I saw a Google query in my referral log looking for "reactions to John Mcwhorter." The search found a post here, of course, and that brought me to another MrWhorterism...a cold-bloodedly constructed falsehood.
And I think I'd like to know if he and his ilk really have any intent beyond getting paid for that particular article.
Ahh, a trip down memory lane ... it seems like only yesterday when I opened up that particular can of whupass on Negrodamus. It got even better (or worse, depending upon whether or not you're an aficionado of coon baiting), but P6 censored my final rejoinder to Cobb in that thread. It resulted in my taking a leave of absence for awhile to sulk. I came back. And I still ain't takin no prisoners.
As far as McWhorter is concerned ... whenever he ventures out of the slave quarters to recite his latest paean to black inferiority/white supremacy, I'll be waiting with the rhetorical shotgun loaded and a license to kill.