Week of July 02, 2006 to July 08, 2006

Preval is not to have a chance

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on July 8, 2006 - 10:54am.

One of the armed groups engaged in the violence, known as "Lame Ti Manchet," Haitian creole for Small Machetes Army, was formed over the past 1-1/2 years under the interim administration that replaced former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, who was ousted in a 2004 revolt.

The group is widely believed to have cooperated at times with elements of the Haitian police in crackdowns on groups loyal to Aristide in Martissant.

Twenty killed in gang fighting in Haitian slum
Fri Jul 7, 2006 08:47 PM ET

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (Reuters) - About 20 people died in clashes between rival gangs fighting a turf war in one of the Haitian capital's violent slums, a senior police official said on Friday.


Submitted by Prometheus 6 on July 8, 2006 - 10:04am.

That such conspiracy theories should even come to mind is a sad statement about our politics. Rather than serious public debate, we've been served a summer of faux outcries, such as describing flag burning and same-sex marriage as epidemics and treating immigration as a national security crisis. It's enough to give anyone indigestion.

A Run for the Border
By P.W. Singer
Sunday, July 9, 2006; B03

Those of us who track federal contracting come across unusual announcements all the time. Sometimes they are a useful indicator of preparations for a policy soon to be enacted. Other times they signify nothing more than a government bureaucracy in all its inane glory. How, then, should we react to the solicitation at right -- a Department of Homeland Security request for an "indefinite quantity, indefinite delivery" of burritos to be stockpiled along the Texas border?

American Intrapolitics: I love it when white folks actually get it...even if they're dead

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on July 8, 2006 - 9:54am.

Lazy Fair  

As a dead white woman I know the truth.

The truth about alot of things but I especially know the unspkoen truth about racism between my particularly quirky tribe of persons. There is a an unseen clique of really hateful but very quiet racism in America something akin to how the French felt about the Algerians in the 1950s. This heat has no fire yet but it is building in grocery stores, in the media, in the churches and on the highways. For the most part the fear and thus the hate begins with men and their concern, note the word, their ardent concern that they will lose their control over their "Possessions". Chief of these things they used to own were women. Women, all women not just white ones, when America was formed, were nothing more than chattel, handy but not so special vessels for their pleasure and release. Then came the Civil War and the brutality of the Night Riders who were just as likely to hang a white woman for betraying her husband in business matters or adultery as they were to lynch a Black man for whatever reason.

Oh good, another blogger that's old as dirt

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on July 8, 2006 - 9:40am.

Atrios must have been bored as shit. That ortired of writing "Yeah, yeah, another stupid open thread..." He linked four video crack YouTube videos...I didn't know this one was out there.

You know Run D.M.C. is at the root of gangstarap, right? Sucka MCs was like the first dis rap and shit escalated from there when people started targeting other artists specifically.

Stop me before I spend again

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on July 8, 2006 - 8:04am.

Tax cuts are earmarks too, by the way.

The three top House leaders -- Speaker J. Dennis Hastert , majority leader John A. Boehner , and majority whip Roy Blunt , all Republicans -- have not cast a single vote against any of the projects that have been challenged by fiscal conservatives on the House floor. One of the projects -- $2.5 million for the Illinois Technology Transition Center -- was sought by Hastert himself and was affirmed quickly on a voice vote.

Among the other earmarks that Hastert, Boehner, and Blunt have supported were $500,000 to renovate a municipal swimming pool in Banning, Calif.; $250,000 for a performing arts center in Plattsburgh, N.Y.; $1 million for a locomotive demonstration in Pennsylvania; $1 million for the Southern and Eastern Kentucky Tourism Development Association; $180,000 for tomato production in Ohio; and $1.4 million in two separate earmarks for Mystic Aquarium in Connecticut.

All of the projects were retained in lopsided votes, with only a core group of about 50 fiscal conservatives voting consistently to strike the spending. But House leaders continue to insist they're being tough on earmarks.

A letter to the editor

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on July 8, 2006 - 7:58am.

How we color the immigration issue
July 8, 2006

HOW REVEALING is this apparent slip of the reporter's pen, in the article "Immigration debate intensifies across state" (Page A1, July 3): ``In Milford, where at least 1 in 10 is now foreign-born in an otherwise overwhelmingly white city, the impact of the recent immigrants has spurred new measures to deter undocumented immigrants from moving there."

To the reporter, foreign-born equals nonwhite. But I grew up in Milford, in the 1940s and '50s, at a time when far more than 1 in 10 were foreign-born. Italians, Irish, Portuguese, East-European Jews -- thick accents made up what seemed then a major slice of my parents' generation and the generation before. They were foreign-born but classified as "white" and considered family.

Times have changed. Now the foreign-born are assumed to be nonwhite. Is that why being foreign-born was so colorful and positive then, but so threatening and negative now?


American Intrapolitics: I am prepared to split the difference

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on July 8, 2006 - 7:55am.
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I disagree with Ms. Yourish's politics. I do not equate Israel with Judaism. I feel entirely capable of criticizing the actions of the nation of Israel without attacking "duh Joos."

I TOTALLY understand her position on anti-Israel comments on her site. TOTALLY understand Zionists needing that secure place where they can speak and act exclusively for their own interests.

This is a Zionist blog: End of discussion
Posted on July 5th, 2006 at 3:30 pm by Meryl Yourish.

I was not kidding when I declared this blog to be a No Israel-Bashing Zone. I can read that garbage in any mainstream media publication. I can read anti-Israel reporting on the BBC website, or in the Guardian, or Reuters, or the AP. I can watch it on any given news program. And I can read it on any unmoderated blog that has a discussion that mentions Israel or Jews, on any topic.

American Intrapolitics: I love it when white folks actually get it

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on July 8, 2006 - 7:43am.
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Max Sawicky

Lieberman's campaign aide thinks Jews have a communal obligation to support their co-religionist, and failure in this vein is "reprehensible and outrageous."

On the right, we routinely see denunciations of the idea that left-leaning African-Americans may criticize right-wing blacks for betraying their race (the brouhaha over blogger Steve Gilliard and our local Republican doofus in Maryland, Michael Steele), or that Chicanos might display ethnic particularism (the Bustamante/La Raza flap).

There is something to the idea of group solidarity, but the specifics make all the difference. If Joe L. was taking some stand against anti-semitism, failure on the part of Jews to support him would be fair game for criticism. In certain narrow contexts, Jews are oppressed as a group. But that's not what is going on in Connecticut. At all.

All you social networking types better get your connections made while they're still free

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on July 7, 2006 - 4:46pm.
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“It’s way too early to say” whether the company would pursue licenses and litigation from its competitors, Friendster President Kent Lindstrom told RedHerring.com. “We’ll do what we can to protect our intellectual property.”

Too early, huh? Yeah right...you got other income somewhere? 

Friendster Wins Patent
After emerging from debt, Friendster wins a patent on social networking.
July 6, 2006

Friendster said Thursday that it has received a patent that covers online social networks, one the company had applied for long before its decline and recent recapitalization.

As much for the notable quote as for the topic of the article

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on July 7, 2006 - 11:31am.

A black man in his 60's, looking at a "For Colored Only" reproduction in the shop, remembered the time when as a college student he had lunch in a Louisiana coffee shop. As he left, the white owner broke every dish he had used.

The next day, the black man, a drum major at nearby Grambling State University, brought the entire football team — all blacks — for lunch. They watched in satisfaction as the shaken white owner broke dozens of his dishes.

In general I am against forcing folks to take my money given that I actually have options nowadays. But that was a gesture I'd have taken part in myself. Might have gone back until he was out of dishware. 

A Gift Shop in Harlem Finds Customers for the Memorabilia of Racist America

The day Glenda Taylor placed the white hood and white robe of the Ku Klux Klan in the window of her Harlem shop was one to remember.

At the foot of the Klan gown was an 1868 issue of Harper's Weekly depicting a dead black man, with the caption "One Vote Less." Passers-by of all races stopped, stunned, in front of her memorabilia shop, Aunt Meriam's, on West 125th Street, Ms. Taylor said.

Geez, how fucked up can you get?

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on July 7, 2006 - 10:25am.

"I never liked him. He wasn't good with the kids, he lived with his mother and did a whole lot of mainly nothing," said his mother-in-law, Jan Dockery, Thursday evening. "I don't know what [Rhonda] saw in him."

Dad faces poisoning charges
Feds: Kids fed tainted soup in extortion plot
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Published on: 07/07/06

A Stockbridge father was indicted Thursday by a federal grand jury on charges that he poisoned his children by feeding them soup he had tampered with, in hopes of extorting money from the manufacturer.

Three times, the children — Billy, 3, and Miranda, 18 months — had to be rushed to emergency rooms, with the last incident so serious that they remained hospitalized for a week, family members said.

Remember this moment because it won't happen often

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on July 7, 2006 - 10:10am.

Three Republican Senators are doing the right thing.

Allowing the Boeing settlement to be tax deductible, the senators said in the letter, would result in "leaving the American taxpayer to effectively subsidize its misconduct."

"We are not interested in settlements that are designed to look good in newspapers, but fail to bring real accountability," the letter stated; a copy of the letter was obtained by The New York Times. 

3 Senators Protest Possible Tax Deduction for Boeing in Settling U.S. Case

Three prominent Republican senators have written to Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales to express concern that Boeing may be allowed to take a tax deduction for a $615 million settlement reached last week with the government.

Arthur Silbur may be brilliant

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on July 7, 2006 - 9:27am.

He is, at minimum, accurate...a rare and laudable trait nowadays.

Let's summarize the key points of where we are:

1. As Hersh points out and has been obvious since it began, this latest effort at diplomacy directed by the U.S. is designed to fail. We are demanding that the Iranians concede the major point in dispute -- Iran's right to enrich uranium -- before the negotiations even begin. This isn't diplomacy. This is issuing an ultimatum: "You will do exactly as we say -- or else."

2. No one could legitimately expect this diplomacy to succeed, so what's the point? The point is precisely the same one achieved by the U.S.'s phony dance with the U.N. in the leadup to the Iraq invasion: to provide cover for a decision that has already been made. When the U.S. begins bombing Iran, Bush will say: "We tried diplomacy. No one wants war, which is always the last resort. But they refused to engage in diplomacy, so they left us no choice. After 9/11, we cannot permit threats to our country to grow unchecked. I will not allow the American people to be attacked again. An Iran with nuclear weapons was too great a danger, and it had to be stopped." At that point, as devastation begins to spread through the Middle East and Iraq explodes into even greater violence, no one will remember that we made it impossible for Iran to engage with us diplomatically, and that Iran doesn't have nuclear weapons and won't have any for at least five to 10 years -- and our media will never remind us of what actually happened.

3. Consider the unreality of what's happening here. Iran is fully entitled to pursue the non-military enrichment of uranium under the terms of the nuclear nonproliferation treaty -- to which it is a signatory. We make exceptions and give enormously valuable aid to countries like India that are not signatories to the treaty -- while we demand that Iran give up rights it indisputably has under the same treaty. Given the stakes involved, it doesn't even begin to capture the madness involved in this approach to describe it as incoherent and self-contradictory. As we stand on the brink of a military catastrophe -- one that we will have begun for no reason at all -- this is simply insane.

4. The overall pattern at work here is exactly the same one utilized for Iraq: phony diplomacy, then U.N. action which will similarly make compliance by Iran impossible, then a few speeches accusing Iran of defying the will of the "civilized world" and of being too great a threat to be tolerated -- and then the bombing. And almost no one will be heard to say that the "crisis" was created out of thin air, and that in fact no crisis exists at all. As I have pointed out a number of times, all of this is calculated to reach its climax sometime in the fall -- precisely so that it will have the greatest possible impact on the coming elections.

5. Note this sentence in the news story: "Western powers suspect Tehran has a secret programme to build nuclear weapons." As the Hersh article makes clear in detail, no one has any intelligence about Iran's nuclear program at all. Suspicions are all we have -- and they are suspicions based on precisely nothing.

This is as perfect a demonstration as could be asked for on the point I recently emphasized once again: intelligence is entirely irrelevant to major policy decisions. In this case, that must be true for the reason that even we must concede: we have no relevant intelligence of any kind. This is a decision of policy, pure and simple.

Let us state the final conclusion boldly and unmistakably, so we may appreciate its full horror: the Bush administration has already decided, and probably decided some time ago, that it will attack Iran. They want a wider war. Everything that is now going on is simply the cover for the moment when the bombing begins, intended to provide what will be accepted as "justification" for the attack by the American public and the world.

And all of it is a lie from beginning to end.

We must note one additional critical point. Up to this moment, there is not one major public voice identifying this madness for what it is. No one will say that the crisis is a completely phony one. No one will say that an attack on Iran would be completely unjustified and unprovoked, and that it would be a blatant act of aggression by the United States.

There is not even one person offering significant opposition to the Bush administration. Not one. And so we proceed to our date with Armageddon.

I'm still proud of Dave Chappelle

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on July 7, 2006 - 8:52am.
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He has since said that a racist-sounding laugh by a white member of the studio audience set him off. The sound of that too-hard laugh — at one of his own jokes — led him to conclude, in his own accounting, that he was paying too high a moral price for his success.

I can relate, though at a considerably lower fiscal impact. I could have stayed corporate...was offered entry into the inner circle, but at the cost of setting someone up to fail so I could replace him. Someone I really didn't like. But fool that I am, I found my need to see myself as honest was more important to me.

'Chappelle: The Lost Episodes' Shows Two Sides of the Comic Who Went AWOL

"I don't think he's coming," says the first old bluesy guy.

"Oh," says the second. "Let's start the show."

With that, the curtain lifts on the four sketches that Comedy Central is halfheartedly trying to pass off as treasure on Sunday night: "Chappelle's Show: The Lost Episodes."

American Intrapolitics: The most convincing second amendment argument I've ever seen

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on July 7, 2006 - 8:40am.

'Planning a Skinhead Infantry'

In the fall of 1999, the neo-Nazi National Alliance published in its Resistance magazine an article by one "Joachim Peiper," who was described as "a professional soldier, racialist and White separatist." In fact, Peiper was Steven Barry, a former Special Forces member who had just been named as the Alliance's "military unit coordinator." Barry, who had started his own extremist Special Forces Underground group while at Fort Bragg, N.C., used the article, headlined "Planning a Skinhead Infantry," to offer advice to white supremacists wanting to enlist in the armed forces to enhance their skills. Here are several excerpts:

American Intrapolitics: Year after year of isolated incidents

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on July 7, 2006 - 8:23am.

Extremism and the military: A timeline

Pedro del Valle, a highly decorated Marine Corps lieutenant general, forms the Defenders of the American Constitution, an anti-Semitic organization of retired, high-ranking U.S. military officers obsessed with exposing and combating a global Jewish conspiracy to establish a "One World Order."

The American Nazi Party, the first post-war neo-Nazi group, is formed in Arlington, Va., by retired U.S. Naval Commander George Lincoln Rockwell. Rockwell, who will be assassinated by a follower in 1967, is an early popularizer of Holocaust denial and Christian Identity, a violently anti-Semitic theology.

Retired Army Lt. Col. William Potter Gale, who served on the staff of World War II Gen. Douglas McArthur, forms the California Rangers, a paramilitary arm of the Christian Defense League. Gale will go on to become the principal architect of the Posse Comitatus, a violent and anti-Semitic movement of the 1970s and 1980s.

American Intrapolitics: Thank you very much, George W. Bush

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on July 7, 2006 - 8:20am.

A Few Bad Men
Ten years after a scandal over neo-Nazis in the armed forces, extremists are once again worming their way into a recruit-starved military.
by David Holthouse
July 7, 2006

Before the U.S. military made Matt Buschbacher a Navy SEAL, he made himself a soldier of the Fourth Reich.

Before Forrest Fogarty attended Military Police counter-insurgency training school, he attended Nazi skinhead festivals as lead singer for the hate rock band Attack.

And before Army engineer Jon Fain joined the invasion of Iraq to fight the War on Terror, the neo-Nazi National Alliance member fantasized about fighting a war on Jews.

"Ever since my youth -- when I watched WWII footage and saw how well-disciplined and sharply dressed the German forces were -- I have wanted to be a soldier," Fain said in a Winter 2004 interview with the National Alliance magazine Resistance. "Joining the American military was as close as I could get."

Ten years after Pentagon leaders toughened policies on extremist activities by active duty personnel -- a move that came in the wake of the Oklahoma City bombing by decorated Gulf War combat veteran Timothy McVeigh and the murder of a black couple by members of a skinhead gang in the elite 82nd Airborne Division -- large numbers of neo-Nazis and skinhead extremists continue to infiltrate the ranks of the world's best-trained, best-equipped fighting force. Military recruiters and base commanders, under intense pressure from the war in Iraq to fill the ranks, often look the other way.

Neo-Nazis "stretch across all branches of service, they are linking up across the branches once they're inside, and they are hard-core," Department of Defense gang detective Scott Barfield told the Intelligence Report. "We've got Aryan Nations graffiti in Baghdad," he added. "That's a problem."

American Intrapolitics: I think this is worth spending a little time on

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on July 7, 2006 - 8:16am.

Racist extremists active in U.S. military
SPLC urges Rumsfeld to adopt zero-tolerance policy
July 7, 2006

Under pressure to meet wartime manpower goals, the U.S. military has relaxed standards designed to weed out racist extremists. Large numbers of potentially violent neo-Nazis, skinheads and other white supremacists are now learning the art of warfare in the armed forces.

Department of Defense investigators estimate thousands of soldiers in the Army alone are involved in extremist or gang activity. "We've got Aryan Nations graffiti in Baghdad," said one investigator. "That's a problem."

Southern Poverty Law Center President Richard Cohen urged Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to adopt a zero-tolerance policy regarding racist extremism among members of the U.S. military.

It's cheaper than buying their own gear and playing war games in the woods

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on July 7, 2006 - 8:04am.
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The report said that neo-Nazi groups like the National Alliance, whose founder, William Pierce, wrote "The Turner Diaries," the novel that was the inspiration and blueprint for Timothy J. McVeigh's bombing of the Oklahoma City federal building, sought to enroll followers in the Army to get training for a race war.

The groups are being abetted, the report said, by pressure on recruiters, particularly for the Army, to meet quotas that are more difficult to reach because of the growing unpopularity of the war in Iraq.

The report quotes Scott Barfield, a Defense Department investigator, saying, "Recruiters are knowingly allowing neo-Nazis and white supremacists to join the armed forces, and commanders don't remove them from the military even after we positively identify them as extremists or gang members."

Hate Groups Are Infiltrating the Military, Group Asserts

A decade after the Pentagon declared a zero-tolerance policy for racist hate groups, recruiting shortfalls caused by the war in Iraq have allowed "large numbers of neo-Nazis and skinhead extremists" to infiltrate the military, according to a watchdog organization.

The Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks racist and right-wing militia groups, estimated that the numbers could run into the thousands, citing interviews with Defense Department investigators and reports and postings on racist Web sites and magazines.

Hey Dubya, did you see THAT in Pooty-Poot's soul?

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on July 7, 2006 - 7:10am.
Putin then lifted the boy's shirt and kissed him on his stomach. The Russian president then patted the boy on the head and walked off through a crowd of astonished tourists.
..."I tell you honestly, I just wanted to touch him like a kitten and that desire of mine ended in that act."

Putin kissed boy 'like a kitten'

MOSCOW, Russia (Reuters) -- Vladimir Putin's decision to stop a small boy as he walked through the Kremlin and kiss his stomach was prompted by a desire to "touch him like a kitten," the Russian president said on Thursday.

The five-year-old boy, identified as Nikita Konkin by the press, was clearly stunned by the kiss and speculation over Putin's motivation has run wild in the week since it happened.


Submitted by Prometheus 6 on July 6, 2006 - 10:06pm.
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from We need leaders, not managers

For the record, I agree with the title for the most part. The idea that there are a limited number of plot lines in politics rings true, though this is the first time I'm considering it. Digby goes on about it for a bit.

It's not that the Dems aren't trying. Our latest slogan is all Benevolent Community: Together, America Can Do Better. It's just that it sucks.

The leadership story today

What's the story that the new leaders will need to communicate? In broad outline, we know what it will be, both for Democrats and Republicans, since as Robert Reich has explained, there are only four stories in American politics:

Tome DeLay's selfishness may bite Republicans in the ass

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on July 6, 2006 - 7:47pm.

He should have stepped down sooner. Oh, well... 

Indicted DeLay must stay on November ballot: Court
Thu Jul 6, 2006 04:24 PM ET
By Erwin Seba

HOUSTON (Reuters) - Indicted former U.S. Rep. Tom DeLay must stay on the November congressional ballot despite withdrawing from the race, a federal court ruled on Thursday in a decision that could help Democrats win this key seat.

Texas Republicans quickly responded they would appeal the decision by the U.S. court in Austin, Texas, for the right to choose another Republican to run against Democrat Nick Lampson. The seat is crucial to Democratic hopes to pick up the 15 seats needed to regain control of the House of Representatives.

The Blackness Problem, Redux

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on July 6, 2006 - 5:51pm.

I was torn. Should this be the Quote of note:

Sure, everyone has ways of coping with other people's perceptions: Who acts the same at work as they do with their kids, or their high school friends?

But for black men, there's more at stake. If they don't carefully calculate how to handle everyday situations — in ways that usually go unnoticed — they can end up out of a job, in jail or dead.

"It's a stressful process," Borders says.

...or this?

"Most black men are able to shift from a sort of relaxed, authentically black pose into a respectable black man pose. Either they develop the dexterity to move back and forth or ultimately they flounder."

It's a lot like a game of chess, says 43-year-old Chester Williams, who owns Chester Electric in New Orleans. He has taught his three sons, ages 16, 14 and 11, to play.

"The rules of the game are universal: White moves first, then black moves," he said. "Black has to respond to the moves that the whites make. You take the advantage when it's available."

I couldn't decide.

Black men quietly combating stereotypes
By ERIN TEXEIRA, Associated Press Writer
Sat Jul 1, 5:43 PM ET

Keith Borders tries hard not to scare people.

He's 6-foot-7, a garrulous lawyer who talks with his hands.

And he's black.

Many people find him threatening. He works hard to prove otherwise.

"I have a very keen sense of my size and how I communicate," says Borders of Mason, Ohio. "I end up putting my hands in my pockets or behind me. I stand with my feet closer together. With my feet spread out, it looks like I'm taking a stance. And I use a softer voice."

Every day, African-American men consciously work to offset stereotypes about them — that they are dangerous, aggressive, angry. Some smile a lot, dress conservatively and speak with deference: "Yes, sir," or "No, ma'am." They are mindful of their bodies, careful not to dart into closing elevators or stand too close in grocery stores.

It's all about surviving, and trying to thrive, in a nation where biased views of black men stubbornly hang on decades after segregation and where statistics show a yawning gap between the lives of white men and black men.


Submitted by Prometheus 6 on July 6, 2006 - 4:53pm.

"The U.S. is characteristic of an abused nation in that, even decades after noisily pushing away from Britain, it still maintained close contact with the motherland, took care of it, even giving it financial aid—all the while fearing disapproval even though the parent country is now old, decrepit, and powerless," said Bauffman, a prominent contributor to the fourth edition of the Democratic Symptoms Of Maltreatment handbook, or DSM-IV...

Bauffman pointed to another telltale sign of abuse in the U.S.'s tendency to bully, torture, and persecute less powerful, vulnerable creatures, such as buffalo, passenger pigeons, forests, and Native Americans.

Although the American nation appeared to be on the road to recovery by the early 1990s, watershed events such as the open discussion of sexual issues, a protracted custody battle in the closing months of 2000, and a series of threats and physical attacks from enemy nations triggered centuries of repressed memories and set off a recurring pattern of violent outbursts and emotional volatility.

Report: U.S. May Have Been Abused During Formative Years
June 21, 2006 | Issue 42•25

WASHINGTON, DC—A team of leading historians and psychiatrists issued a report Wednesday claiming that the United States was likely the victim of abuse by its founding fathers and motherland when it was a young colony.

Georgia assumes its leadership position on civil rights

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on July 6, 2006 - 11:47am.
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A thing doesn't have to be tied to the Black Civil Rights Movement to be a civil rights issue.

Gay marriage ban upheld
State Supreme Court reinstates Constitutional amendment
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Published on: 07/06/06

Georgia's amendment banning gay marriage is constitutional, the state's highest court ruled Thursday.

The decision effectively reinstates the ban, which was thrown out by a lower court judge in May.

The state Supreme Court justices ruled that the amendment to the state constitution, approved by 76 percent of voters in November 2004, does not violate the single-subject rule by addressing other issues such as civil unions in addition to marriage.

What you don't see depends on where you refuse to look

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on July 6, 2006 - 10:19am.

This is not innocent. Prosecutors in general don't like this business of reviewing of old convictions. Too often it doesn't reflect well on them

The rape kit, it turned out, was in its original storage bin from 1984, Barrel No. 22, in the same police warehouse that the authorities said they had searched at least three times since Mr. Newton first asked in 1994.

New York Fails at Finding Evidence to Help the Wrongfully Convicted

Alan Newton, a former bank teller from the Bronx, is due to leave prison today after serving 22 years for a rape he did not commit — a victim first of mistaken identification, then of a housekeeping problem of epic scope.

If you can't tell Boeing isn't a small business...

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on July 6, 2006 - 10:11am.

[F]or years, government studies show, large corporations like GTSI, Boeing, General Dynamics and Northrop Grumman have been counted as small businesses either through legal loopholes, via acquisitions or simply by mistake...

"The S.B.A.'s handling of small business contracting is a mess," said Harry C. Alford, president and chief executive of the National Black Chamber of Commerce. "They know about this problem and yet it continues to happen. The agency is either unwilling or unable to deal with it."

Impersonators in the Land of Small Business

Don't even think about telling me I'm too sensitive

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on July 6, 2006 - 9:56am.

Go past blac(k)ademic and look at this ad.

I'll be writing a letter. You should too.

The real, educational, global climate change discussion

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on July 6, 2006 - 9:37am.

Scientific American is great. They do popularizations of science that are actually accurate...and their blog upholds that tradition.

Of course, something specific brought that on. The spur is a four part series titled "Are You a Global Warming Skeptic?" You can safely ignore the first two parts. The third and fourth parts are absolutely mandatory reading for anyone discussing the issue at all.

Privacy? What's that?

Submitted by Prometheus 6 on July 6, 2006 - 9:17am.

According to Michael Woods, chief of the FBI's national security law unit from 1999 to 2002, National Security Letters can be used to retrieve:

  • Internet and telephone data, including names, addresses, log-on times, toll records, e-mail addresses and service providers.
  • Financial records, including bank accounts and money transfers, provided the FBI says they are needed to "protect against international terrorism or clandestine intelligence activities."
  • Credit information, such as an individual's banks, loan companies, mortgage holders or other financial institutions.
  • Consumer, financial and foreign travel records held by "any commercial entity," if the investigation's target is an executive branch employee with a security clearance.

Only FBI agents can obtain phone, computer and financial records. Other federal agencies that gather intelligence on international terrorism can get consumer credit reports and credit agency data. They include the CIA, Defense Intelligence Agency and Transportation Security Administration.

With only a letter, FBI can gather private data
Updated 7/6/2006 12:04 AM ET
By Richard Willing, USA TODAY