Mad frustrating

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on January 15, 2004 - 11:34am.

I have no problem setting up MovableType. I have no problems with page design and all that.

I have no idea why I can't import the entries from P6-Gray into P6-Green.

I tried using the export file function. Eight megs of posts and comments. I imported then posts into the new site here, and it looks like it works…but site rebuilding function hangs. I tried SQL dumps, but that restores the blog settings (root path on the server and all that)…you have no idea how badly you can screw up an MT installation that way.

Finally, I decided to wipe the whole damn thing and start over.

The individual entries from the P6-Gray are gone. The weekly archives have been moved over here.

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Submitted by Latinopundit (not verified) on January 15, 2004 - 12:35pm.

If you haven't noticed re-do your "BOOT BUSH," license plate. It became corrupted probably during transfer.