White Culture Has Taken a Wrong Turn and Dragged Us All Behind It

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on January 4, 2007 - 8:14am.
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PBS did a documentary in 1998 titled "America in the 40s." This is a small slice thereof.

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Submitted by cnulan on January 4, 2007 - 10:39am.

very nicely put...,

frames the Work as a process of exemplifying and sustaining a viable alternative. 

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on January 4, 2007 - 10:47am.


I think you'll understand this, CN...one reason I keep doing this is the astounding amount of serendipity I run into.

Submitted by cnulan on January 4, 2007 - 10:58am.

over the past several days I've come into a deeper and one might say permanent respect and appreciation for what you do

Submitted by ptcruiser on January 4, 2007 - 1:56pm.
All of my hats are off to you, sir!
Submitted by Temple3 on January 4, 2007 - 2:16pm.

The Nine Variables, from Sun Tzu's Art of War:

"Chia Lin: Plans and projects for harming the enemy are not confined to any one method.  Sometimes entice his wise and virtuous men away so that he has no counsellors.  Or send treacherous people to his country to wreck his administration.  Sometimes use cunning deceptions to alienate his ministers from the sovereign.  Or send skilled craftsmen to encourage his people to exhaust their wealth.  Or present him with licentious musicians and dancers to change his customs.  Or give him beautiful women to bewilder him."

"He wearies them by keeping them constantly occupied, and makes them rush about by offering them ostensible advantages."