I'm not the only one who has seen it

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on January 3, 2007 - 7:35pm.

The Unapologetic Mexican:

Race is not an oreo cookie that you can flip over and around and still have it equal the very same product in the end, just with an inverted shape. I do not mean to impugn the writer to which I link, I do not know them well, I am not addressing their entire body of work or even the thrust of the actual post on their page. I am aware of this. I am only using a statement of theirs to illustrate a reflex, a shape of thinking that is common, yet invalid—if one wants to arrive at truth and understanding that is.

Por ejemplo: If a White man lingers in a store aisle he will often do so without any harassment. If a Black man or a Latino hovers over items in a store, you will probably see a security agent soon show up or an agent of the store in some way harass him. You cannot flip these.

If some White kids are picked up by cops for loitering, they will receive very different treatment than if the cops pick up three latinos, or three blacks. You cannot flip these two situations.

If a White man smiles at a woman as he walks past her and her man, it will almost definitely play out differently than if a Black or Latino man does the same.

I know you can find exceptions. But let's be honest about what an average of occurrences would yield.

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Submitted by GDAWG on January 3, 2007 - 9:36pm.
HMMM??!!# There's a "new" revelation here somewhere?
Submitted by Prometheus 6 on January 3, 2007 - 11:00pm.
Depends on whether you judge based on what folks say or what they do.
Submitted by Ourstorian on January 4, 2007 - 10:09am.

Thanks for the link, P6. Hermano has a lot of interesting shit to say. As a take-no-prisoners kind of guy, I especially appreciate the tenor of his remarks.