are men who are married to women who are "not black" ... I once heard someone say that the civil rights movement ended (in the minds of some) when they stopped lynching black men for looking at white women. I think that to many of these "all is now fair" people, that is indeed the measure of their equality in this country ... having what the white man has ... in bed.

Ward is even at it again

Submitted by ptcruiser on May 27, 2006 - 1:32pm.

It's his opinion...

Yes, it is his opinion. So why do you believe that his opinion about black men is entitled to a response from black men that contains more substance than his opinion?  What point do you believe that Blue Crab makes that requires any black man to treat it as nothing more than an expression of willful ignorance? Do you have an opinion on this issue that you would like to express and that you feel would warrant our considered response. If you do, then go for it. 



Submitted by Ourstorian on May 28, 2006 - 1:49pm.

Qusan, thanks for the heads-up on the latest hijinks of Ward Coonerly.

We need to find a way to tag these fools so we can track and monitor them. Something on the order of: Coon Watch.

Submitted by Temple3 on May 30, 2006 - 12:21pm.

It could deliver an electric shock when they said Stoopid Shit. LOL. "Gzzzzz!!" "Gzzz!!" "Gzzzz!!" "Pardon me, what I meant to say was ...."